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This is the list of Criminal career opportunities.


TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Welcome to the Family
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 1
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Dos and Don'ts of the Dons" and go to work.

As the newest member of this criminal organization, you have been tasked with reading "Dos and Don'ts of the Dons," a helpful guide to keep you from offending the wrong man or woman. By finishing the book, you will personally guarantee an increase in your job performance and improve your relationship with the Leader.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Wallets Up for Grabs
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 2
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Adapting to the Wallet Environment" and go to work.

The next phase of your development promises to be tricky and challenging. As such, it has been decided you should read "Adapting to the Wallet Environment." Start reading, and job performance and friendship will be yours.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 3
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +15 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "From Goon To Made Man: Thuggery Evolved" and go to work.

Next up on your crime-filled literary journey is the book "From Goon To Made Man: Thuggery Evolved." There are great lessons to be learned. Plus, it never hurts that you'll win favor with The Leader and an increase in job performance.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Payment Options
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 4
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Read "Make 'em Pay" and go to work.

You know what you need to read now? "Make 'em Pay." You better make 'em, else they'll walk all over you. Don't just stand here, get on it! Doing so will earn you a nice job performance boost and a better relationship with the one in charge. Get payment, receive payment!
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Labeling Things
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 5
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Losing the Huckster Label" and go to work.

You don't want certain names and labels circulating about your person. It's probably best then, that you read "Losing the Huckster Label," at the behest of The Leader. Doing so in a timely fashion will earn you the respect of The Leader, plus a job performance increase.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Presenting a Portfolio to Clients
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 6
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Snake Oil and Other Sound Investments" and go to work.

As a con-artist, it's important that you present your clients with a wide variety of poor, money making choices. "Snake Oil and Other Sound Investment Strategies" is a book that will get you started in the right direction. Read it, and you'll earn the respect of your Leader and a job performance increase.

Evil branch[]

TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Evil branch) level 8
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Making Yourself Indispensable" and go to work.

Most can be immediately replaced in a criminal organization, especially for the right fee. The Leader doesn't want to see this happen to you, so it has been suggested that you read "Making Yourself Indispensable." Do this, and The Leader will make sure a good word is put in to increase your job performance. It never hurts to abide the Leader’s wishes.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
The Coup
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Evil branch) level 9
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Hostile Takeover: When to Make the Move" and go to work.

For some odd reason, The Leader wants you to read "Hostile Takeover: When to Make the Move." Perhaps the way of things is just understood by all? You'll receive a job performance and relationship increase when you finish the book.

Thief branch[]

TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Oh, It's Advanced Alright
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Thief branch) level 8
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "Advanced Combinatorials" and go to work.

It shouldn't take long for you to realize that you should read "Advanced Combinatorials." Not only is it recommended by The Leader... well, that's pretty much a good enough reason. Finish reading the book and you'll develop a better relationship with The Leader and a job performance increase.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Nimble Like a Cat
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Thief branch) level 9
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss


Read "The Mythical Hot Tin Roof" and go to work.

As an employee that is frequently found on rooftops – for no particular reason of course – The Leader thinks it is most useful for you to read "The Mythical Hot Tin Roof." Regardless of what you may or may not learn, you will most definitely earn favor with The Leader, as well as a job performance increase.


TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Criminals, Partners, Friends
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 3-8
  • Have a non-friend coworker
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +25 Relationship with boss


Become friends with the target Sim and go to work.

Seeing as how you and (Sim name) will be working together soon, The Leader thinks it'd be beneficial for the two of you to become friends. Meet with (Sim name) on your own time and develop this relationship. Take care of this for us, and The Leader will repay you with gratitude and a reasonable job performance increase.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Friends for Life
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 3-8
  • Have a stranger
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +25 Relationship with boss
  • +25 Job performance


Become friends with the target Sim and go to work.

The Leader needs to know some things about (Sim name)... for no particular reason. Meet up with (Sim name) and become Friends, then report back to the leader with the intelligence you gathered. By doing this you'll earn precious favor with The Leader, as well as a job performance increase.

Evil branch[]

TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Shouting Contest
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Evil branch) level 7-9
  • Have a stranger
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • §1,500
  • +25 Job performance


Become enemies with the target Sim and go to work.

The Leader needs you to make a Sim by the name of (Sim name) a little uneasy. Get on this Sim's bad side and you'll satisfy The Leader. And just so you know, satisfaction guarantees cash and a job performance increase for you.


TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
A Package for You
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 1-6
  • City hall rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • §250


Deliver package to the city hall between 7 AM and 9 PM.

The Leader needs you to deliver this package to the (City hall name) immediately. Avoid the main streets, watch out for the police, and under NO circumstances drop it or give it to anyone else. There's a cash reward with your name on it if you don't mess this up.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Simoleons Under the Table
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 3-7
  • City hall rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +20 Job performance
  • +20 Relationship with boss

Next work shift

Deliver dossier to the city hall between 7 AM and 11 PM.

The usual courier is sick, so we need you to take this "gift" to City Hall quickly. Major heists are planned and we need the officials to be... persuaded to look elsewhere. Once you take care of this, The Leader will take care of you with gratitude and a job performance increase.
TS3WA Icon Criminal career icon
Egyptian Delivery
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 2-8
  • Abandoned warehouse rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +§10 Raise
  • +10 Job performance


Travel to Al Simhara, deliver package to the target Sim, and go to work.

You've found yourself in the middle of a international smuggling ring. Travel to Al Simhara and deliver a secret package to a local contact. Your job performance depends on this and there'll be a nice raise once you complete the delivery.
TS3WA Icon Criminal career icon
French Delivery
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 2-8
  • Abandoned warehouse rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +§10 Raise
  • +10 Job performance


Travel to Champs Les Sims, deliver package to the target Sim, and go to work.

You've been given a thin paper package to deliver to a contact in Champs Les Sims, France. You suspect that it contains the names of all the major crime bosses on the continent. Pass on this crucial document and report back to work to receive a raise.
TS3WA Icon Criminal career icon
Chinese Delivery
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 2-8
  • Abandoned warehouse rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +§10 Raise
  • +10 Job performance


Travel to Shang Simla, deliver package to the target Sim, and go to work.

You have the honor of being a guest runner for the Al-Shang-Sim criminal network. There's a heavy item in your inventory for delivery to a local contact in Shang Simla. Complete the delivery and report back to work to increase your job performance and earn a raise.

Visiting rabbit hole[]

TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Extra Muscle
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 1-3
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • §350

Next work shift

"Assist Heist" at the science lab and go to work.

The gang is currently working a job at the (Science lab name), but they could use a little extra help. Hurry to the (Science lab name) and provide assistance. There's a cash bonus in it for you, but only if you hurry!
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Tools of the Trade
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout



  • +Raise
  • +Relationship with coworkers


"Pick Up Tools" at a rabbit hole and go to work.

The organization ordered some... tools... that were unfortunately delivered to the (Rabbit hole name). Go to the (Rabbit hole name), pick up the tools, then bring them back to work with you. The Leader will reward you with a raise and relationship increase.
Notes: This opportunity exists in the game strings and listed in the opportunity names, but does not have any setup in the game files.

Evil branch[]

TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Bouncer Duty
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Evil branch) level 7-9
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • §1,500
  • +25 Relationship with coworkers
  • +25 Relationship with coworkers


"Bounce Competition" at the theater, and go to work.

Your skills are needed at the (Theater name) to regulate the crowds at the International Organization of Criminals Dance Competition. You'll need to tweak your athletic skills a bit before working, not to mention get your mood to a high, happy place. Cash and the respect of your accomplices are on the line.
Notes: The base chance of winning the opportunity is 50%, modified by up to +25% at level 10 Athletic skill, and +15% at maximum mood.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
The Most Evilest Plan
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Evil branch) level 10
  • Military base rabbit hole
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • §4,000
  • +30 Relationship with coworkers
  • +§10 Raise
  • §1,000
  • +15 Relationship with coworkers

3 days

"Execute Evil Plan" at the military base between 7 PM and 12 AM.

After weeks of planning, waiting, and plotting, The Organization is ready to follow you in an incredibly diabolical plan! You must move in on the Military Base to take control of the satellites, space system, and air force—but you must move quickly! Your athleticism must be sharpened to a fine degree, your accomplices behind you every step of the way, and your attitude bold and inspiring. To the Military Base!
Notes: The base chance of winning the opportunity is 25%, modified by up to +25% at level 10 Athletic skill, +30% at maximum mood, and +15% at maximum average relationships with coworkers.

Thief branch[]

TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Thief Like There's No Tomorrow
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Thief branch) level 7-9
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • §2,000
  • +25 Relationship with coworkers
  • +25 Relationship with coworkers


"Attend Competition" at the military base and go to work.

There is going to be a competition among thieves at the (Military base name). The winner will be determined by athleticism and enthusiasm. The winner will not only be able to say they are the thief du jour, but will walk away with cash in hand and the respect of their team members.
Notes: The base chance of winning the opportunity is 50%, modified by up to +25% at level 10 Athletic skill, and +15% at maximum mood.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Case the Joint
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Thief branch) level 7-10
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • §1,000
  • +25 Job performance

3 days

"Case Joint" at the science lab between 10 PM and 12 AM and go to work.

The Organization is planning a job on the (Science lab name). But first, they need you to case the joint. Go to the (Science lab name) to look around a bit. Keep an eye open for good entry points, getaway routes, security guards, and the location of cameras. The Leader will provide you with a job performance increase when all of this is finished.
TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Grabbing the Llama
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career (Thief branch) level 10
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • §4,000
  • +30 Relationship with coworkers
  • +§20 Raise
  • §1,000
  • +15

Next work shift

"Steal Llama" at the city hall between 11 PM and 3 AM.

This is it. One of the Golden Llamas is on display at City Hall. It is priceless, and is worth more than anything you have ever stolen. Every square inch of the site will be covered by guards, guard dogs, lasers, spies, counterspies, and worst of all, insurance company representatives. Refine your athletic abilities, make sure your accomplices are a close-knit team, and get the right attitude. Success means riches. Failure... well, it's best not to think about it!
Notes: The base chance of winning the opportunity is 25%, modified by up to +25% at level 10 Athletic skill, +15% at maximum mood, and +30% at maximum average relationships with coworkers.


TS3WA Icon Criminal career icon
A Better Criminal
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 3-10
  • Martial Arts skill level 0
  • Once per Sim
  • Received at work
  • +§10 Raise
  • +20 Job performance


Gain 5 levels in Martial Arts skill and go to work.

It has been suggested that acquiring the Martial Arts skill will significantly propel your career forward, as it has done for so many infamous criminals before you. This could be a great opportunity to spend some time in Shang Simla training to become an accomplished Martial Artist while earning a raise!


TS3 Icon Criminal career icon
Counting the Loot
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Criminal career level 1-8
  • Repeatable
  • Received at work
  • +20 Relationship with coworkers


Work overtime.

The gang returned from the heist successfully. However, the pile of loot is immense and there aren't enough gangsters to count it for the Leader. You have been asked, ever so politely, to stay late to assist in the loot counting. The gang will appreciate your efforts. Do you dare refuse?