Author ID: runov.boris-a Recent zbMATH articles by "Runov, Boris A."
Published as: Runov, B.; Runov, Boris; Runov, Boris A.
Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 2013
Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
295 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

7 Publications have been cited 110 times in 67 Documents Cited by Year
Spectral duality between Heisenberg chain and Gaudin model. Zbl 1262.14040
Mironov, Andrei; Morozov, Alexei; Runov, Boris; Zenkevich, Yegor; Zotov, Andrei
Spectral dualities in XXZ spin chains and five dimensional gauge theories. Zbl 1342.81310
Mironov, A.; Morozov, A.; Runov, B.; Zenkevich, Y.; Zotov, A.
Generating weighted Hurwitz numbers. Zbl 1441.14118
Bertola, M.; Harnad, J.; Runov, B.
Bukhvostov-Lipatov model and quantum-classical duality. Zbl 1380.81190
Bazhanov, Vladimir V.; Lukyanov, Sergei L.; Runov, Boris A.
Vacuum energy of the Bukhvostov-Lipatov model. Zbl 1346.81064
Bazhanov, Vladimir V.; Lukyanov, Sergei L.; Runov, Boris A.
Constellations and \(\tau\)-functions for rationally weighted Hurwitz numbers. Zbl 1465.05012
Harnad, John; Runov, Boris
Matrix model generating function for quantum weighted Hurwitz numbers. Zbl 1511.05008
Harnad, J.; Runov, B.
Constellations and \(\tau\)-functions for rationally weighted Hurwitz numbers. Zbl 1465.05012
Harnad, John; Runov, Boris
Generating weighted Hurwitz numbers. Zbl 1441.14118
Bertola, M.; Harnad, J.; Runov, B.
Matrix model generating function for quantum weighted Hurwitz numbers. Zbl 1511.05008
Harnad, J.; Runov, B.
Bukhvostov-Lipatov model and quantum-classical duality. Zbl 1380.81190
Bazhanov, Vladimir V.; Lukyanov, Sergei L.; Runov, Boris A.
Vacuum energy of the Bukhvostov-Lipatov model. Zbl 1346.81064
Bazhanov, Vladimir V.; Lukyanov, Sergei L.; Runov, Boris A.
Spectral duality between Heisenberg chain and Gaudin model. Zbl 1262.14040
Mironov, Andrei; Morozov, Alexei; Runov, Boris; Zenkevich, Yegor; Zotov, Andrei
Spectral dualities in XXZ spin chains and five dimensional gauge theories. Zbl 1342.81310
Mironov, A.; Morozov, A.; Runov, B.; Zenkevich, Y.; Zotov, A.
all top 5

Cited by 85 Authors

15 Morozov, Alexei Yurievich
12 Mironov, Andrei D.
12 Zenkevich, Yegor
11 Zotov, Andrei V.
5 Awata, Hidetoshi
5 Kanno, Hiroaki
5 Runov, Boris A.
4 Bourgine, Jean-Emile
4 Chen, Heng-Yu
4 Gorskiĭ, Aleksandr Sergeevich
3 Aminov, G. A.
3 Bazhanov, Vladimir V.
3 Harnad, John
3 Koroteev, Peter
3 Lukyanov, Sergei L.
3 Pestun, Vasily
2 Chapuy, Guillaume
2 Fioravanti, Davide
2 Gisonni, Massimo
2 Grava, Tamara
2 Gromov, Nikolay A.
2 Kimura, Taro
2 Levkovich-Maslyuk, Fedor
2 Morozov, Andreĭ Alekseevich
2 Nekrasov, Nikita Alexandrovich
2 Nieri, Fabrizio
2 Ohkubo, Yusuke
2 Ruzza, Giulio
2 Smirnov, Andrey V.
2 Suetake, Kazuma
2 Zabrodin, Anton V.
1 Alexandrov, Alexander Sergeevich
1 Bonzom, Valentin
1 Bourget, Antoine
1 Braden, Harry W.
1 Bulycheva, Kseniya
1 Bychkov, Boris Sergeevich
1 Cavaglià, Andrea
1 Charbonnier, Séverin
1 Ding, Xiangmao
1 Dorey, Nick
1 Dunin-Barkovskiĭ, Petr Igorevich
1 Eynard, Bertrand
1 Fucito, Francesco
1 Gaiotto, Davide
1 Garcia-Failde, Elba
1 Grekov, A. M.
1 Gukov, Sergei
1 Hsin, Po-Shen
1 Hu, Xingbiao
1 Ito, Katsushi
1 Kazaryan, Maxim Eduardovich
1 Kotousov, Gleb A.
1 Lacroix, Sylvain
1 Le Floch, Bruno
1 Lee, Norton
1 Levin, Andrey M.
1 Litvinov, Alekseĭ Viktorovich
1 Liu, Qingping
1 Lou, Senyue
1 Mitev, Vladimir
1 Morales, Jose Francisco
1 Nedelin, Anton
1 Olshanetsky, Mikhail A.
1 Pasquetti, Sara
1 Pei, Du
1 Pomoni, Elli
1 Ricci Pacifici, Daniel
1 Sechin, Ivan
1 Semenyakin, Mykola
1 Shadrin, Sergey V.
1 Shatashvili, Samson L.
1 Shu, Hongfei
1 Sinkovics, Annamaria
1 Sizov, Grigory
1 Taki, Masato
1 Teschner, Jörg
1 Troost, Jan
1 Varchenko, Alexander Nikolaevich
1 Vasil’ev, Mikhail Andreevich
1 Yagi, Futoshi
1 Yang, Di
1 Yoneyama, Akihito
1 Zhao, Peng
1 Zhou, Jian

Citations by Year