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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

FERD Kyza.png
Artwork of Kyza from Radiant Dawn.

A member of the tiger clan of the beast tribe laguz. A talented warrior who reports to Ranulf. Despite his talents, many regard him as rather stuffy and boring.


(referred to as male in Radiant Dawn and Cipher; referred to with they/them pronouns in Heroes)


Laguz (tiger)



Starting class


Voiced by


Forget it, Lyre. The captain knows who slaves day and night to keep the army running smoothly!
— Kyza

Kyza (Japanese: キサ Kisa; PAL: Kysha) is a warrior in the Gallian army and a subordinate of Ranulf.


During the Mad King's War, Kyza served in Ranulf's unit as a trainee soldier, along with their friend Lyre.[1]

Three years later, Kyza and Lyre, now his subordinate, fought in the war between the Laguz Alliance and Begnion under Ranulf's command, accompanying him on the invasion of Begnion. They mediated conflicts between the laguz forces and their beorc allies in the Greil Mercenaries in order to maintain peace and order in the war effort.[2] On the day of the battle of Soze Pass, they informed Ranulf of General Skrimir's decision to engage Zelgius in a duel, and was tasked by Ranulf with carving a quick path up the pass through Begnion forces so that he and Ike could come to Skrimir's aid. However, Skrimir lost this duel and was badly wounded by Zelgius, effectively putting an end to the war and forcing the Laguz Alliance to retreat back to Gallia. Kyza and Lyre assisted Ranulf in conducting the Gallian retreat back across the Ribahn River, where Lyre first noticed the approach of the Daein army as they attacked the retreating laguz, and the three split up to warn the flanks and call a halt to the retreat.[3]

Kyza continued to serve with the Gallian army and the Greil Mercenaries as they retreated, and later joined the Apostle's Army with the rest of the Gallian forces to fight back against the senators of Begnion. They later participated in the battles against the Disciples of Order. After Ashera's defeat, Kyza continued to dutifully serve in the Gallian army.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance


Kyza, referred to as Kysha, is mentioned briefly in Lethe and Ranulf's B-rank support. They do not appear in person nor are they mentioned elsewhere.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


Kyza is a playable unit who first becomes available in Part III. They first join Ike's party and are as a result not playable in Chapters 6, 12, and 13. In Part IV, they can be allocated to any of the three armies.

Starting stats and growth rates

Small portrait kyza fe10.png
Level 18
Affinity Is wii lightaffin.png
Constitution 12»22
Recruitment: Part III, Chapter 4, automatically from preparations

Stats Growth Rates

Max HP 55 Speed 11»22
Strength 10»20 Luck 14
Magic 3»6 Defense 10»20
Skill 10»20 Resistance 5»10
Movement 7»9 Weight 21»42
Inventory Skills
Laguz Stone
ShoveThis item or skill is locked to this unit.
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows -- Knives -- Strike weapons A
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- Wind magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


Part I Part II Part III Part IV
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E P 1 2 3 E P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E P 1 2 3 4 5 Endgame
1 2 1 2 3 4 5
  • R: Required for deployment
  • A: Available for deployment
  • E: Appears as an enemy unit
  • N: Appears as an NPC unit
  • P: Appears as an partner unit
  • S: Available if selected into the relevant army
  • F: Joins after preparations
  • U: Cannot be deployed, but inventory can be managed
See Availability chart/Radiant Dawn for more details on availability.


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Kyza is a tiger who is available for most of Part III. They have mediocre transformed bases in all stats except for their high HP and low resistance, so their combat is subpar. They also have an A rank strike, locking them to a relatively weak weapon until they raise it, which takes a long time due to the slow WEXP gain of laguz weapons and the inability to equip Discipline. Kyza suffers most from their slow EXP gain, as their base stats are mediocre and they need to level to be able to meaningfully contribute. Even after raising their stats, Kyza will still suffer from their lack of ranged attacks (apart from Quickclaw) and transformation gauge restrictions. Their lack of ranged options also means that enemies will often attack them, further decreasing their transformation gauge. Kyza is also extremely vulnerable to magic, especially fire magic, due to their low resistance.

Kyza, for a laguz, has above average growths everywhere except magic and resistance. This means that a raised Kyza will have fairly good and well-rounded stats, but their resistance will continue to cause problems. Kyza can also attempt to use BEXP to level more. Ultimately, Kyza is one of the weaker candidates for the Tower of Guidance due to their low caps in speed and resistance, as well as being outclassed by the laguz royals. Kyza is also overshadowed by the other tigers: Muarim has much less availability, but his stats are much higher, and Mordecai has better availability, joins earlier with better availability and his base stats are generally higher than Kyza's.

In Part IV, Kyza can be assigned to any of the three teams, and, if trained, they function well on any of them. Tibarn's team is generally the best option for them, as Kyza will likely be underleveled due to their slow EXP gain, and 4-5 has many laguz units which give generous amounts of EXP.

Kyza starts with the Quickclaw skill, which is marginally useful for chipping down enemies, but it is unreliable and doesn't deal enough damage to be significant. There is no real reason to remove it though, as it doesn't use any capacity on Kyza. A trained Kyza can make decent use of Resolve for some extra survivability when transformed. Kyza can frequently be underleveled, so Paragon can be used to increase their EXP gain. Kyza can also make good use of Nullify to remove their weakness to fire magic. After reaching level 30, Kyza can use a Satori Sign to learn Roar, increasing their offensive capabilities.

Kyza has a light affinity which gives defense and hit. Kyza doesn't particularly benefit from these bonuses as they are bulky and accurate, but they can be used to help someone else. Kyza benefits from supports that grant attack or avoid, but both of those will be decent if they are trained.

Fire Emblem Heroes


Kyza was first added to the game in a special New Year's variation as part of the Like Clockwork update, and was made available to players in the forty-ninth edition of the Tempest Trials+, "Togetherness", which initially ran from January 1, 2022 through January 11, 2022. The aforementioned New Year's variation of Kyza is the only one currently available in Heroes, and is based on their Radiant Dawn incarnation.

Kyza: Tiger of Fortune

Starting stats

★★★★ ★★★★★

Portrait kyza tiger of fortune feh.png
Rarity ★★★★
Weapon type Is feh red beast.png
Movement type Infantry

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 17/18/19
Attack 10/11/12 Speed 5/6/7
Defense 10/11/12 Resistance 4/5/6

Note: This unit requires the usage of Trait Fruit to access any flaws and assets.

Weapon Adult (Infantry)
Assist --
Special New Moon

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Whelp (Infantry) ★★★★ ★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Yearling (Infantry) ★★★★ ★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Adult (Infantry) ★★★★ ★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Polished Fang ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png New Moon ★★★★ ★���★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Moonbow ★★★★ 200
Is feh close def 1.pngA Close Def 1 ★★★★ 60
Is feh close def 2.pngA Close Def 2 ★★★★ 120
Is feh close def 3.pngA Close Def 3 ★★★★ 240
Is feh atk def oath 1.pngC Atk/Def Oath 1 ★★★★ 60
Is feh atk def oath 2.pngC Atk/Def Oath 2 ★★★★ 120
Is feh atk def oath 3.pngC Atk/Def Oath 3 ★★★★★ 240


Seen by other members of the Gallian army as stuffy and boring, Kyza is a dutiful and diligent offier who works hard to maintain order in the Gallian army. They claimed to be an obedient subordinate to Ranulf who would quickly and efficiently execute their superior's orders,[4] and they constantly trained themself to be ready for action at all times, even during times of peace. They tried to ensure there were no incidents between the beorc and laguz members of the Laguz Alliance army by taking a deferential approach, trying to convince Lyre to apologize to Shinon even though Shinon was the one taunting her.[2] However, they have a tendency to try to ingratiate themself to Ranulf with over-the-top insistence that they will follow Ranulf's orders,[5] and they are not above bragging about their loyalty and accomplishments to Ranulf if it meant receiving a reward, and despite their friendship they were quick to criticize Lyre and highlight her flaws in comparison to themself, although she did the same first.[4]

In the Japanese version of Radiant Dawn, Kyza's speech is notably very feminine in style, using pronouns and verbal tics which are almost exclusively seen in the speech of women. The Fire Emblem 20th Anniversary Encyclopedia describes their speech as being like that of an okama (a Japanese term for an effeminate homosexual man). Additionally, the Encyclopedia titles its section on Kyza "Body is male, heart is female?", which may suggest that Kyza was portrayed as a transgender woman in the Japanese version.[6] The localization mostly removed the effeminate aspect of Kyza's personality from their main story dialogue, although their support lines still contain traces of the more flamboyant elements of this former characterization (e.g. "I hope you're feeling as fabulous as I am").

In Fire Emblem Heroes, Kyza is referred to with gender-neutral pronouns in the Meet some of the Heroes website and in their flavor text.[7]


Bond supports

Small portrait kyza fe10.png
Default bonds:




Extra bonds:*





See Support § Radiant Dawn for more details on supports.


Kyza, Dutiful Assistant
Kyza remained a dutiful Gallian warrior. He showed exemplary diligence, never neglecting to train–even in peacetime.


Death quote

...Commander Ranulf... Curse my fragile bones! My last breath... For Gallia! For...Ga–
— Kyza, in Radiant Dawn.

Heroes quotes

Main article: Kyza/Quotes (Heroes)

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Cipher

Kyza is featured on one card in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Kyza
TCGCipher B22-058N.png Dutiful Assistant, Kyza



"The captain knows who slaves day and night to keep the army running smoothly! If you want it, you'll have to take it!"
Attack: 70 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Beast Tribe Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Appropriate Assistance: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Send 1 card from your hand to the Retreat Area] Choose 1 non-"Kyza" Fang card from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
Resurrection of the Demon King: [Always] If an allied "Ranulf" is present, this unit gains +10 attack.
Card #B22-058N • Artist: Nekohayashi
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Kyza .

Flavor text

Game Text
Radiant Dawn
A member of the tiger clan of
the beast tribe laguz. A talented
warrior who reports to Ranulf.
Despite his talents, many regard
him as rather stuffy and boring.
A tiger warrior from Gallia, home of the beast
tribe of laguz. Serious and dutiful, not even New
Year's celebrations can keep them from their
training. Appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 暁の女神』)

Meet some of the Heroes entries

Kyza: Tiger of Fortune
FEH mth Kyza Tiger of Fortune 01.png FEH mth Kyza Tiger of Fortune 02.png FEH mth Kyza Tiger of Fortune 03.png FEH mth Kyza Tiger of Fortune 04.png
Happy New Year! This time, we're joined by Kyza, one of the beast tribe laguz of Gallia. And just look at that fabulous kimono! I love how the loose, blue scarf draped over Kyza's shoulders contrasts with the white ties holding the kimono tight. That really hints at how the tiger laguz are nimble but powerful warriors! That wooden plaque in Kyza's hand is called an ema, and it's a traditional New Year's item on which you draw or write something that represents your wishes for the coming year. I see they've chosen to draw a picture of Ranulf! Hopefully this wish will help them win Ranulf's heart in the New Year. Whatever happens, I'm rooting for you, Kyza!
Closely Associated Characters
Ranulf Lyre {{{Related_name3}}} {{{Related_name4}}} {{{Related_name5}}}
A cat warrior from Gallia, the home of the beast tribe of laguz. Though young, his king trusts him deeply. Considered the right hand of the future king. Kyza's superior officer. A cat warrior from Gallia, home of the beast tribe of laguz. Wrapped in a kimono for the first time, she is enjoying herself to the fullest. Kyza's subordinate. {{{Related_blurb3}}} {{{Related_blurb4}}} {{{Related_blurb5}}}

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
573 Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Portrait kyza fe10 cyl.png
Radiant Dawn
Total results This character has 8 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 582


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Kysha
• Kyza

• The character is known by this name in Path of Radiance, in their brief mention in a support between Lethe and Ranulf.
• The character is known by this name in Radiant Dawn and Heroes.



The PAL region English version of the games use "Kysha" for both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, opting in the latter to maintain consistency with the former. Heroes instead uses "Kyza" in the European English localization.



Officially romanized as Kisa.



Used in Radiant Dawn and the European Spanish localization of Heroes.

(Latin America)


Used in the American Spanish localization of Heroes.













Traditional Chinese




Official artwork

Heroes artwork

Cipher artwork


  1. "Lethe: Lyre in your unit now?
    Ranulf: Yes, she is. She and her friend Kysha are giving me quite a hard time.
    Lethe: Kysha is big and strong. You'll have your hands full if they decide to give you trouble. Regardless, I'd still like you to show them the ropes.
    " — Lethe and Ranulf, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Lyre: HISSSSSS!!!
    Kyza: Stop! Don't make another move.
    Lyre: Kyza! You should hear the garbage he's saying! He's the worst man I've ever met!
    Kyza: He's a beorc, Lyre. Please accept my apology on behalf of my associate. Please, forgive her. Now you, Lyre. Apologize to him.
    Lyre: What?! Why do I have to be the one to apologize?! That guy was the one who started it!
    Kyza: Do you want me to report to Captain Ranulf that you couldn't control your temper and started a fight with a beorc?
    Lyre: N-no...
    Shinon: I'm waiting... I'd forgive you if you apologized. I am a nice guy, you know.
    Lyre: What?! Never! You're lucky I don't claw that smile off your face!
    Kyza: Lyre! I'm sorry... Maybe some other time. Excuse us.
    " — Lyre, Kyza, and Shinon, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  3. "Lyre: Hey, Kyza... Do you smell that?
    Kyza: I can't smell anything. What is it?
    Lyre: Hm. Maybe it's just my imagination.
    Ranulf: Think hard. What kind of smell?
    Lyre: Hello, Captain Ranulf! Um, well... Let's see. What IS that smell? Oh, I know! It smells like one of those torches that the beorc use!
    Ranulf: What?!
    Kyza: Are we being pursued? I don't smell any beorc.
    Ranulf: That's because the wind is blowing from the other side. Oh no... I have a bad feeling about this. Call a halt on the river crossing! Kyza, Lyre! Go tell everyone else. I'll make a run for the lead force and let them know! I just hope it's not too late!
    Lyre: No... No! The enemy is here? No way!
    Kyza: Lyre, run to the left wing and inform them of the situation. Lyre!
    " — Lyre, Kyza, and Ranulf, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Ranulf: So, it happens to be that I have a very rare and precious item in my possession. Which one of you thinks you deserve a gift?
    Lyre: Ooo, me! Me! I want it!
    Kyza: No, Captain! You should give it to me! After all, I'm your faithful servant.
    Lyre: What!? No way! That stuffy know-it-all doesn't need it! Look at me! I'm so tiny and helpless, I need all the help I can get. You wouldn't want me to get hurt, would you?
    Kyza: A stuffy know-it-all?! Oh, I say! How dare you, madam!? Captain Ranulf! You know that rewarding her behavior will only encourage her to act up in front of others! Have I not always followed your orders without question, both quickly and effectively?
    Ranulf: All right, all right... Sheesh. You know, I personally don't really care which of you gets it.
    Lyre: You hold it right there, Kyza! I think you just called me a brat!
    Kyza: Pfft. I'm only stating the obvious. If you don't like it, don't act so childish.
    Lyre: Hmph! You stuck-up old alley cat!
    Kyza: Stuck up?! Your mother would be ashamed at your lack of manners!
    Ranulf: Argh! Stop already! I'm sorry I asked. Obviously I have to make the decision for you. All right, Kyza! This is yours. Take it.
    Kyza: Oh, thank you! Thank you! You've made me the happiest person in the army, Captain! Hah!
    Lyre: What!? Why!? Why did you give it to him!?
    Ranulf: He's your commanding officer.
    Lyre: That's not fair! He's a stuffy old bore! And I'm wearing my prettiest collar...
    Kyza: Forget it, Lyre. The captain knows who slaves day and night to keep the army running smoothly!
    Lyre: No, no, no! The captain's love is mine! All mine! Give it to me!
    Kyza: If you want it, you'll have to take it!
    Lyre: Oh, you're dead!
    Ranulf: What is it with you two? Sigh...
    " — Ranulf, Lyre, and Kyza, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  5. "Ranulf: Kyza, can you carve us a path to the top?
    Kyza: Certainly, Captain. I'd be happy to. We'll neutralize anyone in your way. You can count on me, sir.
    " — Ranulf and Kyza, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  6. Amielleon, Kyza's Sexual/Gender Identity, Dreamwidth, Published: January 1, 2012, Retrieved: January 30, 2016
  7. "Hopefully this wish will help them win Ranulf's heart in the New Year. Whatever happens, I'm rooting for you, Kyza!"Meet some of the Heroes, from the Fire Emblem Heroes website, Retrieved: December 28, 2021
  8. FE RD: Kyza Character Profile (P. 103) Translation | kantopia,, Retrieved: March 2, 2022
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Playable characters Part I AranBlack KnightEdwardFionaIlyanaJillLauraLeonardoMegMicaiahMuarimNailahNolanRafielSotheTauroneoTormodVikaVolugZihark
Part II AstridBromCalillDanvedElinciaGeoffreyHaarHeatherKieranLeanneLetheLuciaMakalovMarciaMordecaiNealuchiNephenee
Part III BoydGatrieIkeJanaffKyzaLyreMiaMistOscarRanulfReysonRhysRolfShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaUlki
Part IV BastianCaineghisEnaGarethGiffcaKurthnagaLehranNaesalaNasirOliverPelleasRenningSanakiSkrimirStefanTibarnVolke
Non-playable characters AimeeAlderAlmedhaAmyAshuneraDanielJorgeLargoMustonNicoYuneZelgius
Bosses Part I AgonyBurtonDjurIsaiyaJarodLavertonPainPugoRadminWystanZaitan
Part II LudveckMarajTashoriaYeardleyZeffren
Part III CallumGoranIkeIstvanLethe/KezhdaLombrosoMicaiahRoarkRommitSeptimusSergeiSigrunSilvanoVeyona
Part IV AsheraBlack KnightCatalenaDheginseaHetzelIzukaLekainLevailNumidaOliverSephiranValtomeYuma
Background characters AltinaElenaGreilLanvegaLilliaLoraziehMisahaRajaionRamonSoan
Regalia and personal weapons AlonditeAmitiAshera StaffBalberithBaselardCaladbolgCreiddyladCymbelineDouble BowEttardFloreteLughnasadhMatronaRagnellRexauraRexboltRexcaliburRexflameTarvosThaniUrvanVague KattiWishblade
Chapters Part I P: Under Gray Skies • 1: Maiden of Miracles • 2: The Dispossessed • 3: A Faint Light • 4: A Distant Voice • 5: The Lost Heir • 6: Raise the Standard (stage 1stage 2) • 7: A Gathering Hope • 8: Glory Unwanted • 9: One SurvivesE: Daein, Arise!
Part II P: On Drifting Clouds • 1: Winds of Rebellion • 2: Tides of Intrigue • 3: Geoffrey's ChargeE: Elincia's Gambit
Part III P: The Great Advance • 1: Laguz and Beorc • 2: Stormclouds • 3: River Crossing • 4: The General's Hand • 5: Retreat! • 6: A Reason to Fight • 7: Rivals Collide • 8: Incandescent Glow • 9: Marauders • 10: The Heart of Crimea • 11: Just Cause • 12: The Price • 13: Blood ContractE: From Pain, Awakening
Part IV P: Chaos Named • 1: Road to the Empire • 2: Silent World • 3: Distortions • 4: Revelations • 5: Unforgivable SinE: Rebirth (1)E: Rebirth (2)E: Rebirth (3)E: Rebirth (4)E: Rebirth (5)
Locations TelliusBegnion (SienneTower of Guidance) • CrimeaDaeinDesert of DeathGalliaGoldoaGrann DesertHatariKilvasPhoenicisSerenes Forest
Groups, objects and events Ancient languageBlood pactDawn BrigadeDisciples of OrderGreat FloodGreil MercenariesLaguz AllianceLehran's MedallionMad King's War • Races (BeorcBrandedLaguzZunanma) • Serenes MassacreWarp Powder
Lists Base conversationsChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSkillsWeapons
Related topics Data transferList of version differences (Name chart) • Other games (Path of Radiance) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline
Fire Emblem Heroes
Characters Heroes AlfonseAnnaAshAskrBrunoDagrEikþyrnirEirEitrEitriElmEmblaFáfnirFehFehnixFjormFreyjaFreyrGanglötGinnungagapGullveigGunnthráGustavHeiðrHeiðrúnHelHelbindiHenrietteHræsvelgrHrídKiranKvasirLaegjarnLæraðrLaevateinLetiziaLífLokiMirabilisMúspellNerþuzNiðavellirNíðhöggrNiflNjörðrNóttÓtrPeonyPlumeriaRatatoskrReginnSeiðrSharenaSurtrÞjaziThórrThrasirTriandraVeronicaYlgrYmir
SDatBoL, MotE, NMotE AbelArlenAstramAthenaBantuBarstCaedaCainCamusCastorCatriaClarisseDarrosDraugEliceEremiyaEstGharnefGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianKatarinaKrisLegionLenaLindeLukeMaliceMarthMariaMatthisMedeusMerricMichalisMinervaNagaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRickardRoderickRosheaSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWolfWrysXaneYuliya
Shadows of Valentia AlmAtlasBerkutBoeyBrigand BossCatriaCelicaClairCliveConradDeenDeltheaDumaFayeFernandForsythGennyGrayHestiaKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMarlaMathildaMilaMycenPallaPythonRineaRudolfSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Genealogy of the Holy War AltenaAnnandArdenAresArionArthurArvisAyraAzelleBrigidCedDeirdreDíthorbaEldiganErinysEthlynFebailFeeHildaIshtarJamkeJuliaJuliusLachesisLarceiLeneLewynLexPattyQuanScáthachSeliphShannanSigurdSilviaTailtiuTineTravantUllr
Thracia 776 AsbelAugustEyvelFinnGalzusKarinKempfLaraLeifLifisMareetaMirandaNannaOlwenOsianPerneReinhardtRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraTanyaTinaVeld
The Binding Blade BartreBrunnyaCathCeciliaChadClarineDieckDorothyEchidnaElimineFaeFirGalleGeeseGonzalezGuinivereGwendolynHughIdunnIgreneJunoKleinLarumLilinaLughMeladyMerlinusMurdockNarcianNiimeNoahPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSophiaSueTheaWoltZelotZephiel
The Blazing Blade BramimondCanasDorcasEliwoodErkFargusFarinaFioraFlorinaGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLeilaLimstellaLinusLloydLouiseLuciusLynMarkMatthewNergalNilsNinianNinoPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaSainSerraSoniaUrsulaWilZephiel
The Sacred Stones AmeliaArturCaellachColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFomortiisFordeGerikGilliamGlenInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMyrrhNatashaNeimiOrsonRennacRievRossSalehSelenaSethSyreneTanaTethysValterVanessaVigarde
Path of Radiance AshnardAstridBertramBlack KnightBoydElinciaGatrieGreilIkeIlyanaJillMarciaMiaMistNepheneeOscarPetrineRolfSanakiSephiranShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaVolkeZihark
Radiant Dawn AltinaAsheraBastianCaineghisDheginseaEdwardElinciaEnaGeoffreyHaarHeatherIkeJarodJorgeKurthnagaKyzaLeanneLeonardoLetheLuciaLudveckLyreMiaMicaiahMordecaiMuarimNaesalaNailahNolanOliverPelleasRafielRanulfReysonRhysSanakiSotheTibarnTormodVikaYuneZelgius
Awakening AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelle"Marth"MorganMustafaMirielNagaNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePhilaPriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeValidarVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Fates AnankosAreteArthurAzamaAzuraBennyBerukaCaeldoriCamillaCandaceCharlotteCorrinDwyerEffieEliseFeliciaFloraForrestFugaGaronGunterHanaHansHayatoHinataHinokaIagoJakobKadenKageroKanaKazeKeatonKiragiLaslowLeoLilithMidoriMikotoMozuNilesNinaNyxOboroOdinOpheliaOrochiPeriReinaRhajatRinkahRyomaSakuraSaizoSelenaSelkieSetsunaShigureShiroSiegbertSilasSoleilSubakiTakumiVelouriaXanderYukimura
Three Houses, Warriors: Three Hopes AelfricAnnetteArvalAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparCatherineClaudeConstanceCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDedueDimitriDorotheaEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynGatekeeperHapiHildaHolstHubertIgnatzIngridJeraltKronyaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMonicaNemesisPetraRaphaelRheaSeirosSetethShamirShezSolonSothisSylvainYuri
Engage AlcrystAlearAlfredCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryHortensiaIvyKagetsuLapisLumeraMarniMarthMauvierMerrinNelPandreoPanetteRosadoSeadallTimerraVeyleYunakaZephia
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore EleonoraItsukiKiriaMamoriTsubasa
Story Maps Book I PrefaceP: World of Zenith • 1: World of Mystery • 2: World of Conquest • 3: World of Binding • 4: World of Awakening • 5: Back to Mystery • 6: World of Birthright • 7: World of Blazing • 8: Back to Awakening • 9: Heroes Invade • 10: World of Radiance • 11: Rite of Shadows • 12: Bitter Enemies • 13: Diabolical BloodlineI: A Power AwakensI: The Rite of Blades
Book II 1: The Flame • 2: Princess of Ice • 3: Guided by a Dream • 4: Fiery Resolve • 5: Blood and Snow • 6: The True Quarry • 7: Snow and Ash • 8: Rite of Frost • 9: Hellfire • 10: The King's Demise • 11: Prince of Ice • 12: Seeping Poison • 13: A Way Home
Book III 1: Death • 2: The Dread Gate • 3: Countdown • 4: A King's Worth • 5: A Father's Legacy • 6: Realm of the Dead • 7: A Home Unknown • 8: Truth of a Name • 9: Cohort of the Dead • 10: Omnicidal Witch • 11: Where It Began • 12: Lethal Swordsman • 13: Marvelous Dream
Book IV 1: The Dream • 2: Missing You • 3: Gullinkambi • 4: On Dark Wings • 5: Twisted Reality • 6: Dreaming Reality • 7: Steeped in Twilight • 8: Wallowing in Love • 9: Violent Fantasies • 10: Lack • 11: Plumeria's Dream • 12: Triandra's Dream • 13: Reality
Book V 1: Machine Dominion • 2: Kingsbrother • 3: Forest of the Sage • 4: The Vital Blade • 5: Night and Day • 6: Treachery • 7: Bound Elsewhere • 8: Serpent's Whispers • 9: Echoes of Truth • 10: Howling Descent • 11: Deceit • 12: What Remains • 13: Specter of Niðavellir
Book VI 1: Darkness • 2: Curse Directive • 3: Calling of Blood • 4: Princess Alone • 5: Evil Ways • 6: Revealing Lies • 7: To Be Emperor • 8: Closing In • 9: Opening a Way • 10: God of Openness • 11: One Last Chance • 12: Princess and Prince • 13: Askr and Embla
Book VII 13: Time • 5: Divine Foretelling • 6: King of Light • 7: Goddess Reunion • 8: Seeing the Present • 2: World of the Past • 3: Within Wheels • 4: Ouroboros • 9: The Innocent • 10: Light's Fading • 11: Without Limits • 12: Seer of the Past • 1: Golden Seer
Book VIII 1: Healing • 2: Traitor • 3: Bait • 4: Imperial Blood • 5: A Royal Target • 6: Hand Reveal • 7: Ceremony Day • 8: The World-Tree • 9: Healing Nectar • 10: Trading Lives • 11: Quieting Blade
Paralogues X1: Detached Princess • 1: Family Bonds • 2: Sibling Bonds • 3: Blazing Shadows • 4: Spring Festival • 5: World of Shadows • 6: Bridal Blessings • X2: The Brink of Chaos • 7: Echoes of Mystery • 8: Ylissean Summer • 9: Nohrian Summer • 10: The Sacred World • 11: Brave Heroes • 12: Performing Arts • 13: World of Holy War • 14: Trick or Defeat! • 15: Farfetched Heroes • 16: Winter's Envoy • 17: Happy New Year! • X3: The People's Hero • 18: Love Abounds • 19: Hares at the Fair • 20: Bridal Bloom • 21: Summer's Arrival • 22: A Sketchy Summer • 23: Festival in Hoshido • 24: Arrival of the Brave • 25: The Land's Bounty • 26: Brave Redux • 27: Adrift • X4: Whispers of Death • 28: Gifts of Winter • 29: New Year's Wish • 30: Hostile Springs • 31: Greil's Devoted • 32: Regal Rabbits • 33: A Season for Picnics • 34: Bridal Belonging • 35: Summer Returns • 36: Summer Refreshes • 37: Brave Echoes • 38: A Splendid Soiree • 39: Treat Fiends • X5: Heavenly Witness • 40: Glorious Gifts • 41: Renewed Spirit • 42: A Star Is Born • 43: Lovely Gifts • 44: Familial Festivities • 45: The Start of It All • 46: Bridal Beloveds • 47: Summer Passing • 48: Overseas Memories • 49: Pirate's Pride • 50: To Stay Dreaming • 51: Dragons Harvest • 52: In the Moment • 53: A Festival Miracle • 54: Beyond Dreaming • 55: Dark Desert Rituals • 56: Love of a King • 57: Willful Rabbits • 58: Childhood Encounter • 59: Bridal Grace • 60: Summer Vibrance • 61: Summer's Dream • 62: Perilous Seas • 63: Scions of Twelve • 64: Shared Bounty • 65: Ninja Training • 66: Winter Dreamland • 67: Like Clockwork • 68: Of Lost Kingdoms • 69: Here with Me • 70: Hop-and-Go-Seek • 71: Unlikely Friends • 72: Bridal Blossoms • 73: Summer Vacation • 74: Taken by the Tide • 75: Risk and Reward • 76: Bite of Flame • 77: Divine Harvest • 78: Wyvern Ninja • 79: Holiday Handoff • 80: Gods Renewed • 81: Sage of Khadein? • 82: A Special Gift • 83: Spring Eternal • 84: No Matter Where • 85: Bridal Dreams • 86: Summer Longing • 87: Summer Firsts • 88: Invitation to Tea • 89: Winds Offered • 90: Merchant's Harvest • 91: Our Path Ahead • 92: Holiday Lessons • 93: Ring In the Year • 94: Nabata's Shield • 95: May This Last • 96: A Place to Rest • 97: Double Vision • 98: Brides to Be • 99: Flush Summer • 100: Loving Sea • 101: Timidity Trials
Locations The Sacred WorldWorld of AwakeningWorld of BindingWorld of BirthrightWorld of BlazingWorld of ConquestWorld of CrestsWorld of DawnWorld of Holy WarWorld of MysteryWorld of Mystery RenewedWorld of OriginWorld of RadianceWorld of ShadowsWorld of Thracia • World of Zenith (Askran KingdomDökkálfheimrEmblian EmpireHelJötunheimrLjósálfheimrMúspellNiflNiðavellirVanaheimrYggdrasill)
Groups, objects, and concepts BreidablikCurse DirectiveHealing HandsOrbOrder of HeroesRaritySummoning (summoning events)
Game modes Aether Raids (Aether Resort) • Affinity Auto-BattlesBinding WorldsBlessed GardensChain ChallengeColiseum (Allegiance BattleArena AssaultArena DuelsResonant BattleSummoner Duels) • Forging BondsFrontline PhalanxGrand ConquestsHall of FormsHeroes JourneyHeroic OrdealsLost LoreMjölnir's StrikePawns of LokiRøkkr SiegesSeer's SnareSpecial Maps (Bound Hero BattlesEmblem Hero BattlesEvent MapsGrand Hero BattlesHero BattlesLegendary Hero BattlesLimited Hero BattlesMythic Hero BattlesRelay DefenseRival DomainsSpecial Training MapsTrial Maps) • Squad AssaultTactics DrillsTap BattleTempest TrialsTraining TowerUnited WarfrontVoting Gauntlet
Related topics A Hero RisesAncient LettersAnniversary Illustrations‎Artists (0–9, A–LM–Z) • CalendarsChoose Your LegendsFeh PassEvent calendarsFind & Vote Heroes!A Day in the LifeMini Acrylic Figure CollectionList of status effectsList of version differences (Name chart) • Meet some of the HeroesPre-release information (Unused content) • Voting Jubilee