

swMATH ID: 6559
Software Authors: Gavin Lowe / Oxford University Computing Laborator
Description: A Compiler for the Analysis of Security Protocols. Casper is a program that will take a description of a security protocol in a simple, abstract language, and produce a CSP description of the same protocol, suitable for checking using FDR2. It can be used either to find attacks upon protocols, or to show that no such attack exists, subject to the assumptions of the Dolev-Yao Model (i.e. that the intruder may overhear or intercept messages, decrypt and encrypt messages with keys that he knows, and fake messages, but not perform any cryptological attacks).
Homepage: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/gavin.lowe/Security/Casper/
Keywords: Security Protocols; FDR2
Related Software: AVISPA; TAPS; OFMC; FDR2; NRL; Chaff; scyther; ProVerif; SPIN; Maude; NuSMV; HERMES; Z; JML; PAT; SATMC; YAPA; Kronos; Smodels; PVS
Cited in: 83 Documents
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Cited by 138 Authors

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1 Long, Benjamin W.
1 Lowe, Gavin
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