

swMATH ID: 8243
Software Authors: Caspi, R.; Foerster, H.; Fulcher, C. A.; Kaipa, P.; Krummenacker, M.; Latendresse, M.; Paley, S.; Rhee, S. Y.; Shearer, A. G.; Tissier, C.; Walk, T. C.; Zhang, P.; Karp, P. D.
Description: MetaCyc is a database of nonredundant, experimentally elucidated metabolic pathways. MetaCyc contains more than 2097 pathways from more than 2460 different organisms and is curated from the scientific experimental literature. MetaCyc contains pathways involved in both primary and secondary metabolism, as well as associated compounds, enzymes, and genes The goal of MetaCyc is to catalog the universe of metabolism by storing a representative sample of each experimentally elucidated pathway. MetaCyc is used in a variety of scientific applications, such as providing a reference data set for computationally predicting the metabolic pathways of organisms from their sequenced genomes, supporting metabolic engineering, helping to compare biochemical networks, and serving as an encyclopedia of metabolism.
Homepage: http://www.metacyc.org/
Related Software: KEGG; UniProt; Cytoscape; Celldesigner; Reactome; BRENDA; QPath; BioModels; JSBML; Kavosh; FANMOD; QNet; Algorithm 97; PathBLAST; Graemlin; NeMoFinder; BLAST; RegulonDB; IntAct; COPASI
Cited in: 15 Documents

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