

swMATH ID: 27700
Software Authors: Love, Jonathon; Selker, Ravi; Marsman, Maarten; Jamil, Tahira; Dropmann, Damian; Verhagen, Josine; Ly, Alexander; Gronau, Quentin; Šmíra, Martin; Epskamp, Sacha; Matzke, Dora; Wild, Anneliese; Knight, Patrick; Rouder, Jeffrey; Morey, Richard; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan
Description: JASP: Graphical Statistical Software for Common Statistical Designs. This paper introduces JASP, a free graphical software package for basic statistical procedures such as t tests, ANOVAs, linear regression models, and analyses of contingency tables. JASP is open-source and differentiates itself from existing open-source solutions in two ways. First, JASP provides several innovations in user interface design; specifically, results are provided immediately as the user makes changes to options, output is attractive, minimalist, and designed around the principle of progressive disclosure, and analyses can be peer reviewed without requiring a ”syntax”. Second, JASP provides some of the recent developments in Bayesian hypothesis testing and Bayesian parameter estimation. The ease with which these relatively complex Bayesian techniques are available in JASP encourages their broader adoption and furthers a more inclusive statistical reporting practice. The JASP analyses are implemented in R and a series of R packages.
Homepage: https://jasp-stats.org/
Dependencies: R
Keywords: JASP; statistical software; open-source; Bayesian inference; GUI; graphical user interface; basic statistics; Journal of Statistical Software
Related Software: R; BayesFactor; bayestestR; bayest; Stan; SPSS; BAS; car; bridgesampling; WinBUGS; tsbridge; RStan; JAGS; BANOVA; Stat2Data; NSIS; Statsmodels; openpyxl; NumPy; Excel
Cited in: 4 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
JASP: Graphical Statistical Software for Common Statistical Designs Link
Jonathon Love; Ravi Selker; Maarten Marsman; Tahira Jamil; Damian Dropmann; Josine Verhagen; Alexander Ly; Quentin Gronau; Martin Šmíra; Sacha Epskamp; Dora Matzke; Anneliese Wild; Patrick Knight; Jeffrey Rouder; Richard Morey; Eric-Jan Wagenmakers

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