

swMATH ID: 754
Software Authors: Freund, Roland W.; Nachtigal, Noël M.
Description: QMRPACK: A package of QMR algorithms. The quasi-minimal residual (QMR) algorithm is a Krylov-subspace method for the iterative solution of large non-Hermitian linear systems. QMR is based on the look-ahead Lanczos algorithm that, by itself, can also be used to obtain approximate eigenvalues of large non-Hermitian matrices. QMRPACK is a software package with Fortran 77 implementations of the QMR algorithm and variants thereof, and of the three-term and coupled two-term look-ahead Lanczos algorithms. In this article, we discuss some of the features of the algorithms in the package, with emphasis on the issues related to using the codes. We describe in some detail two routines from the package, one for the solution of linear systems and the other for the computation of eigenvalue approximations. We present some numerical examples from applications where QMRPACK was used.
Homepage: http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~bai/ET/lanczos_methods/overview_QMRPACK.html
Keywords: quasi-minimal residual algorithm; Krylov-subspace method; large non-Hermitian linear systems; look-ahead Lanczos algorithm; software package; eigenvalue; numerical examples
Related Software: JDQZ; JDQR; ARPACK; LAPACK; HOPDM; BiCGstab; PETSc; PARDISO; eigs; CUTEst; SRRIT; ScaLAPACK; Matlab; Eigtool; CGS; LSQR; BLAS; ILUT; mctoolbox; JADAMILU
Cited in: 80 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
QMRPACK: A package of QMR algorithms. Zbl 0884.65027
Freund, Roland W.; Nachtigal, Noël M.
all top 5

Cited by 134 Authors

11 Simoncini, Valeria
5 Bergamaschi, Luca
4 Bai, Zhaojun
4 Benzi, Michele
4 Freund, Roland W.
4 Gondzio, Jacek
4 Heinkenschloss, Matthias
4 Zilli, Giovanni
3 Bellavia, Stefania
3 Bollhöfer, Matthias
3 De Simone, Valentina
3 di Serafino, Daniela
3 Golub, Gene Howard
3 Morini, Benedetta
2 Chen, Xi
2 Edlund, Åke
2 Gu, Xian-Ming
2 Gutknecht, Martin H.
2 Herty, Michael Matthias
2 Huang, Ting-Zhu
2 Liu, Yijun
2 Malhotra, Manish
2 Nachtigal, Noël M.
2 Notay, Yvan
2 Perotti, Federico
2 Peskin, Uri
2 Pestana, Jennifer
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