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This is the list of occult special opportunities. These opportunities are not specific, and they are generally related to various life states in The Sims 3. Like most other special opportunities, different opportunities have a different way to obtain.


Sims may randomly receive this opportunity if they had a high relationship with a dead Sim.

TS3 Icon W ghost
Oh My Ghost!
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Science lab rabbit hole
  • Household is not full
  • Have a 50+ relationship with a non-playable ghost
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from phone (75)
  • Ghost must not die from old age (see notes)
  • Ability to restore ghost at the science lab for a fee


Bring a ghost's urn to the science lab and restore the ghost.

The local science lab is conducting super secret experiments involving the Automagic Ghost-O-Tron 1220-DR previously rumored to be "under construction." If you're interested in a glimpse of the after-life, bring the remains of a loved one to the lab for some "tests."
Notes: This opportunity allows the players to move a non-playable ghost in to the household, making them selectable. Afterwards, the players are able to resurrect them by feeding them with Ambrosia.

Sims can take a non-household ghost's tombstone if they have 50 relationship or higher. After completing this opportunity, the Sim can restore any ghosts for §5,000, providing they have the urn in their inventory. Note that only the Sim who has completed this opportunity has this ability, not the entire household.

Sims that died from old age aren't strictly unrestorable. If the Sim dies from old age as a cause from age transition (such as birthday cake), they cannot be restored. However, Sims who are ghosts of old age from start (such as premade ghosts of old age or ghosts created from CAS) theoretically should be able to be restored.[confirmation needed] Pets who died of old age can be restored with no hassle.

Imaginary friend[]

As Sims become best friends with their imaginary friend, some time afterward the player will be prompted the opportunity to turn them into a real Sim.

TS3G Icon W talk about i friend
When Dreams Come True
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Science lab rabbit hole
  • Best friend with imaginary friend
  • Once per Sim
  • Prompted automatically by the game
  • Imaginary friend metamorphium potion


Deliver a piece of rainbow gem to the science lab, then purchase imaginary friend metamorphium for §4,500 at the science lab.

We here at your local science lab have taken notice of (Sim name)'s tendencies to interact with an invisible being. Our readings have confirmed a unique energy source that we would like to bring to life. We need (Sim name) to send a Rainbow Gem to (rabbit hole name) so we can concoct a potion.
Notes: This is a 2-part opportunity chain. Sims will receive it some time after they are eligible. The option to purchase imaginary friend metamorphium is only available after completing the first part (delivering the rainbow gem).

The imaginary friend metamorphium can be used to turn imaginary friend into a real Sim.


As Sims become good friends with a bound genie, they can make wish to free the genie. Only teens and older and plumbot with sentience trait chip can make this wish.

TS3ST Icon W clean dusty lamp
Free the Genie
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout


  • Received from making a wish to free the genie


Freeze the genie lamp in the fridge.

The genie cannot break the chains of the lamp alone! You must destroy the lamp together, but it will not be an easy process. To weaken the lamp, first you must freeze it in the breath of coldest winter!
TS3ST Icon W clean dusty lamp
Free the Genie (part 2)
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Received from making a wish to free the genie


Heat the genie lamp in the stove.

The genie cannot break the chains of the lamp alone! The lamp is weaker now, but still cannot be overcome. Next, you must burn the lamp in the heat of a thousand fires!
TS3ST Icon W clean dusty lamp
Free the Genie (part 3)
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Received from making a wish to free the genie


Explore catacombs at the mausoleum with the genie lamp.

The genie cannot break the chains of the lamp alone! The lamp is weaker now, but still its hold still will not break. Your final task is to plunge the lamp into the darkness below the earth, where the walking dead lurk!
TS3ST Icon W clean dusty lamp
Free the Genie (part 4)
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Received from making a wish to free the genie
  • Ability to free the genie


Summon to free the genie.

Your perseverance has paid off. The bonds are weak! Act now to set your friend free!


When Sims search for fairy at the arboretum, there's a 4% chance they will receive an opportunity to become a fairy, providing they're not a ghost, a plumbot, or a fairy already.

TS3SN Icon Fairy
Becoming a Fairy
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from searching for fairy at the arboretum


Deliver a piece of bloodstone, moonstone, sunstone, and yellow sapphire each to the arboretum.

Not everyone has the opportunity to become a fairy, but for a lucky few it's the chance of a lifetime!
TS3SN Icon Fairy
Becoming a Fairy (part 2)
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Having completed Becoming a Fairy opportunity
  • Arboretum rabbit hole
  • Sim is not a fairy
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from searching for fairy at the arboretum


Deliver a nice-quality beeswax, spotlight mushroom, glow orbs, and ghost chili each to the arboretum.

Just a small taste of being a fairy was quite thrilling for your Sim. The first step was a small one, but the next step in becoming a fairy won't be so easy!
TS3SN Icon Fairy
Becoming a Fairy (part 3)
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from searching for fairy at the arboretum


Deliver a piece of iron, silver, gold, and palladium each to the arboretum.

If Pollen Punch is any indication, it's totally gonna be worth it to take the next step in becoming a fairy!
TS3SN Icon Fairy
Becoming a Fairy (part 4)
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Once per Sim
  • Received from searching for fairy at the arboretum
  • Becomes a fairy


Deliver a moth, monarch butterfly, zephyr metalmark butterfly, and red admiral butterfly each to the arboretum.

This is it! Your Sim is so close to becoming a fairy they can feel the pixie dust on their fingers!

Forsake occult[]

In The Sims 3: Supernatural, Sims can ask their romantic partner to forsake their occult state, providing they're living in the active household. Upon completing the opportunity, the Sim will lose its occult status and become a normal Sim.

TS3SN Icon W forsake vampire
Forsake My Vampire Guile
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Arboretum rabbit hole
  • Sim is a vampire
  • Received after being asked to forsake vampire
  • Removes "Conflicted" moodlet
  • Removes vampire life state


"Forsake Vampire" at the arboretum.

If true love was meant to be, then losing your Sim's vampiric powers is in their destiny. It also means no more need for Vampiric Sunscreen!
Notes: Upon accepting the opportunity, Sims will receive "Conflicted" moodlet.
TS3SN Icon W forsake werewolf
Forsake My Werewolf Powers
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Arboretum rabbit hole
  • Sim is a werewolf
  • Received after being asked to forsake werewolf
  • Removes "Conflicted" moodlet
  • Removes werewolf life state


"Forsake Werewolf" at the arboretum.

Your Sim has a decision to make: lose the fur and become a human or keep the beast within. The choice won't be easy but true love's destiny will show the way.
Notes: Upon accepting the opportunity, Sims will receive "Conflicted" moodlet.
TS3SN Icon W forsake witch
Forsake My Witchitude
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Arboretum rabbit hole
  • Sim is a witch
  • Received after being asked to forsake witch
  • Removes "Conflicted" moodlet
  • Removes witch life state


"Forsake Witchitude" at the arboretum.

In the name of love, your Sim can lose their witchy ways and fancy spells to become a normal every day human Sim.
Notes: Upon accepting the opportunity, Sims will receive "Conflicted" moodlet.
TS3SN Icon W forsake fairy
Forsake My Fairy Charms
Requirements Availability Rewards Timeout
  • Arboretum rabbit hole
  • Sim is a fairy
  • Received after being asked to forsake fairy
  • Removes "Conflicted" moodlet
  • Removes fairy life state


"Forsake the Fae" at the arboretum.

Some will do anything for love, even if it means giving up being a fairy for your loved one.
Notes: Upon accepting the opportunity, Sims will receive "Conflicted" moodlet.