

swMATH ID: 4597
Software Authors: Leavens, Gary T.; Cheon, Yoonsik
Description: The Java Modeling Language (JML) is a behavioral interface specification language that can be used to specify the behavior of Java modules. It combines the design by contract approach of Eiffel and the model-based specification approach of the Larch family of interface specification languages, with some elements of the refinement calculus.
Homepage: http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML/
Keywords: Java Modeling Language; no software
Related Software: Spec#; Eiffel; KRAKATOA; ESC/Java; PVS; Boogie; LOOP; KeY; Why3; Isabelle/HOL; SIMPLIFY; Coq; z3; Dafny; Caduceus; LARCH; JUnit; SPARK; SPIN; VeriFast
Cited in: 163 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 300 Authors

12 Jacobs, Bart
11 de Boer, Frank S.
8 Leavens, Gary T.
8 Marché, Claude
8 Müller, Peter
7 Huisman, Marieke
7 Schaefer, Ina
6 Steffen, Martin
5 Beckert, Bernhard
5 De Gouw, Stijn
5 Leino, K. Rustan M.
5 Poll, Erik
4 Dovland, Johan
4 Hähnle, Reiner
4 Johnsen, Einar Broch
4 Thüm, Thomas
4 van den Berg, Joachim
3 Ábrahám, Erika
3 Birkedal, Lars
3 Bouquet, Fabrice
3 Cataño, Néstor
3 Dadeau, Frédéric
3 de Roever, Willem-Paul
3 Klebanov, Vladimir
3 Křetínský, Jan
3 Morrisett, Greg
3 Nanevski, Aleksandar
3 Owe, Olaf
3 Pinto, Jorge Sousa
3 Poetzsch-Heffter, Arnd
3 Runge, Tobias
3 Ulbrich, Mattias
3 Utting, Mark
3 Woodcock, James C. P.
2 Ahrendt, Wolfgang
2 Alpuente, María
2 Beringer, Lennart
2 Bian, Jinting
2 Boström, Pontus
2 Bruns, Daniel
2 Cheon, Yoonsik
2 da Costa, Umberto Souza
2 Damiani, Ferruccio
2 Dwyer, Matthew B.
2 Freitas, Leo
2 Hatcliff, John
2 Hermenegildo, Manuel V.
2 Hesselink, Wim H.
2 Hiep, Hans-Dieter A.
2 Hofmann, Martin
2 Knüppel, Alexander
2 Legeard, Bruno
2 Logozzo, Francesco
2 Martins Moreira, Anamaria
2 Mossakowski, Till
2 Musicante, Martin A.
2 Naumann, David A.
2 Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
2 Paulin-Mohring, Christine
2 Pierik, Cees
2 Potanin, Alex
2 Reus, Bernhard
2 Robby, Matthew
2 Roşu, Grigore
2 Schmitt, Peter H.
2 Schneider, Gerardo
2 Schröder, Lutz
2 Schulte, Wolfram
2 Schwinghammer, Jan
2 Sickert, Salomon
2 Souza Neto, Plácido A.
2 Stenzel, Kurt
2 von Oheimb, David
2 Weigl, Alexander
2 Weiss, Benjamin
1 Abercrombie, Parker
1 Ahmed, Amal
1 Alba-Castro, Mauricio
1 Åman, Pohjola Johannes
1 Amighi, Afshin
1 Anureev, Igor’ Sergeevich
1 Apt, Krzysztof Rafal
1 Aspinall, David
1 Bacelar Almeida, José
1 Back, Ralph-Johan
1 Baker, Albert L.
1 Ballis, Demis
1 Bao, Yuyan
1 Barbosa, Manuel
1 Barros, José Bernardo
1 Ben-David, Shoham
1 Beneš, Nikola
1 Berger, Martin J.
1 Bieniusa, Annette
1 Blom, Stefan
1 Boldo, Sylvie
1 Bonakdarpour, Borzoo
1 Bordis, Tabea
1 Bouajjani, Ahmed
1 Boulmé, Sylvain
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