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Heroine Overview

People have many things pent up inside of themselves. So many things they can never forget. Strange, isn't it?
~ Tifa Lockhart
That flower you gave me the other night. That was from Aerith, wasn't it? I knew there was something weird going on. You, buying flowers. They symbolize reunion, believe it or not. I was curious, so I looked it up. I tried to keep it alive as long as I could. But now... it's dead and buried. Like the bar... our home... and everything else. They took everything from us. Again.
~ Tifa talking about the flower from earlier.

Tifa Lockhart is the tritagonist in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. She is Cloud Strife's childhood friend, who she lost contact with him in their early teens before meeting again seven years later and convincing him to join the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE to fight the Shinra Electric Power Company. She later aids in saving the planet from destruction at the hands of Cloud's former colleague and arch-nemesis, Sephiroth.

She is voiced in English by Britt Baron and Glory Curda as an adult and as a child respectively in Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Rachael Leigh Cook all other speaking roles. She is voiced in Japanese by Ayaka Mitsumoto as a child in Final Fantasy VII Remake, Yōko Asada and Yūko Minaguchi in Ehrgeiz, and Ayumi Ito in all other speaking roles.


Tifa is a beautiful young woman with dark brown hair, occasionally appearing black, which falls below her waist and is tied at the tips to form a dolphin-tail split. In Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and some other appearances, her hair is shorter and reaches the middle of her back—in Advent Children because longer hair is difficult to animate. Tifa's eye color has been officially addressed as red, but they have been depicted as a brown in some appearances. Her chest size varies depending on the audience of the games in which she appears. In the Teen-rated Final Fantasy games, her breasts are enormous, while in the Everyone-rated Kingdom Hearts games in which she appears, they are typically designed to be smaller.


While deceptively strong, Tifa is empathic and emotionally shy. While identifying and responding to the feelings of others, Tifa does not express her feelings often and when she does she struggles doing so. Tifa has motherly qualities, acting as a support for others, and keeping the others around her optimistic.

Miscellaneous Information[]

Height: 167cm (5'6")
Build: Athletic and toned
Measurements: 92-60-88 cm (36-24-35)
Hair: Dark Brown to Black
Eyes: Red (sometimes shown as brown)
Age: 15 (Crisis Core), 20 (FF VII), 22 (Advent Children), 23 (Dirge of Cerberus)
Date of Birth: May 3, 1987
Bloodtype: B


Sector 7[]

Tifa is first encountered by the player in the slums of Midgar's sector 7 after the first mission to blow up a Shinra Mako plant. Tifa is the owner of the bar "Seventh Heaven" which is used as a rally point for AVALANCHE. Tifa was the contact that referred Cloud to AVALANCHE's leader Barret Wallace.

Upon reuniting with AVALANCHE to Seventh Heaven Cloud, unwinds at the bar with Tifa while Barret is doing the same with his daughter, Marlene and the other members, Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge each grab drinks while they wait for the next mission. While it is established that Cloud is only in AVALANCHE for the pay and Barret is an environmental radical, Tifa is a member mainly because Shinra is oppressive the common man.

Tifa has a secret basement access under a pinball machine in her bar and soon Barret organizes the team for their next mission for their attack on the sector 5 reactor. Cloud will insist on getting paid upfront before the next mission however Barret considers his price too high. Tifa manages to talk Cloud down slightly and Barret to up his payment slightly. Tifa announces she is coming with them to Sector 5's reactor.

Sector 5[]

AVALANCHE leaves the next day after a night's rest and travel to Sector 5. A security check forces Barret, Cloud and Tifa to jump the train and sneak in on foot while Jessie, Biggs and Wedge dawn disguises to evade Shinra forces. The three make their way through the subway tracks until they reach a power station, the station leads to some ducts which take Cloud, Tifa and Barret too the Sector 5 Reactor.

As with the first reactor, Cloud sets off the bomb but this time the three are met by President Shinra himself, who has flown in to see the terrorists himself. Cloud states that the President should know him as an ex-Soldier, Shinra's military however the President seems not to view Cloud as anything too impressive.

Shortly after the confrontation President Shinra summons a massive security bot and ducts away while AVALANCHE deals with the robotic boss. Upon defeating the boss the catwalk is blown apart with it and Cloud is left just barely hanging on. Tifa tries to pull Cloud up but he falls to the lower slums beneath Midgar.

Reuniting with AVALANCHE[]

Cloud survives the fall thanks to a church roof, a bed of flowers and the nun, Aerith Gainsborough, who tends to his wounds and helps him make his way out of the slums. On their way out of the slums to the crime boss Don Corneo Cloud spies Tifa on the back of one of Don Corneo's transports. Cloud dresses-up as a woman and poses as a prospect for Corneo's prostitutes to sneak inside and meet up with Tifa. Tifa is overjoyed to see Cloud alive and well and greets Aerith as well. The tree make their way out of Don Corneo's manor and into the sewers. Once out of the sewers Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith cross an abandon train-yard on the edge of Sector 7 and make their way back to Seventh Heaven.

Just north of the Sector 7 main district Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa hear gunshots from above them and see the other members of AVALANCHE fighting on the Sector Seven Pillar, the support beam for the city above. Tifa and Cloud need to go up to help Barret but Tifa asks Aerith to go to her bar and get Marlene to safety in case anything happens, Aerith agrees and Cloud and Tifa go up to save Barret. Along the way Cloud and Tifa find Jessie, Biggs and Wedge all laying dying on the stairs up, urging them go quickly and help Barret before he meets the same fate as them. Barret is on top fighting Reno, a Turk, one of Shinra's most elite agents. Cloud and Barret arrive just in time to back Barret up.

Reno activates a bomb for the Pillar and then engages Barret. Tifa and Cloud in combat. Though Reno is defeated he quickly flees when it looks like he might die. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa try to stop the countdown but can't. Reno's overseer, Tseng, passes by in a helicopter on his way to Midgar's upper level. Barret attempts to open fire but Cloud and Tifa stop him when they see Aerith is in the chopper with him. Tseng had been trying to get his hands on Aerith for Shinra for years and had finally had the chance when she was by herself outside of her home territory. Aerith manages to tell Cloud and Tifa she was able to get Marlene to safety but is quickly silenced by a less than obliging Tseng who slaps her mid-sentence.

Tseng bids AVALANCHE goodbye and states that losing a section of the city is worth while price to keep AVALANCHE from continuing to blow-up Reactors especially since Shinra can just shift all blame to AVALANCHE for the attack. Tseng makes his get away with Aerith and Cloud, Tifa, and Barret are left to try to find a way off the Pillar and get to safety. Cloud finds a cable to use to swing down into the next sector and the three uses it to escape the Pilar just moments before the blast.

Shinra HQ[]

Upon escaping the explosion, Barret breaks down in a combination of fury and sorrow and having lost his home, his friends and his daughter. Tifa points out that Aerith had gotten caught because she was taking Marlene to safety and soon the three go running off to Aerith's mother Elmyra to see if Marlene is there. Sure enough Marlene is safe with Elmyra. Barret thanks Elmyra for keeping his daughter safe and asks her to not only keep watching her but to get out of Midgar while is she can while they go to save Aerith. As Aerith had saved Cloud and Marlene all three remaining embers of AVALANCHE are committed to saving her from Shinra. Cloud makes his way to the Shinra HQ with Barret and Tifa right behind him. Eventually they find Aerith in the hands of Shinra's head researcher Professor Hojo. Hojo collected a variety of rare or one of a kind creatures including the alien creature known as JENOVA, his most prize specimen, though Aerith appeared to be a close second.

Hojo is fascinated by Aerith as the last of a civilization known as Cetra, often called Ancients. Hojo was trying to see how Aerith faired with the creature he had dubbed Red XIII, a strange wild-cat-like creature that was also the last of it's kind. When Red X III looked like he might kill Aerith, Hojo opens the containment to try to save her for his research, but it is revealed to be a trick by Red XIII who was only faking his attack to get Hojo concerned enough to let him and Aerith out. Aerith reunites with AVALANCHE and Red XIII asks to escape with them. Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith, and Red XIII begin making their way out but are soon ambushed, brought into see President Shinra and soon tossed in holding cells.

After a rest Cloud will awaken to find the cell door is broken. He goes to unlock the other doors. AVALANCHE see blood and dead Shinra personnel everywhere and it is clear something tore the place apart. Leaving their cells soon reveals that JENVOA has escaped. Heading to President Shinra's office reveals that the President is dead, impaled by a sword. Cloud recognizes the sword as only able to be wielded by the legendary super Solider. Sephiroth, meaning Sephiroth had not only freed Jenova but personally killed the President. AVALANCHE finds that the President's son and vice-president, Rufus Shinra, was still alive considered himself the new president. Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith, and Red XIII all go to take on Rufus. Rufus soon finds AVALANCHE more than what he was prepared for and leaves via escape helicopter.

The Kalm before the Sephiroth[]

AVALANCHE escapes Shinra HQ and take them roads out of Midgar altogether. They head north to the small town of Kalm to regroup. While at the Kalm Inn Cloud tells AVALANCHE about his and Tifa's past in Nibelhiem. Cloud had just been assigned to attend to some monster who had broken out in the Nible Reactor and was sent there with small group of Soldiers, including Sephiroth. The team had hired Tifa as a guide up Mount Nible. Though they restored order Sephiroth had found that Shinra was growing monsters inside, monsters grown from the creature JENOVA, Sephiroth knew his mother was named JENOVA and soon realized he was a monstrous humanoid.

Sephiroth had broken into Shinra manor in Nibelhiem, former research center of Professor Hojo. Sephiroth had found notes from Professors Hojo and Gast on the full nature of JENOVA and her spawn and had a mental breakdown, seeing himself not as a monster but a messiah of JENOVA. Sephiroth made his intentions clear by burning down Nibelhiem and killing as many people as he could find. When Tifa saw her family and teacher killed she went to find and kill Sephiroth. Even though Cloud knew it was suicide to go up against Sephiroth he couldn't let Tifa go alone. Cloud's memory fails him as to how he and Tifa had survived the encounter but they had and made their way out of the wreckage of Nibelhiem. Cloud left Soldier and became a mercenary. Tifa left to go fight Shinra in their home city of Midgar and Barret and the others knew the rest of the story.

With Sephiroth alive and well and JENOVA on the lose AVALANCHE's prioritizes going after them instead of Shinra. Tifa is all too happy to make Sephiroth pay as is Cloud, Barret, Aerith and Red XIII are in favor of the idea because Sephiroth had proven himself as a one-man army even more dangerous than Shinra. After their stay in Kalm, AVALANCHE begins it's new mission, to find and defeat Sephiroth.


  • Tifa and Cloud:
  • Tifa and Aerith:
  • Tifa and Johnny:
  • Tifa and Zangan:
  • Tifa and Marle:
  • Tifa and Yuffie:
  • Tifa and Barret:
  • Tifa and Cait Sith:
  • Tifa and Red XIII:
  • Tifa and Vincent:
  • Tifa and Cid:



  • Final Fantasy VII (1997)
  • Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (1998)
  • Itadaki Street Special (2004)
  • Kingdom Hearts II (2005)
  • Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (2006)
  • Itadaki Street Portable (2006)
  • Mainichi Issho (2006)
  • Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (2011)
  • Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade (2012)
  • Final Fantasy: All The Bravest (2013)
  • Kingdom Hearts Union χ (2013)
  • Gunslinger Stratos 2 (2013)
  • Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (2014)
  • Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (2014)
  • Final Fantasy Explorers (2014)
  • Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: All-Star Carnival (2016)
  • Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia (2016)
  • Final Fantasy VII/Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Twin Pack (2019)
  • Dissidia Final Fantasy NT (2019)
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020)
  • Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis (2022)
  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024)


  • V Jump (2011, 1 appearance)
  • The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy (2013, 1 appearance)
  • The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy (2014, 1 appearance)
  • Final Fantasy Ultimania Archive (2018, 1 appearance)


  • Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (2005)

External Links[]


           Final Fantasy Logo Heroes

Final Fantasy
Warriors of Light | Cid of the Lufaine | Cosmos | Princess Sarah

Final Fantasy II
Firion | Maria | Guy | Leon | Minwu | Josef | Gordon | Leila | Ricard Highwind | Scott | Princess Hilda | Cid | Deumion

Final Fantasy III
Onion Knights | Luneth | Arc | Refia | Ingus | Sara Altney | Cid Haze | Desch | Aria Benett | Alus Restor | Unei | Doga

Final Fantasy IV
Cecil Harvey | Kain Highwind | Rydia | Tellah | Edward Chris von Muir | Rosa Joanna Farrell | Yang Fang Leiden | Palom | Porom | Cid Pollendina | Edge Geraldine | Fusoya | Golbez | Ceodore Harvey | Luca | Leonora | Ursula | Harley | Gekkou | Izayoi | Zangetsu | Elder of Mysidia | Tsukinowa

Final Fantasy V
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Final Fantasy VI
Terra Branford | Locke Cole | Edgar Roni Figaro | Sabin Rene Figaro | Shadow | Cyan Garamonde | Gau | Celes Chere | Setzer Gabbiani | Mog | Strago Magus | Relm Arrowny | Gogo | Umaro | Leo Cristophe | Banon | Cid Del Norte Marquez

Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife | Barret Wallace | Tifa Lockhart | Aerith Gainsborough | Red XIII | Cait Sith | Cid Highwind | Yuffie Kisaragi | Vincent Valentine | Zack Fair | Biggs | Wedge | Jessie Raspberry | Marlene Wallace | Angeal Hewley | Reeve Tuesti | Lazard Deusericus | Denzel | Shalua Rui | Shelke Rui | Lucrecia Crescent | Dio | Rashard Zangan | Minerva | Sticks the Badger

Ifrit | Shiva | Fat Chocobo | Chocobo & Moogle | Leviathan | Bahamut | Ramuh | Titan | Phoenix | Alexander | Kujata | Odin

Final Fantasy VIII
Squall Leonhart | Quistis Trepe | Zell Dincht | Selphie Tilmitt | Rinoa Heartilly | Irvine Kinneas | Laguna Loire | Kiros Seagill | Ward Zabac | Edea Kramer | Cid Kramer | Ellone | Rajoo Tilmitt

Final Fantasy IX
Zidane Tribal | Vivi Ornitier | Adelbert Steiner | Garnet Til Alexandros XVII | Freya Crescent | Quina Quen | Eiko Carol | Amarant Coral | Marcus | Blank | Kuja | Cinna | Beatrix | Baku | Cid Fabool IX | Mikoto

Final Fantasy X
Tidus | Auron | Rikku | Wakka | Lulu | Yuna | Kimahri Ronso | Cid | Paine | Braska | Jecht | Buddy | Brother | Shinra | Barkeep | Logos | Ormi | Leblanc | Gippal | Nooj | Baralai | Lenne | Dona | Barthello | Isaaru | Maroda | Pacce | Rin | Tromell | Shelinda | Elma | Lucil | Yaibal | Clasko | Maechen | O'aka XXIII | Kelk Ronso | Biran Ronso | Yenke Ronso | Garik Ronso

Final Fantasy XI
The Adventurer | Star Sibyl | Eshan'Tarl | Altana | Grav'iton | Yve'noile

Final Fantasy XII
Vaan | Penelo | Balthier | Fran | Basch fon Ronsenburg | Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca | Reks | Larsa Ferrinas Solidor | Vossler York Azelas | Reddas | Marquis Halim Ondore IV | Gabranth | Kytes | Filo | Llyud | Migelo | Rasler Heios Nabradia

Final Fantasy XIII
Lightning | Snow Villiers | Oerba Dia Vanille | Sazh Katzroy | Hope Estheim | Oerba Yun Fang | Gadot | Lebreau | Yuj | Maqui | Cid Raines | Dajh Katzroy | Nora Estheim | Noel Kreiss | Serah Farron | Paddra Nsu-Yeul | Lumina | Chocolina | Etro | Alyssa Zaidelle

Final Fantasy XIV
Warrior of Light | Y'shtola Rhul | Thancred Waters | Yda Hext | Papalymo Totolymo | Raubahn Aldynn | Nanamo Ul Namo | Urianger Augurelt | Kan-E-Senna | Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn | Aymeric de Borel | Minfilia Warde | Lyse Hext | Louisoix Leveilleur | Alphinaud Leveilleur | Estinien Varlineau | Alisaie Leveilleur | Tataru Taru | Cid nan Garlond | Venat | Hydaelyn | G'raha Tia | Midgardsormr

Final Fantasy XV
Noctis Lucis Caelum | Gladiolus Amicitia | Ignis Stupeo Scientia | Prompto Argentum | Lunafreya Nox Fleuret | Regis Lucis Caelum | Iris Amicitia | Aranea Highwind | Solara Antiquum | Cor Leonis | Libertus Ostium | Nyx Ulric | Cindy Aurum | Cid Sophiar | Optimus Lucis Caelum | Tonitrus Lucis Caelum | Crepera Lucis Caelum | Dave Auburnbrie

Leviathan | Shiva | Ramuh | Titan

Final Fantasy XVI
Clive Rosfield | Jill Warrick | Cidolfus Telamon | Torgal | Joshua Rosfield | Dion Lesage | Jote | Elwin Rosfield | Byron Rosfield | Rodney Murdoch | Sir Tyler | Sir Wade | Ambrosia | Gav | Otto | Tarja | Charon | Goetz | Blackthorne | Midadol Telamon | Harpocrates II Hyperboreios | Vivian Ninetales | Nektar | Obolus | Theodore

Ifrit | Shiva | Ramuh | Phoenix | Bahamut

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Rain | Lasswell | Fina | Dark Fina | Lid | Nichol | Jake | Sakura | Raegan | Folka | Citra | Sieghard | Cid | Ignacio | Physalis | Yuraisha

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Aki Ross | Gray Edwards | Dr. Sid | Deep Eyes | Ryan Wittaker | Jane Proudfoot | Neil Flemming | Gaia | General Douglas Hein

           KH Heroes

Original Characters
Ansem the Wise | Aqua | Data-Naminé | Data-Riku | Data-Roxas | Data-Sora | Elrena | Hayner | Ienzo | Kairi | Lauriam | Lea | Master Eraqus | Naminé | Olette | Axel | Roxas | Vexen | Xion | Demyx | Saïx | Pence | Protagonist | Riku | Riku Replica | Spirit Dream Eaters | Sora | Strelitzia | Terra (Lingering Will) | Ventus

Disney Characters
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Other Square Enix Characters
Aerith Gainsborough | Auron | Beat | Cid Highwind | Cloud Strife | Joshua Kiryu | Lightning | Moogles (Mog) | Neku Sakuraba | Paine | Rhyme | Rikku | Selphie Tilmitt | Setzer Gabbiani | Shiki Misaki | Squall Leonhart | Tidus | Tifa Lockhart | Vivi Ornitier | Wakka | Yuffie Kisaragi | Yuna | Zack Fair

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Playable Heroes
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Assist Trophies
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Poké Ball Pokémon
Arceus | Alolan Raichu | Alolan Vulpix | Blastoise | Celebi | Chansey | Charizard | Chespin | Chikorita | Clefairy | Cyndaquil | Darkrai | Dedenne | Deoxys | Ditto | Eevee | Entei | Fennekin | Gardevoir | Genesect | Giratina | Gogoat | Groudon | Ho-Oh | Inkay | Keldeo | Kyogre | Kyurem | Latias and Latios | Lugia | Lunala | Machamp | Marill | Meloetta | Meowth | Metagross | Mew | Munchlax | Oshawott | Palkia | Piplup | Raikou | Scizor | Snivy | Snorlax | Solgaleo | Suicune | Tapu Koko | Venusaur | Vulpix | Xerneas | Zoroark

5-Volt | 9-Volt | 18-Volt | Absol | Adam Malkovich | Adelle | Aeron | Agitha | Aisya | Akuma | Alexandra Roivas | Alfonzo | Alfyn Greengrass | Allen | Alm | Amy Rose | Ana | Andy | Andy Bogard | Angela | Anjean | Ann Takamaki | Anna | Aerith Gainsborough | Aqua | Armor King II | Arthur | Aryll | Ashei | Ashley Robbins | Asuka Kazama | Athena Asamiya | Auto | Axel | Axl | Ayumi Tachibana | Azura | Baby Luigi | Baby Luma | Baby Mario | Baby Peach | Bandana Waddle Dee | Barbara | Barret Wallace | Barkle | Barst | Bass | Beat | Big Boss | Big the Cat | Blade Knight | Blanka | Blaze the Cat | Blaziken | Bord | Bomb Man | Boney | Bonkers | Bottles | Bow | Brittany | Brocque Mosieur | Broom Hatter | Bubbles | Bugzzy | Bulbasaur | Buneary | Buzz Buzz | Byrne | Byte and Barq | Caeda | Cait Sith | Calem | Calista | Camilla | Cammy White | Candy Kong | Cap'n Cuttlefish | Cappy | Captain (Another Code) | Captain (Mii Force) | Captain Rainbow | Captain Toad | Caroline and Justine | Catria | Celica | Centurions | Cetacea | Chao (Sonic the Hedgehog) | Chao (Yuyuki) | Charlie | Charlie Nash | Charlotte | Charlotte Aulin | Charmander | Charmy Bee | Cheese | Chibi-Robo | Chris Redfield | ChuChu | Chun-Li | Chunky Kong | Ciela | Cid Highwind | Clark Still | Classic Sonic | Claude von Riegan | Claus | Cobalion | Cody Travers | Colin | Commander | Coo | Copper and Booker | Cord | Cordelia | Count Bleck | Cranky Kong | Cream the Rabbit | Cresselia | Crimson Loftwing | Culdra | Cuphead | Cupit | Cut Man | Cyrus Albright | Dan Hibiki| Daroach | Daruk | Darunia | Dash Bowman | Dee Jay | Deep Cut (Shiver | Frye | Big Man) | Deirdre | DeMille | Dhalsim | Dialga | Dieck | Diminutive Guardian | Dimitri | Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd | Din | Diskun | Dixie Kong | Doc Louis | Donbe | Donkey Kong Jr. | Dorothea Arnault | Doshin | Dr. Crygor | Dr. Light | Dr. Stewart | Dragonite | Drake Redcrest | Draug | Dreambert | Dribble and Spitz | Dunban | Duo | Duran | Duster | Dyna Blade | Dyntos | E. Honda | E-102 Gamma | E-123 Omega | Eagle | Eddie | Eddy | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Eirika | Eldstar | Elena | Elias | Elincia | Elise | Elite Beat Agents | Eliwood | Ellie the Elephant | Elline | Elma | Elvis | Emerl | Enguarde the Swordfish | Ephraim | Epona | Erik | Esna | Espio the Chameleon | Est | Eva | EVE | Expresso the Ostrich | Ezlo | F.L.U.D.D. | Fei Long | Felix | Fi | Fiora | Fire Man | Fishmen | Flint | Flygon | Flying Men | Four Giants | Frey | Freya | Fronks | Funky Kong | Futaba Sakura | Gabriel Belmont | Gaepora | Gaius | Gandrayda | Garchomp | Garet | Gen | General Pepper | Geno | Geo Stelar | Glaceon | Globox | Gloria | Goku | Gyarados | Golem | Gooey | Goombella | Goro Akechi | Goron | Great Fairy | Greil | Groose | Grutch | Guts Man | Guy | H'aanit | Hakkun | Hal "Otacon" Emmerich | Haohmaru | Happy Mask Salesman | Haru Okumura | Hawke | Hawkeye | Hector (Castlevania) | Hector (Fire Emblem) | Helix | Hendrik | Henry Fleming | Heracles | Heracross | Herman | Hikari | Hilda Valentine Goneril | Hinawa | Hinoka | Ho-Oh | Honey Queen | Hongo | Huey | Hugh Baldwin | Hydreigon | Hungry Luma | Hydreigon | Ibuki | Ice Man | Idea | Ifrit | Igor | Ilia | Impa (Age of Calamity | Ocarina of Time | Skyward Sword) | Ingrid Brandl Galatea | Inigo | Iori Yagami | Iris Archwell | Iron Golem | Isa Jo | Ivan | Jack-7 | Jade | Jagen | Jake | Jakob | James McCloud | Jeanne | Jenna | Jessica | Jet the Hawk | Jill Valentine | Jimmy T. | Jin | Jin Kazama | Jinjo | Jody Summer | Joe Higashi | Jonathan Morris | Joshua | Julius Belmont | Juri Han | Juste Belmont | Kaepora Gaebora | Kafei | Kageshima Kurabe | Kairi | Karel | Karin Kanzuki | Kazuhira Miller | Kersti | Kevin | Kid Dracula | Kiddy Kong | Kim Kaphwan | Kine | King | King Zora | Kooper | Kumatora | Kunio | Kururin | Kyle Hyde | Kyo Kusanagi | L'Arachel | Landia | Landorus | Lanky Kong | Lappy | Leafeon | Leif | Leo | Leon Belmont | Leon S. Kennedy | Levias | Lilina | Lin Lee Koo | Linde | Linebeck | Ling Xiaoyu | Link (A Link Between Worlds | Link's Awakening | Spirit Tracks | The Legend of Zelda)) | Lip | Lissa | Lloyd | Loftwings | Loki | Lon'qu | Louie | Lubba | Luka Redgrave | Mach Rider | Madame Couture | Madeline Bergman | Magolor | Makar | Makoto Niijima | Mallo | Mallow | Malon | Maria Renard | Marin | Marshall Law | Master Mummy | Mattel | Matthew | Max | Mechanica | Medli | Mega Man Volnutt | Mega Man X | MegaMan.EXE | Mei Ling | Melia Antiqua | Mermaid | Merric | Meryl Silverburgh | Mia | Micaiah | Milly | Minerva | Mini Mario | Mio | Mio & Mayu Amakura | Mipha | Misstar | Mist | Misty | Moe | Mokka | Mona | Moosh | Morag Ladir | Morgana | Muddy Mole | Mugman | Mumbo Jumbo | Musashi | Muskular | Myrrh | Nago | Nakoruru | Naomi Hunter | Nathan Graves | Navarre | Nayru | Nia | Nibbles | Nina Williams | Ninian | Ninjara | Nino | Ninten | Noah | Nyna | Oatchi | Octoling Girl & Octoling Boy | Off the Hook | Olaf | Olberic Eisenberg | Old Man Lobber | Olivia | Omega-Xis | Ooccoo | Ophilia Clement | Orbulon | Orville | Ouendan | Owain | Owl | Owlan | Palla | Paper Bowser | Paper Luigi | Paper Mario | Paper Princess Peach | Parasol Waddle Dee | Paul Phoenix | Paula Jones | Pauline | Paz Ortega Andrade | Penny Crygor | Peppy Hare | Perry | Phantom Thieves of Hearts | Piantas | Pitch | Plague Knight | Plasma Wisp | Plessie | Pneuma | Polterpup | Poo | Poochy | Poppi | Poppy Bros. Jr. | Primrose Azelhart | Prince Fluff | Prince Peasley | Prince Richard | Princess Shokora | Princess Zelda (A Link to the Past | Breath of the Wild | Minish Cap | Spirit Tracks | The Wind Waker) | Professor Chops | Professor Elvin Gladd | Professor Oak | Professor Sycamore | Protagonist (Astral Chain) | Protagonist (Glory of Heracles) | Protagonist (Magical Vacation) | Proto Man | ProtoMan.EXE | Qbby | Rab | Rabbid Mario | Rabbid Peach | Rachel | Raiden | Ralf Jones | Rambi the Rhinoceros | Rattly the Rattlesnake | Rauru | Raven | Ravio | Rayman | Raymond Bryce | Red XIII | Registeel | Reinhardt Schneider | Reshiram | Revali | Rex | Reyn | Rhea | Ribbon Girl | Rick | Ricky | Riesz | Riki | Riku | Ring Fit Trainee | Riolu | ROB 64 | Rock Pikmin | Rocky | Roll | Roll Caskett | Rosemary | Rouge the Bat | Rowlet | Roxas | Roy Campbell | Rush | Rusl | Russ | Rutger | Ruto | Ryo Sakazaki | Ryoma | Ryuji Sakamoto | Sagat | Sagi | Sakuna | Sakura | Sakura Kasugano | Sakura Samurai | Salsa | Sami | Saria | Satoru Amatsubo | Satoru Higashiyama | Seiuchi-kun | Seliph | Serena (Dragon Quest) | Serena (Pokémon) | Seteth | Seth | Severa | Shahra | Shanoa | Shantae | Sharla | Shaymin | Sheldon | Shield Knight | Shinobu | Shiva | Sigurd | Silver the Hedgehog | Sir Kibble | Sirius | Skarmory | Slippy Toad | Soma Cruz | Sophia | Soren | Sothe | Sothis | Spirit Who Loves Surprises | Sprixie Princesses | Squawks the Parrot | Squitter the Spider | Stanley | Starlow | Starly | Storm the Albatross | Strangelove | Stuffwell | Susie Haltmann | Swanky Kong | Sylvando | Sylveon | T. Hawk | Tac | Tails | Takumi | Tama | Tamagon | Tatsu | Tauros | Teddy | Tempo | Terra | Terrakion | Tethu | Tharja | The Boss | The King of Red Lions | The Mighty Jinjonator | The President | The Stork | The Wandering Samurai | Therion | Tifa Lockhart | Tikal the Echidna | Tiny Kong | Tippi | Titania | Toad | Toadette | Toadsworth | Tomatrio | Tora | Totodile | Totem Link | Travis Touchdown | Treble | Tressa Colzione | Trevor Belmont | Tricky | Tron Bonne | Tsubasa Oribe | Twintelle | Tyranitar | Urbosa | Valoo | Vector the Crocodile | Ventus | Veronica | Villagers (Minecraft) | Vincent Valentine | Viridi | Virizion | Vivian | Waddle Dee | Waddle Doo | Wanda | Wave the Swallow | Welt Neugia | Wentworth | Wheelie | Winky the Frog | Wonder-Black | Wonder-Blue | Wonder-Green | Wonder-Pink | Wonder-Red | Wonder-White | Wonder-Yellow | Wrinkly Kong | Wrys | Xananab | Xander | Xion | Yang | Yoko Belnades | Yoshi Kid | Yoshimitsu | Young Cricket | Yuffie Kisaragi | Yun | Yusuke Kitagawa | Zael | Zagreus | Zangief | Zeke von Genbu | Zekrom | Zelda (Spirit Tracks) | Zip | Zora

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad | Blue Mary | Chang Koehan | Chocobos | Choi Bounge | Dante | Doomslayer | Dragonborn | Gil | Goemon | Goro Daimon | Guardians of Light | Jacky Bryant | King | Master Hand | Lloyd Irving | Rabbid | Rock Howard | Saïx | Sans | Tung Fu Rue | Yu Narukami | Yuri Sakazaki
