
Joint evolution of dispersal propensity and site selection in structured metapopulation models. (English) Zbl 1397.92595

Summary: We propose a novel mathematical model for a metapopulation in which dispersal occurs on two levels: juvenile dispersal from the natal site is mandatory but it may take place either locally within the natal patch or globally between patches. Within each patch, individuals live in sites. Each site can be inhabited by at most one individual at a time and it may be of high or low quality. A disperser immigrates into a high-quality site whenever it obtains one, but it immigrates into a low-quality site only with a certain probability that depends on the time within the dispersal season. The vector of these low-quality-site-acceptance probabilities is the site-selection strategy of an individual. We derive a proxy for the invasion fitness in this model and study the joint evolution of long-distance-dispersal propensity and site-selection strategy. We focus on the way different ecological changes affect the evolutionary dynamics and study the interplay between global patch-to-patch dispersal and local site-selection. We show that ecological changes affect site-selection mainly via the severeness of competition for sites, which often leads to effects that may appear counterintuitive. Moreover, the metapopulation structure may result in extremely complex site-selection strategies and even in evolutionary cycles. The propensity for long-distance dispersal is mainly determined by the metapopulation-level ecological factors. It is, however, also strongly affected by the winter-survival of the site-holders within patches, which results in surprising non-monotonous effects in the evolution of site-selection due to interplay with long-distance dispersal. Altogether, our results give new additional support to the recent general conclusion that evolution of site-selection is often dominated by the indirect factors that take place via density-dependence, which means that evolutionary responses can rarely be predicted by intuition.


92D25 Population dynamics (general)
92D40 Ecology
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