

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

The Toong were a sentient species of bipeds with a unique appearance that were native to the planet Tund. They possessed long legs and arms, several skin colors, and a large head located where the torso would normally be in humanoids. One famous Toong was Ben Quadinaros, a podracer who participated in the Boonta Eve Classic.

Biology and appearance[]

The Toong were a sentient species of bipeds with a unique appearance that were native to the planet Tund.[4] Their natural habitat was forest or jungle.[5] They possessed long legs and arms, several skin colors, and a large head located where the torso would normally be in humanoids. Their faces featured a tiny upturned nose and orange eyes. Three antennae sprouted from the top of their skull.[1]

Society and culture[]

The Toong were known as an extremely timid race who preferred the company of their own families. Due to their nature, Toong avoided confrontations with the wider galaxy. Several Toong were able overcome their shyness and become racers.[4]

Toong in the galaxy[]

Several Toong were famous racers, including Lor Kelasakuroona, a Toong racer who participated in the forty-eighth annual Dragonfire Air Rally on Coruscant,[6] and Ben Quadinaros, a famous Toong male podracer, who claimed to have come from the mysterious Tund system.[1] During the Naboo Crisis, Quadinaros participated in the Boonta Eve Classic, though his podracer malfunctioned, and he never got past the starting line.[7] Despite his embarrassing loss, Quadinaros persisted in podracing and was billed as the racer Sebulba's arch-nemesis on the poster The Sport's Greatest Rivalry during the Clone Wars.[8]

Also during the Clone Wars, various Toong worked under a Trandoshan manager at a Pyke Syndicate spice shipping dock on Oba Diah. Rafa and Trace Martez attempted to trick the workers into loading their ship with spice by claiming they had a delivery order.[3]

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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

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