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Niko: "Big talk. You wanna know something funny?"
Jimmy: "Not really."
Niko: "The Commission - the old families - I know some of those guys. And they thought you were a fat fucking joke."
Jimmy: "Whatever."
Niko Bellic talking to Jimmy Pegorino, shortly before killing him.

Out of Commission is the final storyline mission in Grand Theft Auto IV, if the "Revenge" ending is chosen.

Mission Objectives[]

In order to complete the mission the player must:

  • Meet up with Roman and Jacob, who wait in a car in Alderney.
  • Follow Pegorino's goons, they'll lead you to Pegorino.
  • Pegorino is inside the old casino. Find him.
  • Chase Pegorino.
  • Get on the bike.
  • Chase Pegorino. Stick to the coastline, do not lose him.
  • Accelerate off the jetty to jump.
  • Get low and stay close to Pegorino.
  • Chase Pegorino.
  • Kill Pegorino.


After Roman and Mallorie's wedding in the Revenge ending, Niko, who has been mourning the death of Kate, receives a phone call from Little Jacob telling him he and Roman found some of Jimmy Pegorino's mobsters in a building in Koresh Square in Alderney. Afterwards, the mission automatically starts as Niko goes to the two who are waiting in a Cognoscenti, and they begin to pursue the mobsters to Jimmy Pegorino.

After an extended car chase and dialogue between the three about why Niko is doing this, the two eventually lead them to an abandoned casino in the North of Alderney, with Niko telling Roman and Jacob not to join the fight and they do so. Niko then fights his way into the casino, until he finds Pegorino. Pegorino states that if he would've worked for him things would be better, and Kate's death was Niko's fault. He then runs away and boards a boat on a jetty after letting loose more of his guards which are killed. He then gives chase by using a dirt bike and staying on the shore. After a short while, Roman and Jacob arrive in an Annihilator. Niko then jumps onto it by means of a ramp, and Roman pulls him in the helicopter.

Once aboard, Niko takes over the controls (as Jacob claims that he's bad at flying) and flies over Pegorino's boat with Jacob shooting at it. The boat catches fire but due to a Rocket Launcher shot so does the Annihilator. Jimmy manages to escape from the boat at Happiness Island and run under the Statue of Happiness while Niko safely lands the burning helicopter and goes after Pegorino. Niko then engages in a gun battle with Pegorino, mortally wounding him in the process.

A cutscene then shows Niko confronting Pegorino as he slowly bleeds to death. Niko tells him about knowing people in the Commission and that says they thought he (Pegorino) was "a fat fucking joke", Niko turns his back on Pegorino. As he raises his gun to shoot Niko from behind, Niko quickly turns back and shoots Pegorino in the head, killing him. Roman and Jacob then show up and comfort Niko. Roman explains that now that their enemies are beaten, they can start making money freely and live peacefully. Even though Niko agrees, he is still grieving due to Kate's death. Niko, Roman and Jacob then leave Pegorino's body at the foot of the Statue of Happiness as the camera pans out to show the Liberty City skyline at sunset.




  • Niko receives a call from Roman, informing him that Mallorie is pregnant and that they will name the baby in Kate's memory if it is a girl.
  • Niko receives a call from a tearful Packie, with Packie telling Niko that Kate didn't deserve to die as the McReary men were the "sinners." Packie also tells Niko that he must be there for his mom since he's all she has left.

Two news stories run on Liberty Tree Online related to the Revenge storyline itself: one inaccurately detailing the death of Kate, and another noting the death of Pegorino at Happiness Island.

  • Following the credits, Niko says "So this is what the dream feels like, this is the victory we longed for."

Liberty Tree Newspaper[]

"Police have found the body of Alderney mob boss, Jimmy Pegorino, on Happiness Island. Mr. Pegorino had captured headlines as the boss of a crime family with designs of power. They were thought to be seeking parity with the Five Families who had been weakened in recent years. After recent legal pressure and escalating bloodbaths in Alderney, crime pundits began to see Pegorino's crew as pretenders, not the real thing. Police responded to reports of both a boat and helicopter crash on Happiness Island. Three suspects were witnessed leaving the scene and are being sought for questioning."



Out of Commission Transcript
Some time after the events of Mr. & Mrs. Bellic, Niko gets a phone call from Little Jacob. Niko can also call Jacob to start this mission.
Little Jacob: Niko, I and Roman have found one a dat ras clot Pegorino's men, seen? He be inna some building in Koresh Square. We keep an eye out pon it.
Niko: Wait for me, I'm on my way. What is Roman doing there? This is not the place for him.
Little Jacob: He backing you up, rasta. I an' I both be, seen? One love.
Niko travels to Koresh Square, where Jacob and Roman are waiting in a car. As Niko approaches the car, Jacob will say one of the following:
Little Jacob: Come on me breda, get inna the car.
Get in, Niko.
Niko, get inna the car.
Niko gets into the driver's seat of the car.
Little Jacob: Alright, me breda. Dat blood clot be inna de place. I an' I been following him for a time, seen? Me tink him next step wit Pegorino. We gon' follow him there, seen?
Niko: Thank you, both of you. But I do not think this is the place for you, Roman. This is too dangerous.
Roman: You are my cousin, Niko, and Kate died at my wedding. I'm helping you.
Two goons are seen leaving the building.
Little Jacob: Rhaatid, see him dere. Ya have fe stick with him me breda.
Meanwhile, the goons enter a Huntley Sport parked nearby.
Goon 1: Fuck, we got a tail. Better lose this piece of shit on the way back to the Peg. I don't wanna be late.
The goons leave and shoot at Niko's car. Niko gives chase.

Niko: How do you know he's going back to Pegorino?
Little Jacob: He been running around town like a headless chicken, ya know rasta. Picking up shit, him desperate.
Roman: There's nowhere left for these guys to go. The whole city wants them dead now.
Niko: Well, I guess I'll be doing the whole city a favor when I kill Pegorino, then. The fool thought he could be a big player.
Roman: This man will lead us there, we'll get him cousin. I assure you.
Little Jacob: Seen, bredren. I and I be after him. Ain't no way de boy gwan live another day pon this earth, seen? He's a dead man, dead man! Fucked with the wrong rasta and ting.
Niko: This he will realize soon enough.
They pass Acter Industrial Park
Niko: Where the fuck is this guy going?
Little Jacob: Easy me breda. He's taking us to Pegorino. You need fe chill.
Roman: I'm not fucking chilled. We're speeding down the highway at who knows how fast. Cars are coming towards us, people are shooting at us. How can you be chilled? You've been smoking too much, Jacob. Whatever chilled is, this is not it!
Niko: You said you wanted to help, Roman. You said you wanted to give Pegorino payback just as much as I did.
Roman: I did... I do want to but, you know, I don't want to die. I have a wife to think about now.
Niko: I've got nobody now.
Little Jacob: Dat no true, blood. Ya got I and Roman, seen? Roman just scared and ting. He don't mean what him saying. We gwan mash up dese ras clot. Mash em up good! Seen? Roman, dat's what you're feeling, don't it?
Roman: Sure, sure. That's what I'm feeling. Niko, I want to get this guy. I just don't think we want to take any unnecessary risks while we're doing that.
Niko: Roman, the last thing I want is to lose you as well as Kate. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I lost you today. But, Roman, I will not let this piece of shit go. He is taking us back to Jimmy Pegorino.
They enter Leftwood
Niko: He cannot go much further, we must reach Pegorino soon.
Roman: At least we're seeing some of Alderney. I don't normally come this side of the West River.
Little Jacob: Seen, Roman. I don't come pon dis ground neither and ting. It's a different city from de rest of Liberty, true?
Niko: I am not taking you on some tourist sightseeing tour. We're chasing a scumbag back to his boss. Then we're going to make that shithead pay for what he did to Kate. Understand?
Roman: Sure, cousin, sure. Eyes to the front. Mind on the job at hand and all that shit.
Little Jacob: He's going fe stop soon ya know, Niko. Me hear from me sources that Pegorino, he might be hiding in the north of Alderney somewhere.
Niko: Okay, we're making some progress then. We will keep on this guy and hopefully he won't fucking kill us or crash before he leads us to Pegorino. I'm about ready to see that particular moron.
Roman: Yeah... uh, me too.

Niko: Are you sure that he's going back to Pegorino? He's not going to go on the lam?
Roman: That's not a possibility, cousin. This man has been picking stuff up for Pegorino since we found him. From what you tell me about Jimmy P, he's too desperate to do without this shit.
Little Jacob: Me man, Roman, be talking the truth, ya know. Word pon de street is dat Peg ain't got much, him held up somewhere a waiting fe get outta town.
Niko: The only place Pegorino is going is into a coffin.
Roman: You have to do what you have to do, cousin. If he tried to kill you then, he will try to kill you again.
Niko: I am not doing this to protect myself. I'm doing this because of Kate. I always said you could not escape the past.
Little Jacob: Boy, it no matter why ya are do this ya know, me breda. I and I be backing you up for whatever. I an' I in dis for as long as ya be needing us.
They pass Acter Industrial Park
Niko: Motherfucker, why don't we just stop his car and start cutting off his fingers until he tells us where the fuck Pegorino is?
Little Jacob: Easy now, Niko. Dat shit work in all dem spy torture type show dat is pon TV, seen? But that don't work inna real life. Fools just pass out when dem see dem finger cut off.
Niko: Alright, we follow him back to Pegorino, then we cut his fucking fingers off.
Little Jacob: Seen me bredren, seen.
Roman: What type of sick bastards have I gotten into a car with? I'm speeding into oncoming traffic, I'm being shot at, and all I have for company are two gangsters discussing the finer points of torture. This is great, just great. "How's married life, Roman?" It's really relaxing, thanks for asking.
Little Jacob: At least ya not dead and ting.
Roman: Not yet.
Niko: You asked to be here, Roman. Now that you are on board, I do not want these complaints.
Roman: Okay, cousin, okay. I was just saying, be safe is all. Not crushed by an oncoming truck or something. Dead men can't get revenge.
They enter Leftwood
Niko: Alright, this is starting to become a joke or something. Where is Pegorino? What sort of wild turkey chase are we on?
Little Jacob: I don't know, ya know rasta. Can't be far though.
Niko: Yeah, but this guy better not be fucking with us. He better be bringing us to Pegorino.
Little Jacob: Seen me bredren, seen.
Roman: Shit, what's the plan when we get there? You think that it'll just be this guy and Pegorino? We teach them a lesson and we go?
Little Jacob: Pegorino ain't as strong as when he used to run the Alderney family, is he Niko?
Niko: No, he isn't as strong as he was back then. But he has still got some money and two-bit gangsters will give their lives for a man if he'll pay the right price. I have put myself in situations such as these.
Little Jacob: True, Niko, true. Dere gonna be plenty of ras clots inna de ground.
Roman: Shit, cousin, is this a good idea? Taking on all of these hired hoods?
Niko: I did not start this. I have no choice after Pegorino killed Kate.

Failures during the chase

Jacob, driving his Huntley Sport, pulls up across the street from the Alderney Safehouse.
Little Jacob: Dis a black day, me breda, it's a black day.
Niko exits the vehicle.

Niko drives back to Alderney City.
Niko: It's not worth it. None of this is worth it.
Roman: I know. Jacob was a good friend to both of us. Call me soon, Niko.
Roman exits the car.

Niko drives back to Alderney City.
Little Jacob: Dis a black day, me breda, it's a black day.
Niko: I cannot talk about this now. Goodbye, Jacob.
Jacob exits the car.

Niko drives back to Alderney City.
Roman: There'll be another chance to find him, cousin.
Little Jacob: I an' I will find dat ras clot again.
Niko: I hope so. See you later.
Roman and Jacob exit the car.

If the chase is successful, Niko will drive along the shoreline, stopping under a bridge, drifting the car with the driver side facing an area in front of an abandoned casino. There, hired goons start shooting at the car. Niko gets out, slides across the hood, and takes cover along with Roman and Jacob.
Little Jacob: Alright, dis is where he be going. What's the plan, Niko?
Niko: Jacob, you and Roman stay back. I'm going in to get Pegorino.
Roman: Cousin, me and Jacob are here to help you.
Little Jacob: What? We wanna get dis ras clot too ya know, Niko.
Niko: Jacob, the best way to help me is to keep my cousin alive. I don't want to lose him as well. Also, figure out an exit strategy. When this guy is dead, I'm not going to want to hang around long.
Jacob and Roman leave. Niko is left alone to fight the goons. When he gets near the entrance to the casino (or on its roof), Jacob sends Niko a text message.
Little Jacob: (text message) I got an escape plan for you, star. Keep your eyes on the sky, sight?
After killing all the enemies inside the casino, Niko finds Pegorino.
Pegorino: You motherfucker. Don't think for a second that this was anyone's fault but your own. You could have worked with me and everything would have been gravy.
Niko: I wanted out, and you killed someone I cared about. It's over for you now, Jimmy.
Pegorino runs toward the roof, saying one of the following.
Pegorino: Shit, I wish I'd have hit you at the wedding.
You're nothing but a two-bit hood.
Niko follows him to the roof.
Pegorino: I'll give fifty Gs to the man that drops this fuck.
Shoot that fuck before he kills us all.
Niko: Pegorino, you're mine!
Pegorino: Take that boy down!
Pegorino: Clip that asshole.
Niko's comments during the initial chase:
Niko: I ain't got nothing left. You better kill me.
Niko: I'm either dying here or killing Jimmy P. I ain't backing down.
Niko: I'm getting sick of killing these lackeys. Where is Pegorino?
Niko: Fight me like a man, Pegorino.
Niko: I still got something left.
Pegorino leaves on a boat. Niko chases him on a dirt bike.
Niko: Why didn't you just hit me instead?
Niko: You're not getting away, Pegorino.
Niko: I'll swim if I have to. Urgh.
Niko: Couldn't you have killed me, you dumb shit?
Niko: I'm going to get you, Jimmy.
Eventually, a helicopter comes into view.
Roman: Niko, we see the boat! Me and Jacob are going after it!
Niko: Not without me you're not!
Niko jumps the bike off a ramp and grabs one of the helicopter's skids.
Roman: Niko, you can do it. Climb.
Roman: Get up, NB. Climb.
Roman: Up, Niko. Get up here.
Niko climbs aboard the helicopter and takes over the controls.
Little Jacob: Niko, ya make it, rasta.
Niko: No thanks to you. You trying to ditch me?
Little Jacob: Me knew you'd find a way, me bredren. Take control of dis ting. You are better at driving than me.
Niko: Okay, let's get this guy.
Niko: I smell his blood. Now it is only a matter of chasing him down.
Little Jacob: Seen, Niko. We going fe get him now. Dere ain't nowhere him can go.
The boat catches fire.
Little Jacob: Yeah man, me get de ras clot. See him a crash pon de island?
A rocket is launched from the boat. It is scripted to hit Niko's helicopter, so it may be seen taking an odd turn toward it. The helicopter starts to lose altitude.
Niko: Hold on.
Pegorino's boat lands on Happiness Island. He climbs out. Meanwhile in the helicopter...
Roman: Fuck, fuck, fuck!
The helicopter lands on Happiness Island. Everyone on board exits.
Niko: Are you both alright?
Little Jacob: Irie, man.
Roman: Urgh...
Niko: Wait here while I finish this.
Niko chases Pegorino toward the Statue of Happiness.
Pegorino: You're a scumbag, Niko.
After shooting Pegorino, Niko approaches him. He is bloodied and groaning in pain. Niko aims an assault rifle at him.
Niko: I told you to leave me alone.
Pegorino: I give the orders here. Me.
Niko stands down his aim.
Niko: You're not looking so good there, Jimmy.
Pegorino: Screw you.
Niko: What the fuck did she ever do to you?
Pegorino: I wanted you, you immigrant dip shit.
Niko: Big talk. You wanna know something funny?
Pegorino: Not really.
Niko: The Commission - the old families - I know some of those guys. And they thought you were a fat fucking joke.
Pegorino: Whatever.
Niko: A joke! Huh.
Niko starts laughing. Pegorino raises his pistol to shoot Niko, but Niko shoots first, killing Pegorino. A moment later, Roman and Jacob approach Niko.
Roman: Cousin!
Niko: Yeah.
Roman: You did it...
Niko: Really? I don't know. What did I do?
Roman: But we're done. Now we can start making money... freely.
Niko: I suppose so.
Roman: We won, man. We won!
Niko and Jacob walk away. Roman eventually follows. The camera pans up toward the Statue of Happiness. Fade to black. The Credits Roll. Following the credits...
Niko: So this is what the dream feels like. This is the victory we longed for.
STORY COMPLETE. We return to free roam, with Niko on Happiness Island.
Post-Mission Phone calls
Patrick McReary
Packie: I never thought this would happen, Niko. I never fucking thought it. Kate, sweet, innocent Katie.
Niko: I'm sorry, Packie. I was there. I tried to stop it...
Packie: She didn't do nothing to nobody. It was us McReary men who were the sinners. We're paying for that ourselves; she didn't have to pay too.
Niko: She didn't, Packie. You're right.
Packie: I gotta be with me Ma, Niko. She don't got much left other than me. And that ain't much... see you, man.
Niko: It's enough. See you, man.
Roman Bellic
Roman: Hey Niko, are you okay?
Niko: Yeah, I'm fine. How's married life?
Roman: It's okay. Hard to be happy when your wedding goes the way ours did. Kate's death was very unfortunate. Niko, don't blame yourself.
Niko: There's no one else to blame, Roman. It's my fault, because I refused to do that deal for Pegorino. It's my fault because I got close to her. I shouldn't get close to anyone.
Roman: You should, Niko. Stay close to Mallorie and me. We're your family. Mallorie is pregnant. If it's a girl, we'll call it Kate.
Niko: Congratulations, Roman. You'll make a good father. See you soon.

Video Walkthrough[]


  • There is a bug in this mission. When trying to climb up in Jacob's Annihilator, the camera changes views instead of showing Niko climbing up in the chopper (found on PC and Xbox). Another option is to hold the move forward key while mashing the climb button.
    • A solution for fixing this bug can be found in this video.
    • If on Windows 8 or Windows 10, the player must click details in task manager (instead of affinity), then right click GTA IV, then click affinity.
  • Another issue appears on higher-end systems in this mission and its parallel mission where Niko is unable to climb aboard the Annihilator, regardless of how quickly the player repeatedly presses the required button. This is due to the frame rate being higher than what the game is expecting, resulting in button presses per frame being lower than what's required.
    • A solution to this issue is to limit the frame rate to 30 frames per second.


  • Multiple factors hint towards the Revenge ending as the "correct" outcome of Grand Theft Auto IV.
    • In The Ballad of Gay Tony, Bulgarin's deputy Timur says, "Now that Rascalov is dead, we have sole claim to the junk." He is referring to the fact that after Dimitri was killed by Niko on the Platypus, the goods are picked up by the Bulgarin gang, while in the "Deal" ending, the goods are sold, which does not match the plot of The Ballad of Gay Tony.
    • The "Deal" choice goes against Niko's morals. This is further proven by Niko himself in the "Revenge" choice, while confronting Dimitri Rascalov at the Platypus in A Dish Served Cold, where Niko claims he would have never chosen to work with Dimitri again.
    • There is symbolism in the final cutscene of each finale regarding the Statue of Happiness, with the "Deal" ending showing the back side of the statue during a thunderstorm and the "Revenge" ending showing the front of the statue in a sunny weather.
    • Roman Bellic's taxi business appears to still be active after 2008. His taxi depot is repaired in 2009 during the events of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars and is referred to as "Roman's Taxi Service" by Tavell Clinton in a 2013 Lifeinvader post in Grand Theft Auto V.
      • However, in a Rockstar Newswire Q&A post, Rockstar Games stated that "there are no true paths" in the story and "it's all down to the individual who plays him". [1]
  • The mission's name could be a reference to The Commission wanting to get rid of Jimmy Pegorino and his crime family after his failed assasination on Niko, which causes the death of Kate.
  • Even though Niko didn't do the deal with Dimitri, he still received the same amount of cash after doing the deal with him in the Deal ending. It is possible that this is the reward money Niko received either from The Commission or someone on behalf of the one putting the bounty for getting rid of Pegorino. Since Roman implied that the whole city wanted the Pegorinos gone, this is likely to be the case.
  • The car chase scene in the very beginning of this mission is the only occasion when Roman complains about Niko driving fast. Usually he enjoys it and encourages Niko to drive faster, although this could be as he is nervous about the situation.
  • The Huntley Sport that Pegorino's goons are in can be blown up with Packie's bomb, after the player calls it. The bomb will go off after a certain amount of time and this will fail the mission.
  • Dwayne's backup cannot be called to help with the shootout at the casino.
  • One dialogue string that should trigger when Jimmy's men start driving on the other lane against oncoming traffic may be triggered earlier than intended, depending on how far behind is the player, which will lead to things like Roman saying they are taking shots while dodging oncoming traffic when no such thing is happening.
  • If the player fails to accelerate off of the jetty on the Sanchez, Pegorino will "escape" and the mission will fail. However, if the player looks at his boat after they fail the mission, they will see someone exiting the boat into the water. They can be followed onto land, and will be holding an AK-47. However, it is a random pedestrian, not Pegorino.
  • Even if the player does not have an AK-47 in their inventory, Niko will still hold one in the last cutscene and kill Pegorino with it.
  • It is possible to dodge the final rocket that Pegorino fires but the player must be really high in the air and fly to the right near the bottom corner of Alderney. When it shows Jimmy fleeing from the boat the helicopter will be on fire even if the player dodged the last rocket.
  • This is one of four final missions in the GTA series in which the main antagonist is not killed (the others being Freedom Flies in GTA Advance and Something Sensible/The Time's Come in GTA V) as in the Revenge ending Dimitri Rascalov was killed in A Dish Served Cold.
  • If the player shoots Jimmy's boat with an RPG before entering the casino, the boat will be moved to avoid the explosion of the rocket.
  • If the player manages to destroy the boat (by throwing grenades onto it), the mission will fail, with the on-screen message saying that Pegorino has fled.
  • This is one of only two missions in GTA IV, (the other being the other final mission, A Revenger's Tragedy) that has a checkpoint the player can restart from if they fail the mission, which is when Niko and Jacob are hiding behind the car. However, in this particular mission, if the player fails a number of times, the mission will restart from the beginning.
  • If the player blows up the Sanchez with an RPG, it will not fail the mission then but when the game says to get on the bike, it will say the bike was wrecked and the mission fail there.
  • Niko closes the Annihilator's rear doors after boarding it, before it opens again. This is the only time that the rear doors can be closed on the Annihilator.
  • The Annihilator is special in which it has a missing tail blade. This also occurs in A Revenger's Tragedy.
  • Pegorino will not begin riding away on his Squalo until Niko is within a certain distance and on foot. As such, it is possible, at the right angle and height, to shoot him with a sniper rifle while he's still on the boat. This has no effect other than a blood spray and random dialogue from Niko, as Pegorino can only die on Happiness Island.
  • There is a typo in the subtitles when Little Jacob says "Pegorino ain't as strong as when he used to run the Alderney family", misspelling the name of the state as "Aldreney".


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: London
London 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
London 1961Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IIIClaude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los SantosSan FierroLas VenturasRed CountyFlint CountyWhetstoneBone CountyTierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceMike | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Soundtrack | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesToni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesVictor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
The Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards
Grand Theft Auto VILucia | Unnamed male accomplice | State of Leonida (Vice-Dale County | Kelly County | Leonard County) | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy
[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto IV
IntroductionThe Cousins Bellic
Roman Bellic RomanBellic-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1It's Your Call | Three's a Crowd
Part 2Bleed Out | Easy Fare | Jamaican Heat
Part 3Uncle Vlad | Crime and Punishment
Part 4Logging On
Part 5Roman's Sorrow
Karen Daniels
(Michelle) Michelle-GTAIV-RadarIcon
First Date
Jacob Hughes
(Little Jacob) LittleJacob-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Concrete Jungle
Part 2Shadow
Vladimir Glebov VladimirGlebov-GTAIV-RadarIconBull in a China Shop | Hung Out to Dry | Clean Getaway | Ivan the Not So Terrible
Mikhail Faustin MikhailFaustin-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Do You Have Protection? | Final Destination | No Love Lost
Part 2Rigged to Blow
Dimitri Rascalov DimitriRascalov-GTAIV-RadarIconThe Master and the Molotov | Russian Revolution
Brucie Kibbutz BrucieKibbutz-GTAIV-RadarIconSearch and Delete | Easy as Can Be | Out of the Closet | No. 1
Manny Escuela MannyEscuela-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Escuela of the Streets | Street Sweeper
Part 2The Puerto Rican Connection
Elizabeta Torres ElizabetaTorres-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Luck of the Irish | Blow Your Cover
Part 2The Snow Storm | Have a Heart
Patrick McReary PatrickMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Harboring a Grudge | Waste Not Want Knots | Three Leaf Clover
Part 2Undertaker
Gerald McReary GeraldMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Actions Speak Louder than Words | I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle
Part 2I'll Take Her | Ransom | She's a Keeper | Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
Mallorie BardasHostile Negotiation
Francis McReary FrancisMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Call and Collect | Final Interview | Holland Nights | Lure
Part 2Blood Brothers
Trey Stewart
(Playboy X) PlayboyX-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Deconstruction for Beginners | Photo Shoot
Part 2The Holland Play
Dwayne Forge DwayneForge-GTAIV-RadarIconRuff Rider | Undress to Kill
United Liberty Paper UnitedLibertyPaper-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Wrong is Right | Portrait of a Killer | Dust Off | Paper Trail
Part 2That Special Someone
Ray Boccino RayBoccino-GTAIV-RadarIconA Long Way to Fall | Taking In the Trash | Meltdown | Museum Piece | No Way on the Subway | Late Checkout | Weekend at Florian's
Derrick McReary DerrickMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIconSmackdown | Babysitting | Tunnel of Death
Bernie Crane BernieCrane-GTAIV-RadarIconHating the Haters | Union Drive | Buoys Ahoy
Phil Bell PhilBell-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Truck Hustle
Part 2Catch the Wave | Trespass | To Live and Die in Alderney
Jimmy Pegorino JimmyPegorino-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Pegorino's Pride | Payback
Part 2Flatline | Pest Control
Part 3One Last Thing
Jon Gravelli JonGravelli-GTAIV-RadarIconEntourage | Dining Out | Liquidize the Assets
Deal Deal-GTAIV-RadarIconIf the Price is Right | Mr. & Mrs. Bellic | A Revenger's Tragedy
Revenge Revenge-GTAIV-RadarIconA Dish Served Cold | Mr. & Mrs. Bellic | Out of Commission
Wade Johnson
(The Fixer) TheFixer-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Water Hazard | Dead End | Migration Control | Derelict Target | Balling Out for Good | Hook, Line and Sinker | R.U.B. Down | Industrial Action | Taken Out
Side MissionsRoman's Taxi Driver | Little Jacob's Drug Delivery | Brucie's Races | Random Characters | Exotic Exports | Stevie's Car Thefts | Most Wanted | Vigilante
Missions in GTA IV | Missions | Storyline missions | Side missions | Category:Beta missions
Crossover missions:
The Lost and Damned | The Ballad of Gay Tony | The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony
  1. ...we really don’t have a straight and true path for how the Niko ‘character’ would react in life or death situations – it’s all down to the individual who plays him.