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This is the list of film career opportunities.


TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Background Acting
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 1
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "How to Get Noticed by Not Being Seen" and go to work.

The key to being an extra is to not take the spotlight from the...ahem...real stars. Your boss recommends reading "How to Get Noticed by Not Being Seen" to pick on some tips on how to blend into the backdrop better.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Best of the Best
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 2
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Film's Most Mysterious Crew Member" and go to work.

The Best Boy… what does that crew member do? Seriously, does anybody know? Your boss wants you to read “Film’s Most Mysterious Crew Members” and report back with the answer.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
A Gripping Read
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 3
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "The Key to Being a Key Grip" and go to work.

Now that you're the Key Grip, you'll be in charge of...all the other grips. Your boss wants you to brush up by reading "The Key to Being a Key Grip." Finish the book to get a better grip on the situation!
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Keeping the Talent Happy
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 4
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Dealing With Divas" and go to work.

Being a personal assistant is a thankless job, but keeping the talent happy is essential. Your boss thinks you can learn to keep up with the endless stream of demands if you read "Dealing With Divas." Finish the book to improve your celebrity flattering skills.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Assistant to the Production
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 5
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "What To Do When Your Set Catches Fire" and go to work.

A Production Assistant has to make sure that the set runs perfectly, even under the craziest circumstances. Your boss wants you to read "What To Do When Your Set Catches Fire" to brush up on the fundamentals.

Acting branch[]

TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Learning the Lines
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 6-8 (acting branch)
  • Repeatable
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read the script and go to work.

One of the keys to being a great actor / actress is memorizing the script, front to back. You've read your lines at work, but it might help your performance if you take it home and give it a good, solid read. Your boss would also be impressed by your dedication.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Starting Out
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 6 (acting branch)
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Looking Into the Camera: Don't Do It" and go to work.

You may finally be a real actor now, but you'll have to work hard to make it in the industry. Your boss thinks that reading "Looking Into the Camera: Don't Do It" will help improve your performance.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Supporting Performance
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 8 (acting branch)
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "How to Steal Scenes from the Lead Without Even Trying" and go to work.

Now that you're a supporting actor / actress, you'll need to learn how to pull your weight and carry a scene. Your boss wants you to read "How to Steal Scenes from the Lead Without Even Trying" and return to work.

Directing branch[]

TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Scene by Scene
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 6-8 (directing branch)
  • Repeatable
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read the script and go to work.

Every great director needs to know their script like the back of their hand. You've breezed over your current script, but it would help the rest of the shoot if you brought it home and gave it a thorough reading. The studio would definitely be impressed with your dedication as a director.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Storyboards by the Book
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 6 (directing branch)
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Panel by Panel: The Art of Storyboarding" and go to work.

A storyboard artist needs to be able to translate the director's vision onto paper. This is no small task, especially when you are dealing with a self-proclaimed "visionary." Your boss thinks that reading "Panel by Panel: The Art of Storyboarding" will really help you out.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Reading, Then Writing
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 8 (directing branch)
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Fade to Black and Other Overused Devices" and go to work.

Being a script writer is a challenging job that requires creativity and dedication. Your boss thinks that your scripts might be improved by reading "Fade to Black and Other Overused Devices."

Visiting rabbit hole[]

TS3LN Icon Film career icon
State of the City
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 2-5
  • City hall rabbit hole
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance
  • §350


"Film Address" at the city hall between 9 AM and 5 PM.

The mayor is getting ready to present the State of the City address and wants to make sure it goes off without a hitch. Being a successful filmmaker, you've been asked to run the production down at City Hall. Head down there and make sure the mayor's address is perfect.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Emergency Interviewer
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 2-5
  • Office building rabbit hole
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance
  • §300


"Film Interview" at the office building between 9 AM and 5 PM.

Office Building has called you in quite a bind. They need to film an exclusive interview with a local celebrity, but their cameraman quit at the last minute to join a performance art troupe. Head over to Office Building and help them film the broadcast!
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Uncle Sim Wants YOU
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 5-10 (directing branch)
  • Military base rabbit hole
  • Once per sim
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance
  • §500


"Direct Commercial" at the military base between 9 AM and 5 PM.

Your directorial skills are starting to be recognized around town! Military Base has contacted you to direct their newest military recruitment video. Head over to Military Base and shoot the commercial.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Teaching the Kids
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 8-10 (acting branch)
  • School rabbit hole
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance
  • §250


"Teach Acting Class" at school between 9 AM and 5 PM.

School called asking for your help. Apparently, the regular acting teacher, Carlos Feathers, called in sick, and they need a temporary replacement. They'd like you to come by and teach the acting class.


TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Set Clean Up
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 1-5
  • Repeatable
  • Received from work
  • +15 Job performance


Work overtime.

Looks like the epic pie-fight scene they just filmed made a huge mess of the set. Your boss has asked you to stick around tonight and help clean up. The crew would definitely be impressed if you were willing to stay late.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Late Shoot
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 6-9
  • Repeatable
  • Received from work
  • +15 Job performance


Work overtime.

The studio brass is upset that your current production is running really far behind. They would greatly appreciate it if you could stay late tonight and finish a few scenes. Your boss will certainly notice the extra effort!
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
Celebrity Cameo
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 3-6
  • Have a non-friend celebrity
  • Repeatable
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


"Convince" the target Sim and go to work.

The director of your current project wants local celebrity (Target Sim name) to do a cameo in the film, preferably in the most embarrassing scene possible. It's going to be a tough sell, so your boss wants you to find (Target Sim name) and convince him / her to do the scene.
TS3LN Icon Film career icon
More Exposure
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Film career level 3-8
  • Celebrity level 0-3
  • Repeatable
  • Received from work
  • +25 Job performance


Gain a celebrity level and go to work.

You can work all the late hours you want, but you'll never get anywhere in the film industry unless you get yourself known around town. Your boss suggests that you get some more public exposure by going out on the town and gaining a celebrity level.