

swMATH ID: 14189
Software Authors: Zhang, Y.; Bajaj, C.
Description: LBIE (Level Set Boundary-Interior-Exterior) is the multi-purpose meshing tool created at CVC which builds quality surface and volumetric mesh conforming to any level set from an imaging data. Variety of output mesh formats are: Triangle Mesh for the Level-Set and Tetrahedral Mesh for the interior and exterior to the level set. Quadrilateral Mesh for the Level-Set and Hexahedral Mesh for the interior and exterior to the level set. Triangle-Tet or Quad-Hex combination for interval volumes defined by two level sets.
Homepage: http://cvcweb.ices.utexas.edu/cvcwp/?page_id=103
Related Software: Gmsh; CUBIT; Mesquite; FEAPpv; Netgen; CubeCover; QTM; CutFEM; NURBS; ISOGAT; libQEx; QEx; FFTW; tabipb; QTFier; TABI; Chimera; VMD; OpenVolumeMesh; OpenFlipper
Cited in: 31 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
3D finite element meshing from imaging data. Zbl 1093.65019
Zhang, Yongjie; Bajaj, Chandrajit; Sohn, Bong-Soo

Citations by Year