

swMATH ID: 6435
Software Authors: Bouckaert, Remco R.; Frank, Eibe; Hall, Mark A.; Holmes, Geoffrey; Pfahringer, Bernhard; Reutemann, Peter; Witten, Ian H.
Description: WEKA: Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis. WEKA is a popular machine learning workbench with a development life of nearly two decades. This article provides an overview of the factors that we believe to be important to its success. Rather than focussing on the software’s functionality, we review aspects of project management and historical development decisions that likely had an impact on the uptake of the project.
Homepage: http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/
Programming Languages: Java
Operating Systems: Linux/Gnome, MacOS
Keywords: machine learning software; open source software
Related Software: UCI-ml; C4.5; LIBSVM; R; Scikit; PRMLT; ElemStatLearn; KEEL; OpenML; LIBLINEAR; JStatCom; MULAN; caret; Matlab; Auto-WEKA; SATzilla; AdaBoost.MH; SMOTE; GitHub; auto-sklearn
Cited in: 231 Documents
Further Publications: http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/publications.html
all top 5

Cited by 633 Authors

5 Pfahringer, Bernhard
5 Vanschoren, Joaquin
4 Bazan, Jan G.
4 Holmes, Geoffrey
3 Bischl, Bernd
3 Cheng, Weiwei
3 Gao, Can
3 Hullermeier, Eyke
3 Jia, Xiuyi
3 Kotthoff, Lars
3 Li, Tianrui
3 van Rijn, Jan N.
3 Yu, Hong
3 Zhou, Jie
2 Amadini, Roberto
2 Andonie, Răzvan
2 Bagnall, Anthony J.
2 Beetz, Michael
2 Bielza, Concha
2 Bonates, Tibérius O.
2 Brunetti, Sara
2 Casalicchio, Giuseppe
2 Chen, Hongmei
2 de Campos, Cassio Polpo
2 Dembczyński, Krzysztof
2 Dorado, Julian
2 Du, Wensheng
2 Dzemyda, Gintautas
2 Fernandez-Lozano, Carlos
2 Fürnkranz, Johannes
2 Gabbrielli, Maurizio
2 Gámez, José Antonio
2 Granata, Ilaria
2 Guarracino, Mario Rosario
2 Heras, Jónathan
2 Hornik, Kurt
2 Hu, Baoqing
2 Hu, Qinghua
2 Kanavos, Andreas
2 Kangas, Kustaa
2 Kasimbeyli, Refail
2 Kerschke, Pascal
2 Koivisto, Mikko
2 Komendantskaya, Ekaterina
2 Kurasova, Olga
2 Lang, Michel
2 Larrañaga, Pedro
2 Li, Weiwei
2 Lindauer, Marius
2 Lines, Jason
2 Livieris, Ioannis E.
2 Ma, Xiao
2 Maddalena, Lucia
2 Malan, Katherine M.
2 Manipur, Ichcha
2 Martínez, Ana M.
2 Mauro, Jacopo
2 Medvedev, Viktor
2 Munteanu, Cristian Robert
2 Ozturk, Gurkan
2 Pardalos, Panos M.
2 Park, Sang-Hyeun
2 Pintelas, Panagiotis E.
2 Read, Jesse
2 Reutemann, Peter
2 Rokach, Lior
2 Rusch, Thomas
2 Salonen, Sami
2 Samorani, Michele
2 Som, Tanmoy
2 Szczur, Adam
2 Tampakas, Vassilis
2 Wang, Guoyin
2 Webb, Geoffrey I.
2 Wen, Jiajun
2 Zeileis, Achim
1 Abadeh, Mohammad Saniee
1 Abdulrahman, Salisu Mamman
1 Abelló, Alberto
1 Abpeykar, Shadi
1 Acar, Müge
1 Acid, Silvia
1 Aggarwal, Charu C.
1 Aggarwal, Manish
1 Aguilar-Ruiz, Jesus Salvador
1 Aguilera, Ana M.
1 Akleylek, Sedat
1 Alfonso, Enrique Matos
1 Alham, Nasullah Khalid
1 Alkhawaldeh, Abdullah A. K.
1 Almanza Ortega, Nelva N.
1 Alphonse, Erick
1 Alshomrani, Saleh
1 Amiel, H.
1 Amin, Talha
1 Amorim, Dinani
1 Antunes, Cláudia M.
1 Aranda-Abreu, Gonzalo E.
1 Arbabifard, Kamyar
1 Archetti, Francesco
...and 533 more Authors
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Cited in 78 Serials

19 Information Sciences
17 Machine Learning
15 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
11 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
9 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
8 Artificial Intelligence
8 European Journal of Operational Research
8 Journal of Theoretical Biology
5 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
4 Applied Mathematics and Computation
4 Annals of Operations Research
4 Soft Computing
3 Discrete Applied Mathematics
3 Pattern Recognition
3 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
3 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
2 ACM Computing Surveys
2 Mathematical Biosciences
2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
2 Neural Computation
2 Computational Statistics
2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 PAA. Pattern Analysis and Applications
2 Networks and Spatial Economics
2 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
2 Mathematics in Computer Science
2 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine
2 Algorithms
1 The American Statistician
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
1 Information Processing Letters
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Acta Cybernetica
1 Computing
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1 Theoretical Computer Science
1 Journal of Classification
1 Statistical Science
1 New Generation Computing
1 Algorithmica
1 Computers & Operations Research
1 Journal of Automated Reasoning
1 Neural Networks
1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
1 International Journal of Computer Vision
1 Top
1 International Transactions in Operational Research
1 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
1 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research
1 Fundamenta Informaticae
1 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
1 Sādhanā
1 Natural Computing
1 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
1 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
1 Internet Mathematics
1 Thai Journal of Mathematics
1 Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence
1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC
1 Risk and Decision Analysis
1 Advances in Fuzzy Systems
1 Mathematical Programming Computation
1 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1 International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
1 Frontiers of Computer Science
1 Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis
1 SpringerBriefs in Statistics
1 SpringerBriefs in Optimization
1 Methods in Molecular Biology
1 Journal of Membrane Computing
1 Cognitive Technologies
1 Springer Handbooks

Citations by Year