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This is the list of Professional Sports career opportunities.


TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
The Right Way to Riot
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 1
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "When to Rave and When to Riot" and go to work.

Rioting is an important part of being a true sports fan and your boss thinks it’s crucial for you to read "When to Rave and When to Riot." At the very least you'll learn some life lessons, not to mention the favor of your boss and an increased job performance.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Hawking the Foam Finger
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 2
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Making the Sale: From Hot Dogs to Foam Fingers" and go to work.

Selling food and merchandise throughout the stadium is no simple task. Your boss wants you to read "Making the Sale: From Hot Dogs to Foam Fingers" to complement your on-the-job training. Taking the time to read this book will build favor with your boss and increase your job performance.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Always the Difficult Ones
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 3
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Dealing with Difficult Players" and go to work.

Winning games can be consistently attributed to managing team drama. Your boss wants you to read "Dealing with Difficult Players" to provide some perspective on dealing with trouble makers, frequent free agents, and ball hogs. Doing so will improve your relationship with your boss and provide a boost to your job performance.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Kicking the Cramps
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 4
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Bus Cramps: A Cautionary Tale" and go to work.

Long road trips mean long hours sitting on the bus. Your boss thinks it'd behoove you to read "Bus Cramps: A Cautionary Tale." Read this book and it could improve relations with your boss and help your job performance.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Draft Dodger
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 5
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Getting Past the Draft" and go to work.

It's time to get drafted, but you don’t have any idea how to do it. Your boss recommends reading "Getting Past the Draft," which should increase your chances and job performance. It'll also build your relationship with your boss.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Brand Image
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 6
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Name Positioning: Starting Your Brand" and go to work.

You've developed a name on the field, but your boss thinks you can go even further. You've been asked to read "Name Positioning: Starting Your Brand" to jump start this transition. When completed, your relationship with your boss and job performance will improve.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
The Right Moves
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 7
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "It's More Than Good Moves" and go to work.

You've become an excellent player, but that's not enough. Your boss wants you to read "It's More Than Good Moves" so you can further improve. Your job performance will improve as a result, as well as your relationship with your boss.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
A Total Shoe-In
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 8
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Signing Better Shoe Deals" and go to work.

It's time to capitalize on your name! You’ve been asked to read "Signing Better Shoe Deals", because it's simply in your best interest. Your boss thinks the lessons learned from this book will improve your job performance, and therefore, your professional relationship.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Spiraling Out
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 9
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Avoiding the Downward Spiral" and go to work.

There's no reason your career needs to go down the long, unfortunate path of retirement. Your boss recommends you read "Avoiding the Downward Spiral" to pick up the right tips. Learning this will help your job performance and relationship with your boss. Can't say no to that!


TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
A Team Leader
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 8-10
  • Have a non-friend coworker
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Relationship with boss
  • +§5 Raise


Become friends with the target Sim and go to work.

You won't truly be a team leader if the team doesn't look to you as a trusted friend. Your boss wants you to meet with (Sim name) on your own time and become friends. Just in case adding an entry to your address book wasn't enough, your boss is dangling a raise in front of you.


TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Registering the Roster
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 1-3
  • City hall rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +15 Relationship with boss
  • +25 Job performance


"Deliver Forms" at the city hall between 9 AM and 5 PM.

The team needs you to drop off these roster registration forms at City Hall soon, or else the team could get in trouble for filing late. Go to City Hall to perform the delivery and you’ll win the favor of your boss, as well as a job performance increase.
TS3WA Icon Professional Sports career icon
French Appreciation
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 7-10
  • Stadium rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +§10 Raise
  • +10 Job performance


Bring a bottle of self-made nectar to work.

The Nectaries of Champ Les Sims are the place to see and be seen. Many a celebrity has made the trip there to show off their Nectar making skills. Your publicist says it's an excellent opportunity to increase your job performance and get a raise.

Visiting rabbit hole[]

TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Health and Wellness Seminar
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 3-7
  • City hall rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +25 Job performance

5 days

"Present Seminar" at the city hall between 7 PM and 10 PM on non-workdays, and go to work.

The local hospital wants you to speak about leading a healthy life through nutrition and exercise. All you need to do is go to City Hall and deliver the speech before the offer goes away. You will rise in the eyes of your superiors and increase your job performance.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Inter-office League
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 4-8
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • §350
  • +30 Relationship with coworkers

3 days

"Attend Event" at the stadium between 12 PM and 7 PM on non-workdays.

Your co-workers have organized a "casual," fun game to be held at the stadium on one of your off days. It's in your best interest to attend and give the game your all, because victory could mean a nice cash reward in addition to the joys of an intramural bonding experience. Work out and you'll earn that victory!
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Playbook Notes
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 4-8
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance


"Watch Scrimmage" at the stadium between 9 AM and 5 PM on non-workdays, and go to work.

The team thinks you can gain an advantage over the local rival team by watching them practice. Take some personal time to watch a scrimmage at the stadium and take notes on the plays the teams use. Your job performance will surely increase as a result.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Healthy Living
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 8-10
  • Hospital rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +§5 Raise

5 days

"Present Seminar" at the hospital between 7 PM and 10 PM on non-workdays, and go to work.

The Hospital wants you to lend your athletic and nutritional expertise by speaking at their Healthy Living class. Go to the Hospital to deliver the speech before the offer goes away, and your superiors will see that you get a raise.


TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Time To Get Pumped
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 3-9
  • Athletic skill level 5-9
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Relationship with boss
  • +25 Job performance


Gain a level in Athletic skill and go to work.

Your personal trainer and boss think you need to improve your athletic abilities by just a tad. Improve your athletic abilities to the next level and you'll win your boss' approval, as well as improved job performance.
TS3WA Icon Professional Sports career icon
The Focused Athlete
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 2-10
  • Stadium rabbit hole
  • Martial Arts skill level 0
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +§10 Raise
  • +10 Job performance
  • +10% Martial Arts skill


Travel to Shang Simla, gain a level in Martial Arts skill, and go to work.

Few athletes are as revered as the Martial Artist. If you learn this skill, your boss will surely reward your efforts with a raise.


TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Showing Off for the Scouts
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 5-9
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance

3 days

Play a game at the stadium and go to work.

Talent scouts will be scoping the field at the next game, so you should make every effort to play. Play in the next game, and your job performance will most certainly experience a healthy boost.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
The Big Game
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 5-10
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +25 Job performance

Lose the game

Win a game at the stadium and go to work.

Team morale is at an all time low and management is about to break into tears over half the team being on the disabled list. The next game needs to be a victory or else it could mean bad things for the health of the team. Win and you'll earn the respect of your boss and the team. Plus, you'll receive a nice job performance boost.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Welcome to the Dance
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 10
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • §600

Miss or lose the game

Win the next game at the stadium and go to work.

It's playoffs time! The next game will be the toughest you've played all season – it's do or die time and the strength of the team lies with you. Win, and you'll receive a hefty cash bonus. Lose, and nobody will remember your name.


TS3WA Icon Professional Sports career icon
Tomb Raiding Hero
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 5-10
  • Stadium rabbit hole
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +§10 Raise
  • +10 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with coworkers


Travel to Al Simhara, enter the Tomb of the Rock, and go to work.

The press loves to hear about bold and daring adventurers in foreign lands. Land yourself in the spotlight by traveling to Egypt and raiding a tomb or two.
TS3WA Icon Professional Sports career icon
The Whole Athlete
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 6-10
  • Stadium rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with coworkers
  • +§10 Raise


Travel to Shang Simla, visit a Chinese garden, and go to work.

A pilgrimage to a sedentary spot could bring greater inner peace and focus making you a more valuable Athlete. Visit a Scholar's Garden and spend some time taking in the air. Your co-workers will be impressed with the new you.
TS3WA Icon Professional Sports career icon
The Grand Tour
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 9-10
  • Stadium rabbit hole
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +§20 Raise


Travel to Al Simhara, Shang Simla, and Champs Les Sims in that order, and go to work.



TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Stadium Cleanup
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 1-4
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +15 Relationship with coworkers


Work overtime.

The rival team just came to town, and as usual, the visiting fans left our stadium in absolute disorder. The owner insists the stadium be cleaned by tomorrow and your co-workers are pleading for you to stay late to help out. You’ll earn real points for sticking around to help.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Ticket Counting
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 1-7
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +15 Relationship with coworkers


Work overtime.

The stadium sold a record number of tickets at the last game. The problem is that the owner wants those tickets counted in time to make the evening news. Your co-workers want you to stay late to assist in the counting process. You’ll surely gain favor for helping out... assuming you can handle the extra hours.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Spreading the Fitness
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Professional Sports career level 7-10
  • Athletic skill level 5
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • §650


Train the target Sim for 3 hours and go to work.

Your boss thinks recruitment potential will increase if more community members are athletically inclined. You've been asked to train (Sim name) for 3 Hours. In return, you'll receive a job performance increase.
TS3 Icon Professional Sports career icon
Sports Highlights
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout



  • +25 Job performance


Watch the sports channel on TV for 3 hours and go to work.

You have been tasked with watching sports highlights on the sports network after hours. Your boss thinks 3 Hours – not necessarily at once – will be sufficient to really fill your mind with useful statistics, great plays, and team strategies. Report back to work after doing this and your job performance will improve.
Notes: This opportunity only exists in the game files.