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Model Assisted Statistics and Applications - Volume 2, issue 1

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Price: EUR 85.00
ISSN 1574-1699 (P)
ISSN 1875-9068 (E)

Model Assisted Statistics and Applications is a peer reviewed international journal. Model Assisted Statistics means an improvement of inference and analysis by use of correlated information, or an underlying theoretical or design model. This might be the design, adjustment, estimation or analytical phase of statistical project.

This information may be survey-generated or coming from an independent source. Original papers in the field of sampling theory, econometrics, time-series, design of experiments, and multivariate analysis are preferred. Papers of both applied and theoretical topics are acceptable.


Tests for assessing vector correlation

Price: EUR 27.50

Ridge regression approach to sample balancing with maximum effective base

Price: EUR 27.50

Jackknife variance estimation under two-phase sampling

Price: EUR 27.50

Some balanced repeated measurements designs

Price: EUR 27.50

A wide and efficient class of estimators of population variance under sub-sampling scheme

Price: EUR 27.50

Mining airpollution data to learn stroke incidence

Price: EUR 27.50