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Model Assisted Statistics and Applications - Volume 8, issue 4

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Price: EUR 85.00
ISSN 1574-1699 (P)
ISSN 1875-9068 (E)

Model Assisted Statistics and Applications is a peer reviewed international journal. Model Assisted Statistics means an improvement of inference and analysis by use of correlated information, or an underlying theoretical or design model. This might be the design, adjustment, estimation or analytical phase of statistical project.

This information may be survey-generated or coming from an independent source. Original papers in the field of sampling theory, econometrics, time-series, design of experiments, and multivariate analysis are preferred. Papers of both applied and theoretical topics are acceptable.

Determination of optimal chance double sampling plan using genetic algorithm

Price: EUR 27.50

Application of log-linear models to dengue virus infection patients in Thailand

Price: EUR 27.50

An efficient reliability system for censoring the data based on the hybrid approach

Price: EUR 27.50

Construction of two-level irregular minimum aberration fractional factorial plans

Price: EUR 27.50

Universally optimal second order neighbour designs

Price: EUR 27.50

Bivariate t-distribution type symmetry model for square contingency tables with ordered categories

Price: EUR 27.50

Model selection in GLM based on the distribution function criterion

Price: EUR 27.50

Meeting Report: STAT-HAWKERS at the JSM-2013, Montreal, Canada


Author Index Volume 8 (2013)