
Found 158 Software Packages (Results 1–100)


Cited in 797 Documents (1999–2024)
Software Authors: Spiegelhalter, David; Thomas, Andrew; Best, Nicky; Lunn, Dave
Related Software: R; BayesDA; JAGS; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 636 Documents (1994–2024)
Software Authors: TIBCO Software Inc.
Related Software: R; MEMSS; SAS; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 458 Documents (2002–2024)
Software Authors: cran.r-project.org/
Related Software: R; ggplot2; Rcpp; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 183 Documents (2012–2024)
Software Authors: Killick, Rebecca; Eckley, Idris; Fearnhead, Paul
Related Software: wbs; R; ecp; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 182 Documents (1985–2024)
Software Authors: Drud, Arne Stolbjerg
Related Software: GAMS; MINOS; SNOPT; …
Main Fields: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); …


Cited in 113 Documents (2003–2024)
Software Authors: Yee, Thomas W.
Related Software: R; gamair; SemiPar; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 92 Documents (2003–2024)
Software Authors: Sanderson, Conrad
Related Software: R; RcppArmadillo; Rcpp; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 50 Documents (2003–2024)
Software Authors: Jr, Paulo J. Ribeiro; Diggle, Peter J.
Related Software: R; spBayes; gstat; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 56 Documents (2008–2024)
Software Authors: Nason, Guy
Related Software: wavethresh; R; wmtsa; …
Main Fields: Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 38 Documents (1962–2024)
Software Authors: Schneider, Tapio; Neumaier, Arnold
Related Software: FastICA; Matlab; mctoolbox; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX); …


Cited in 40 Documents (2010–2024)
Software Authors: Bach, Francis
Related Software: R; ElemStatLearn; PDCO; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 26 Documents (1991–2009)
Software Authors: Analytics, SHAZAM
Related Software: Stata; LIMDEP; GAUSS; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 28 Documents (2011–2024)
Software Authors: University of Rochester’s Center for Biodefense Immune Modeling (CBIM)
Related Software: SemiPar; R; fda (R); …
Main Fields: Ordinary differential equations (34-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 26 Documents (2013–2024)
Software Authors: Riani, M.; Perrotta, D.; Torti, F.
Related Software: robustbase; TCLUST; mclust; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 19 Documents (2020–2024)
Software Authors: Crawford, Lorin; Monod, Anthea; Chen, Andrew X.; Mukherjee, Sayan; Rabadán, Raúl
Related Software: PersistenceImages; Gudhi; SINATRA; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Algebraic topology (55-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); …


Cited in 11 Documents (2015–2023)
Software Authors: Alstott, Jeff; Bullmore, Ed; Plenz, Dietmar
Related Software: plfit; Python; hosking.c; …
Main Fields: Combinatorics (05-XX); Ordinary differential equations (34-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 15 Documents (2014–2024)
Software Authors: Dobriban, Edgar
Related Software: OptShrink; QuEST; RMTool; …
Main Fields: Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 14 Documents (2017–2023)
Software Authors: Leimkuhler, Benedict; Matthews, Charles; Weare, Jonathan
Related Software: EnKF; emcee; BayesDA; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 12 Documents (2016–2022)
Software Authors: Ekhad, Shalosh B.; Zeilberger, Doron
Related Software: Maple; HISTABRUT; BiVariateMoms; …
Main Fields: Combinatorics (05-XX); Number theory (11-XX); Difference and functional equations (39-XX); …


Cited in 9 Documents (2012–2023)
Software Authors: Kampstra, Peter
Related Software: R; vioplot; ggplot2; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 8 Documents (2018–2024)
Software Authors: Signorell, Andri; et al.
Related Software: R; ggplot2; MASS (R); …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Mathematics education (97-XX)


Cited in 12 Documents (2011–2020)
Software Authors: Canfield, E. Rodney; Janson, Svante; Zeilberger, Doron
Related Software: FindStat; SageMath; F12345; …
Main Fields: Combinatorics (05-XX); Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX); Group theory and generalizations (20-XX); …


Cited in 11 Documents (2021–2024)
Software Authors: Duarte, Eliana; Marigliano, Orlando; Sturmfels, Bernd
Related Software: Macaulay2; Bertini; SageMath; …
Main Fields: General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX); Commutative algebra (13-XX); Algebraic geometry (14-XX); …


Cited in 11 Documents (2013–2023)
Software Authors: Nelson, Barry L.
Related Software: Skart; VBA; Python; …
Main Fields: General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 10 Documents (1997–2010)
Software Authors: Hernández, Juan José; Navas, Sergio
Related Software: Pnuts; Jasp; XploRe; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX)


Cited in 4 Documents (2018–2022)
Software Authors: Love, Jonathon; Selker, Ravi; Marsman, Maarten; Jamil, Tahira; Dropmann, Damian; Verhagen, Josine; Ly, Alexander; Gronau, Quentin; Šmíra, Martin; Epskamp, Sacha; Matzke, Dora; Wild, Anneliese; Knight, Patrick; Rouder, Jeffrey; Morey, Richard; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan
Related Software: R; BayesFactor; bayestestR; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)


Cited in 7 Documents (2018–2024)
Software Authors: Koller, Manuel
Related Software: R; lme4; nlme; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)


Cited in 8 Documents (2016–2024)
Software Authors: Guidoum, Arsalane Chouaib
Related Software: R; KernSmooth; sm; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX); …

Spatial Statistics

Cited in 8 Documents (2001–2021)
Software Authors: Pace, Kelley
Related Software: spatial; Yall1; GLIM; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)


Cited in 7 Documents (2019–2024)
Software Authors: Litvinenko, Alexander
Related Software: GMRFLib; FRK; pcl; …
Main Fields: Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 7 Documents (2019–2024)
Software Authors: Fryer, Daniel; Olenko, Andriy
Related Software: Healpix; R; DLMF; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 8 Documents (2020–2024)
Software Authors: Dobriban, Edgar; Sheng, Yue
Related Software: glasso; SPECTRODE; ELYP; …
Main Fields: Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …

AS 135

Cited in 7 Documents (1979–2019)
Software Authors: Armstrong, Ronald D.; Kung, David S.
Related Software: AS 171; AS 213; AS 218; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 4 Documents (2021–2022)
Software Authors: Kelter, Riko
Related Software: R; bayestestR; Stan; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 5 Documents (2018–2024)
Software Authors: Brown, Patrick
Related Software: RandomFields; TMB; R; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 6 Documents (2018–2023)
Software Authors: Tang, Yunfan; Ma, Li; Nicolae, Dan L.
Related Software: MIMIX; RcppArmadillo; Rcpp; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)


Cited in 6 Documents (2018–2022)
Software Authors: Carbin, M.; Misailovic, S.; Rinard, M.
Related Software: EnerJ; Chisel; Houdini; …
Main Fields: Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX); Computer science (68-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2018–2024)
Software Authors: Kahle, D.; Garcia-Puente, L.; Yoshida, R.
Related Software: 4ti2; R; AS 159; …
Main Fields: Commutative algebra (13-XX); Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2020–2023)
Software Authors: Turek, Daniel; Risser, Mark
Related Software: spBayes; GPvecchia; R; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 5 Documents (2018–2023)
Software Authors: Martino, Luca; Luengo, David; Míguez, Joaquín
Related Software: CARBayesdata; BayesDA; PyMC; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX); …


Cited in 4 Documents (2019–2023)
Software Authors: Hediger, Simon; Michel, Loris; Näf, Jeffrey
Related Software: R; ranger; datamicroarray; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 5 Documents (2017–2023)
Software Authors: Aravkin, Aleksandr Y.; Burke, James V.; Pillonetto, Gianluigi
Related Software: ElemStatLearn; CONTSID; DLMF; …
Main Fields: Functional analysis (46-XX); Operator theory (47-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 5 Documents (2019–2024)
Software Authors: Liu, Zhonghua; Lin, Xihong
Related Software: ACAT; AS 155; R; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2020–2024)
Software Authors: Ramos-Carreño, Carlos; Suárez, Alberto; Torrecilla, José Luis; Berrocal, Miguel Carbajo; Manchón, Pablo Marcos; Manso, Pablo Pérez; Bernabé, Amanda Hernando
Related Software: fda (R); FDApy; refund; …
Main Fields: Functional analysis (46-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 5 Documents (2019–2023)
Software Authors: García-Portugués, Eduardo; Sørensen, Michael; Mardia, Kanti V.; Hamelryck, Thomas
Related Software: circular; CircStats; GULP; …
Main Fields: General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX); Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); …


Cited in 4 Documents (2019–2022)
Software Authors: Kallitsis, Michael; Stoev, Stilian; Bhattacharya, Shrijita; Michailidis, George
Related Software: MIN REVORDER; astsa; RTDE
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2013–2014)
Software Authors: Aho, Ken A.
Related Software: R; coin; magic; …
Main Fields: General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX); …


Cited in 2 Documents (2024)
Software Authors: Capretto, Tomás; Piho, Camen; Kumar, Ravin; Westfall, Jacob; Yarkoni, Tal; Martin, Osvaldo A.
Related Software: PyMC; brms; rstanarm; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2021–2022)
Software Authors: Prochenka-Sołtys, Agnieszka; Pokarowski, Piotr
Related Software: R; CRAN; rpart; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 4 Documents (2011–2017)
Software Authors: Cao, Hongyuan; Kosorok, Michael; Holloway, Shannon
Related Software:
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Arnold, O.; Bilheux, J.; Borreguero, J.; Buts, A.; Campbell, S.; Chapon, L.; Doucet, M.; Draper, N.; Leal, R. F.; Gigg, M.; Lynch, V.; Markvardsen, A.; Mikkelson, D.; Mikkelson, R.; Miller, R.; Palmen, K.; Parker, P.; Passos, G.; Perring, T.; Peterson, P.; Ren, S.; Reuter, M.; Savici, A.; Taylor, J.; Taylor, R.; Tolchenov, R.; Zhou, W.; Zikovsky, J.
Related Software: Python; SciPy; Matplotlib; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 4 Documents (2022–2023)
Software Authors: Gorjão, Leonardo Rydin; Hassan, Galib; Kurths, Jürgen; Witthaut, Dirk
Related Software: plfit; EpiModel; tn; …
Main Fields: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistics (62-XX); …


Cited in 2 Documents (2018)
Software Authors: Perrot-Dockes, Marie; Levy-Leduc, Celine; Chiquet, Julien
Related Software: R; CRAN; Matrix; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)


Cited in 4 Documents (2019–2021)
Software Authors: Baños, Hector; Bushek, Nathaniel; Davidson, Ruth; Gross, Elizabeth; Harris, Pamela E.; Krone, Robert; Long, Colby; Stewart, Allen; Walker, Robert
Related Software: Macaulay2; polymake; Mathematica
Main Fields: Combinatorics (05-XX); Commutative algebra (13-XX); Algebraic geometry (14-XX); …


Cited in 3 Documents (2016–2021)
Software Authors: Martinetti, Davide; Geniaux, Ghislain
Related Software: R; Arc_Mat; spatialprobit; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 4 Documents (2023–2024)
Software Authors: Magerya, Vitaly
Related Software: FIRE; Kira; FireFly; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Computer science (68-XX); Quantum theory (81-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2020–2022)
Software Authors: Gasparini, Alessandro; White, Ian R.
Related Software: R; SURVSIM; merlin; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)


Cited in 4 Documents (2020–2023)
Software Authors: Barratt, Shane; Angeris, Guillermo; Boyd, Stephen
Related Software: robustbase; L-BFGS
Main Fields: Real functions (26-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2007–2013)
Software Authors: Rosenbaum, Paul R.
Related Software: R; sensitivitymv; DOS2; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2018–2021)
Software Authors: Souza, Cesar; Kirillov, Andrew; Catalano, Marcos Diego; et al.
Related Software: PRMLT; NSGA-II; PyClustering; …
Main Fields: Computer science (68-XX); Geophysics (86-XX); Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Signer, Johannes
Related Software: moveHMM; R; momentuHMM; …
Main Fields:

AS 128

Cited in 3 Documents (1978–2006)
Software Authors: Davis, C. S.; Stephens, M. A.
Related Software: AS 171; AS 213; AS 218; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2023–2024)
Software Authors: Chen, Chuanqi; Chen, Nan; Wu, Jin-Long
Related Software: EnKF; ERFit; LEMDA; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 3 Documents (2020–2022)
Software Authors: Wang, Wenjing; Zhang, Xin; Mai, Qing
Related Software: sparcl; CHIME; CRAN; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2024)
Software Authors: Riis, Nicolai A. B.; Alghamdi, Amal M. A.; Uribe, Felipe; Christensen, Silja L.; Afkham, Babak M.; Hansen, Per Christian; Jørgensen, Jakob S.
Related Software: NUTS; SyFi; ArviZ; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 1 Document (2021)
Software Authors: Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Moraga, Paula; Molitor, John; Rowlingson, Barry
Related Software: SpatialEpiApp; rsatscan; DCluster; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2022–2024)
Software Authors: Menvouta, Emmanuel Jordy; Serneels, Sven; Verdonck, Tim
Related Software: robustHD; energy; Ipopt; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (1996–2018)
Software Authors: Kröger, Martin; Kröger, Bernd
Related Software: BEGAN; dsep; NEWUOA; …
Main Fields: General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX); Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX); Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX); …


Cited in 2 Documents (2020–2021)
Software Authors: Hansen, TM; Vu, LT; Bach, T.
Related Software: GSLIB; HOSIM; DSSIM-HR; …
Main Fields: Computer science (68-XX); Geophysics (86-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2021)
Software Authors: Tendeiro, Jorge N.
Related Software: ltm; mirt; R; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 1 Document (2023)
Software Authors: Vallat, Raphael
Related Software: NumPy; Python; Robust Correlation Toolbox; …
Main Fields: Computer science (68-XX)


Cited in 1 Document (2011)
Software Authors: Rufibach, Kaspar
Related Software: R; xtable; LaTeX; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2017–2023)
Software Authors: Zhu, Xiang; Stephens, Matthew
Related Software: GitHub; R; bootstrap
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Computer science (68-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)


Cited in 3 Documents (2007–2014)
Software Authors: Boulesteix, Anne-Laure; Strobl, Carolin; Weidinger, Stefan; Wichmann, H.-Erich; Wagenpfeil, Stefan
Related Software: R; LogicReg; R/qtl; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)

Algorithm 727

Cited in 2 Documents (1994–1995)
Software Authors: Hashem, Sherif; Schmeiser, Bruce
Related Software:
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Demšar, Jure; Repovš, Grega; Štrumbelj, Erik
Related Software: R; BPviGM1; ggplot2; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Eggleston, Barry; Wilson, Doug; McNeil, Becky; Ibrahim, Joseph; Catellier, Diane
Related Software: bayesDP; ph2bayes; BAEssd; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 1 Document (2017)
Software Authors: Carbon, Claus-Christian
Related Software: Matlab; nlme; R
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 1 Document (2009)
Software Authors: Zuur, Dr. Alain F.
Related Software: R; VGAM; geoR; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)


Cited in 1 Document (2017)
Software Authors: Lanos, Philippe; Philippe, Anne
Related Software: RStan; CODA; JAGS; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Mikkelsen, Frederik Vissing
Related Software: R; PLAS; S-timator; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 2 Documents (2021–2023)
Software Authors: Bertin, Audrey M.; Baumer, Benjamin S.
Related Software: R; trackr; Phyloseq; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2020–2021)
Software Authors: Mulder, Kees; Klugkist, Irene; van Renswoude, Daan; Visser, Ingmar
Related Software: movMF; R; PyCircStat; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2022–2023)
Software Authors: Bröcker, J.
Related Software: GitHub; CAViaR; Python
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Saul, Bradley; Barkley, Brian
Related Software: Scikit; SciPy; Delicatessen; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 1 Document (2023)
Software Authors: Mowinckel, Athanasia M.; Vidal-Piñeiro, Didac
Related Software: Neuroconductor; ggneuro; ggseg3d; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)


Cited in 1 Document (2017)
Software Authors: Cardot, Herve
Related Software: R; CRAN; fda (R); …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 1 Document (2022)
Software Authors: Chung, Jaewon; Pedigo, Benjamin D.; Bridgeford, Eric W.; Varjavand, Bijan K.; Vogelstein, Joshua T.
Related Software: Scikit; Seaborn; Python
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Tomic, Oliver; Gra, Thomas; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Næs, Tormod
Related Software: Python; Scikit; RENT; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Heusser, Andrew C.; Ziman, Kirsten; Owen, Lucy L. W.; Manning, Jeremy R.
Related Software: Python; Seaborn; AS 136; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 1 Document (2022)
Software Authors: Messer, Michael
Related Software: CRAN; not; wbsts; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Nab, Linda
Related Software: simexaft; simex; R; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 1 Document (2024)
Software Authors: Muyskens, Amanda; Priest, Benjamin; Goumiri, Imène; Schneider, Michael
Related Software: Adam; Scikit; WSINDy_PDE; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2013)
Software Authors: Miller, William G.
Related Software: SAS; SPSS
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Dupont, Charles; Horner, Jeffrey; Li, Chun; Liu, Qi; Shepherd, Bryan
Related Software: rms; R; survival; …
Main Fields:


Cited in 1 Document (2022)
Software Authors: Happ, Martin; Zimmermann, Georg; Bathke, Arne C.; Brunner, Edgar
Related Software: ggplot2; microbenchmark; nparcomp; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2022–2023)
Software Authors: Askham, Travis; Zheng, Peng; Aravkin, Aleksandr; Kutz, J. Nathan
Related Software: tvreg; UNLocBoX
Main Fields: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX); Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)


Cited in 2 Documents (2002–2003)
Software Authors: Tanaka, Yutaka; Tarumi, Tomoyuki; Mori, Yuichi; Odaka, Yoshimasa; Watadani, Shingo; Yamamoto, Yoshiro
Related Software: SAM II
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 1 Document (2023)
Software Authors: Otto, Philipp
Related Software: D-STEM; Rugarch; Rcpp; …
Main Fields: Statistics (62-XX)


Cited in 0 Documents
Software Authors: Lumnitz, Stefanie; Cortes, Dani Arribas-Bel Renan Xavier; Gaboardi, James; Griess, Verena; Kang, Wei; Oshan, Taylor; Wolf, Levi John; Rey, Sergio
Related Software: Python; GeoPandas; Pysal; …
Main Fields:

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