

swMATH ID: 10623
Software Authors: Kuhn, Max; Johnson, Kjell
Description: AppliedPredictiveModeling: Functions and Data Sets for ’Applied Predictive Modeling’. A few functions and several data set for the Springer book ’Applied Predictive Modeling’
Homepage: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/AppliedPredictiveModeling/index.html
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/AppliedPredictiveModeling
Dependencies: R
Related Software: R; ElemStatLearn; glmnet; randomForest; UCI-ml; e1071; XGBoost; caret; MASS (R); Adam; rpart; PRMLT; Kernlab; TensorFlow; Scikit; gbm; WEKA; partykit; GitHub; xgboost
Cited in: 58 Documents
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Cited by 182 Authors

2 Chowell, Gerardo
1 Abelló, Alberto
1 Adhikari, Prem Raj
1 Afsharian, Mohsen
1 Ahn, Heinz
1 Alam, Manaar
1 Andreani, Alexandre C.
1 Antonio, Katrien
1 Avila-Aguero, María L.
1 Bag, Arnab
1 Ballout, Nadim
1 Benito-León, J.
1 Bergmeir, Christoph
1 Bermejo-Pareja, F.
1 Bhat, Harish S.
1 Biau, Gérard
1 Blaser, Rico
1 Boaretto, Bruno R. R.
1 Boehmke, Brad
1 Bogetoft, Peter
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1 Cui, Tianyu
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1 Damiani, Chiara
1 Dang, Giang Thi-Huong
1 Das, Sourish
1 Dasgupta, Pallab
1 de Castro, Luciano I.
1 Denuit, Michel M.
1 Ding, Chao
1 do Nascimento, Isadora Aparecida Sprengoski
1 Do, Le Minh
1 Etiévant, Lola
1 Fan, Ling-Wei
1 Fitzpatrick, Trevor
1 Friberg, Mariel D.
1 Fryzlewicz, Piotr
1 Gallego, Julian A.
1 Galvao, Antonio F. jun.
1 García-Gonzalo, Esperanza
1 Garcia Nieto, Paulino Jose
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1 Glaser, V.
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1 Goga, Camelia
1 Goldman-Mellor, Sidra
1 Gönen, Mithat
1 Gossmann, Alexej
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1 Greenwell, Brandon M.
1 Gürtler, Marc
1 Hà, Minh Hoàng
1 Hageman Blair, Rachael
1 Haq, Anam
1 Havulinna, Aki S.
1 Haziza, David
1 Henckaerts, Roel
1 Hollmén, Jaakko
1 Holobar, Aleš
1 Hornik, Kurt
1 Hubert, Lawrence J.
1 Humberg, Sarah
1 Hurtado, Lisbeth A.
1 Hyman, James M.
1 Iyengar, Garud N.
1 Ji, Mingshi
1 Johnson, Kjell
1 Johnson, Wesley Orin
1 Kamali, Sara
1 Kar, Wreetabrata
1 Kaski, Samuel
1 Kopczewska, Katarzyna
1 Kralj, Jan
1 Kuhn, Max
1 Lai, Yuanhao
1 Lara-Díıaz, Leidy Yissedt
1 Laud, Purushottam W.
1 Lavrač, Nada
1 Legrand, Catherine
1 Lin, Fengchang
1 Lin, Nan
1 Liu, Han
1 Liu, Nan-Ting
1 Logan, Brent R.
1 Lopes, S. R. jun.
1 Lozano, Leonardo
1 Lu, Yonggang
1 Luo, Ruiyan
1 Macau, Elbert E. N.
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