Author ID: razzolini.laura Recent zbMATH articles by "Razzolini, Laura"
Published as: Razzolini, Laura
External Links: ORCID
Documents Indexed: 10 Publications since 1997
Co-Authors: 13 Co-Authors with 9 Joint Publications
226 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

9 Publications have been cited 76 times in 63 Documents Cited by Year
Auction-like mechanisms for pricing excludable public goods. Zbl 0965.91013
Deb, Rajat; Razzolini, Laura
Explaining overbidding in first price auctions using controlled lotteries. Zbl 1044.91019
Dorsey, Robert; Razzolini, Laura
Game forms, rights, and the efficiency of social outcomes. Zbl 0883.90006
Deb, Rajat; Pattanaik, Prasanta K.; Razzolini, Laura
Voluntary cost sharing for an excludable public project. Zbl 1111.91313
Deb, Rajat; Razzolini, Laura
An experimental evaluation of the serial cost sharing rule. Zbl 1206.91018
Razzolini, Laura; Reksulak, Michael; Dorsey, Robert
The conservative equal costs rule, the serial cost sharing rule and the pivotal mechanism: asymptotic welfare loss comparisons for the case of an excludable public project. Zbl 1160.91332
Deb, Rajat; Razzolini, Laura; Seo, Tae Kun
Giving, taking, earned money, and cooperation in public good games. Zbl 1397.91112
Cox, Caleb; Korenok, Oleg; Millner, Edward; Razzolini, Laura
Congestion allocation for distributed networks: an experimental study. Zbl 1122.91045
Chen, Yan; Razzolini, Laura; Turocy, Theodore L.
Exploring encouragement, treatment, and spillover effects using principal stratification, with application to a field experiment on teens’ museum attendance. Zbl 07925204
Forastiere, Laura; Lattarulo, Patrizia; Mariani, Marco; Mealli, Fabrizia; Razzolini, Laura
Exploring encouragement, treatment, and spillover effects using principal stratification, with application to a field experiment on teens’ museum attendance. Zbl 07925204
Forastiere, Laura; Lattarulo, Patrizia; Mariani, Marco; Mealli, Fabrizia; Razzolini, Laura
Giving, taking, earned money, and cooperation in public good games. Zbl 1397.91112
Cox, Caleb; Korenok, Oleg; Millner, Edward; Razzolini, Laura
An experimental evaluation of the serial cost sharing rule. Zbl 1206.91018
Razzolini, Laura; Reksulak, Michael; Dorsey, Robert
Congestion allocation for distributed networks: an experimental study. Zbl 1122.91045
Chen, Yan; Razzolini, Laura; Turocy, Theodore L.
The conservative equal costs rule, the serial cost sharing rule and the pivotal mechanism: asymptotic welfare loss comparisons for the case of an excludable public project. Zbl 1160.91332
Deb, Rajat; Razzolini, Laura; Seo, Tae Kun
Explaining overbidding in first price auctions using controlled lotteries. Zbl 1044.91019
Dorsey, Robert; Razzolini, Laura
Auction-like mechanisms for pricing excludable public goods. Zbl 0965.91013
Deb, Rajat; Razzolini, Laura
Voluntary cost sharing for an excludable public project. Zbl 1111.91313
Deb, Rajat; Razzolini, Laura
Game forms, rights, and the efficiency of social outcomes. Zbl 0883.90006
Deb, Rajat; Pattanaik, Prasanta K.; Razzolini, Laura
all top 5

Cited by 110 Authors

6 Deb, Rajat K.
6 Razzolini, Laura
4 Seo, Tae Kun
3 Neugebauer, Tibor
3 Turocy, Theodore L.
2 Bervoets, Sebastian
2 Dobzinski, Shahar
2 Ejaz, Muhammad
2 Joe, Stephen
2 Joshi, Chaitanya K.
2 Massó, Jordi
2 Mehta, Aranyak
2 Nicolò, Antonio
2 Peleg, Bezalel
2 Ratan, Anmol
2 Roughgarden, Tim
2 Sundararajan, Mukund
1 Arce, Daniel G.
1 Athanasiou, Efthymios
1 Bag, Parimal Kanti
1 Barberà, Salvador
1 Battalio, Raymond C.
1 Bergantiños, Gustavo
1 Biggeri, Mario
1 Boros, Endre
1 Bossert, Walter
1 Brocas, Isabelle
1 Campbell, Donald E.
1 Carrillo, Juan D.
1 Cason, Timothy N.
1 Čepek, Ondřej
1 Chen, Yan
1 Collins, Sean M.
1 Cooper, David J.
1 Dearden, James A.
1 Dey, Santanu Subhas
1 Dietrich, Franz K.
1 Eckel, Catherine C.
1 Fallucchi, Francesco
1 Fatas, Enrique
1 Forastiere, Laura
1 Fukuda, Emiko
1 Füllbrunn, Sascha C.
1 Ghosh, Indranil K.
1 Graham, Michael K.
1 Grundl, Serafin
1 Gurvich, Vladimir A.
1 Haruvy, Ernan E.
1 Hashimoto, Kazuhiko
1 Heinrich, Timo
1 Hu, Youxin
1 Iachini, Michael
1 Ivanov, Asen
1 Jackson, Matthew O.
1 James, Duncan
1 Ju, Biung-Ghi
1 Juarez, Ruben
1 Kagel, John H.
1 Karagözoğlu, Emin
1 Kass, Malcolm
1 Kelly, Jerry S.
1 Koster, Maurice
1 Kretz, Claudio
1 Lange, Andreas
1 Li, Nan
1 Li, Yong
1 List, Christian
1 Long, Yan
1 Luccasen, R. Andrew III
1 Mackenzie, Andrew P.
1 Matthews, Peter Hans
1 Mealli, Fabrizia
1 Nannini, Maria
1 Neme, Alejandro J.
1 Noirjean, Silvia
1 Ohseto, Shinji
1 Olszewski, Wojciech
1 Otamendi, F. Javier
1 Perote, Javier
1 Peters, Hans J. M.
1 Ramalingam, Abhijit
1 Reksulak, Michael
1 Robbett, Andrea
1 Saijo, Tatsuyoshi
1 Saitoh, Hiroki
1 Salmon, Timothy C.
1 Samet, Dov
1 Schmeidler, David
1 Selten, Reinhard
1 Sen, Arunava
1 Sharma, Tridib
1 Shichijo, Tatsuhiro
1 Sjöström, Tomas
1 Storcken, Ton
1 Suzumura, Kotaro
1 Tosun, Elif
1 Trudeau, Christian
1 Ülkü, Levent
1 Valletta, Giacomo
1 van Hees, Martin Theodoor
...and 10 more Authors

Citations by Year