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Model Assisted Statistics and Applications - Volume 9, issue 1

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Price: EUR 85.00
ISSN 1574-1699 (P)
ISSN 1875-9068 (E)

Model Assisted Statistics and Applications is a peer reviewed international journal. Model Assisted Statistics means an improvement of inference and analysis by use of correlated information, or an underlying theoretical or design model. This might be the design, adjustment, estimation or analytical phase of statistical project.

This information may be survey-generated or coming from an independent source. Original papers in the field of sampling theory, econometrics, time-series, design of experiments, and multivariate analysis are preferred. Papers of both applied and theoretical topics are acceptable.

Randomized response techniques

Horvitz-Thompson estimation with randomized response and nonresponse

Price: EUR 27.50

A randomized response design for a polychotomous sensitive population and its application to opinion polls

Price: EUR 27.50

An estimation of a sensitive attribute by two stage stratified randomized response model

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An alternative to stratified Kim and Warde's randomized response model using optimal (Neyman) allocation

Price: EUR 27.50

Improved randomized response models using three decks of cards

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An improved mixed randomized response model

Price: EUR 27.50

On estimation of totals of multi-sensitive-characteristics using forced quantitative randomized responses

Price: EUR 27.50