Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The former Enterprise crew return home from The Mirror Universe Saga (Part 8 of 8).


A Starfleet armada has massed, with at least four Enterprise-class refit Constitution-class and at least three Miranda-class vessels, ready to repel invaders from the mirror universe. A spatial anomaly is open nearby, as Captain Styles, from the flagship USS Christopher Pike, feeds his voice to other vessels' speakers ordering the fleet to remain at yellow alert. Styles's science officer, Morrison, reports sensor contact with a vessel traveling into our universe via the anomaly. Styles orders a female bridge officer to raise deflectors and prepare the warp drive.

After a brief countdown, the anomaly reveals the USS Excelsior, with Admiral Kirk's Klingon bird-of-prey docked to the underside.



William Bearclaw • Brinks • Nancy Bryce • Carmichael • Pavel Chekov • Crandalx • Lyndra Dean • Dennison • Garrett • Harper • James T. Kirk • Konom • Carol Marcus • Leonard McCoy • Morrison • Harry Morrow • Saavik • Montgomery Scott • Elizabeth Sherwood • Spock • Styles • Hikaru Sulu • T'Larrg • Stephen Turner • Uhura • unnamed USS Christopher Pike personnel

Starships and vehicles[]

HMS Bounty (B'rel-class bird-of-prey) • USS Christopher Pike (Enterprise-subclass refit Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • USS Excelsior (Excelsior-class exploratory cruiser) • USS Lexington (Enterprise-subclass refit Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • NCC-1335 • NCC-2071 • USS Surak (Oberth-class science vessel) • unnamed Miranda-class starships (Miranda-class cruisers)
Referenced only
ISS Enterprise (Enterprise-subclass refit Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • USS Enterprise (Enterprise-subclass refit Constitution-class heavy cruiser)


Earth • mirror universe • San Francisco • Spacedock • Starbase 13 • Ylos

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Human • Klingon • Vulcan • Ylos native • unnamed races and cultures

States and organizations[]

Proxima News Service • Starfleet • Starfleet Engineering Corps • Starfleet Press Bureau • United Federation of Planets

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • ambassador • captain • commander • commander, Starfleet • commanding officer • commodore • communications officer • doctor • ensign • executive officer • grand admiral • helmsman • lieutenant • lieutenant junior grade • navigator • officer • science officer • security officer • rear admiral

Science and technology[]

deflector • flagship • sensor • spatial anomaly • starbase • starship • universe • warp drive

Other references[]

bridge • journalism • science • yellow alert





Stories featuring the mirror universe
Enterprise episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly" • prose: Age of the Empress • "Nobunaga"
Discovery episodes: "Into the Forest I Go" • "Despite Yourself" • "The Wolf Inside" • "Vaulting Ambition" • "What's Past Is Prologue" • "Terra Firma" • comics: Succession ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 3" • "Issue 4")
The Original Series episode: "Mirror, Mirror" • comics: Hell's Mirror • The Mirror Universe Saga ("... Promises to Keep" • "Double Image" • "Deadly Reflection!" • "The Tantalus Trap!" • "Masquerade!" • "Behind Enemy Lines!" • "The Beginning of the End..." • "Homecoming...") • Fragile Glass • Mirror Images ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 4" • "Issue 5") • "The Mirror, Cracked • prose: Voyage to Adventure • Spectre • Dark Victory • Preserver • The Sorrows of Empire • "Ill Winds" • "The Greater Good" • games: The Adventure Game • Shattered Universe
Kelvin timeline comics: Mirrored ("Part 1" • "Part 2") • "Parallel Lives, Part 2" • Live Evil ("Part 1" • "Part 2" • "Part 3")
The Next Generation comics: "Mirror Images, Issue 3" • Mirror Universe Collection (TNG - Mirror Broken comics: "Origin of Data", "Prelude", "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5" • TNG - Through the Mirror comics: "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5" TNG - Ripe for Plunder comics: "Chapter One", "Chapter Two", "Chapter Three", "Chapter Four", "Chapter Five" • TNG - Terra Incognita comics: "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5", "Issue 6") • ST: The Mirror War: "Issue 0", "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Geordi", "Issue 5", "Issue 6", "Issue 7", "Issue 8" • ST: Warriors of the Mirror War: "Data", "Geordi", "Sisko", "Troi" • prose: Dark Mirror • Three • The Worst of Both Worlds • "The Traitor" • "The Sacred Chalice" • "For Want of a Nail" • Rise Like Lions
Deep Space Nine episodes: "Crossover" • "Through the Looking Glass" • "Shattered Mirror" • "Resurrection" • "The Emperor's New Cloak" • comic: "Enemies & Allies" • prose: Dark Passions • Warpath • Saturn's Children • Fearful Symmetry • "A Terrible Beauty" • The Soul Key • "Freedom Angst" • Disavowed
Voyager prose: The Mirror-Scaled Serpent • "Bitter Fruit" • comic: "Mirrors & Smoke"
New Frontier comics: Turnaround ("Part I" • "Part II" • "Part III" • "Part IV" • "Part V") • prose: Cutting Ties • "Homecoming"
Klingon Empire prose: "Family Matters" Titan prose: "Empathy" Vanguard prose: "The Black Flag"
Miniseries and anthologies RPG sourcebook: Through a Glass, Darkly • comics: The Mirror Universe Saga • Turnaround • Mirror Images • prose: Mirror Universe Trilogy • Mirror Universe (Glass Empires • Obsidian Alliances • Shards and Shadows)
previous comic:
#15: The Beginning of the End...
The Mirror Universe Saga
Star Trek: The Original Series
(DC Comics, Series One)
next comic:
#17: The D'Artagnan Three

Publication history[]

July 1985
First published by DC Comics.
April 1991
Reprinted in The Mirror Universe Saga omnibus. (DC Comics)
September 2009
Reprinted in the Best of Alternate Universes omnibus. (IDW)
19 July 2018
Reprinted in Graphic Novel Collection, Volume 41. (Eaglemoss Collections)
15 March 2022
Reprinted in The Mirror Universe Saga omnibus. (IDW Publishing, ISBN 978-1684058730)


December 1985
French: In Le Commencement de la Fin, omnibus Star Trek #6. (Arédit)
March 1995
German: As "Heimkehr", translated by Uwe Anton, collected in Die Spiegelwelt part 2, Star Trek #2. (Carlsen)

External link[]
