
Two-fluid model with interface sharpening. (English) Zbl 1217.76057

Summary: Two-fluid models are applicable for simulations of all types of two-phase flows ranging from separated flows with large characteristic interfacial length scales to highly dispersed flows with very small characteristic interfacial length scales. The main drawback of the two-fluid model, when used for simulations of stratified flows, is the numerical diffusion of the interface. Stratified flows can be easily and more accurately solved with interface tracking methods; however, these methods are limited to the flows, that do not develop into dispersed types of flows. The present paper describes a new approach, where the advantage of the two-fluid model is combined with the conservative level set method for interface tracking. The advection step of the volume fraction transport equation is followed by the interface sharpening, which preserves the thickness of the interface during the simulation. The proposed two-fluid model with interface sharpening was found to be more accurate than the existing two-fluid models. The mixed flow with both: stratified and dispersed flow, is simulated with the coupled model in this paper. In the coupled model, the dispersed two-fluid model and two-fluid model with interface sharpening are used locally, depending on the parameter which recognizes the flow regime.


76M25 Other numerical methods (fluid mechanics) (MSC2010)
76E17 Interfacial stability and instability in hydrodynamic stability


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