
Ramamoorthy, Chitoor V.

Author ID: ramamoorthy.chitoor-v Recent zbMATH articles by "Ramamoorthy, Chitoor V."
Published as: Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Ramamoorthy, Chitoor V.
all top 5


5 single-authored
4 Chandy, Kanianthra Mani
4 Li, Hon F.
3 Bastani, Farokh B.
2 Chang, Lih-Chung
2 Han, Yih-Wu
2 Reddi, Seenu S.
2 Wah, Benjamin W.-S.
1 Alt, Frank B.
1 Baer, Jean-Loup
1 Barbacci, Mario R.
1 Barlow, Richard E.
1 Barron, I. M.
1 Basu, Asit P.
1 Bhattacharjee, Manish C.
1 Blevins, Parker R.
1 Block, Henry W.
1 Boland, Philip J.
1 Booth, G. M.
1 Bressler, R. D.
1 Chaganti, N. R.
1 Chin, Yeh-Hao
1 Czörgö, M.
1 Deming, William Edwards
1 El-Neweihi, Emad
1 Ellis, R. A.
1 Enslow, Philip H. jun.
1 Fox, Thomas F.
1 Frieder, Gideon
1 Friehmelt, Rüdiger
1 Gonzales, Mario J. jun.
1 Gonzalez, Mario J. jun.
1 Goodman, James R.
1 Guess, Frank Mitchell
1 Gupta, Shanti Swarup
1 Harter, Herman Leon
1 Ho, Gary S.
1 Ho, S. F.
1 Hoadley, Bruce
1 Hobbs, L. C.
1 Horwáth, L.
1 Jensen, E. Douglas
1 Joag-Dev, Kumar
1 Joseph, E. C.
1 Joshi, Aravind K.
1 Kleir, R. L.
1 Krichnarao, T.
1 Krishnaiah, Paruchuri Rama
1 Krüger, Gerhard
1 Leung, Wu-Hon F.
1 Lowenthal, E. I.
1 Mayeda, Wataru
1 Mazumdar, Mainak
1 Mazzuchi, Thomas A.
1 Mead, C. Alden
1 Miao, Bai-qi
1 Mimmack, G. M.
1 Moore, Albert H.
1 Offer, U.
1 Oswalt, H.
1 Padgett, William Jowayne
1 Panchapakesan, Subrahmanian
1 Park, Juong H.
1 Pau, Louis-Francois
1 Proschan, Frank
1 Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna
1 Savits, Thomas H.
1 Schoeffler, James D.
1 Sethuraman, Jayaram
1 Shankar, K. S.
1 Sheu, Phillip C.-Y.
1 Siewiorek, Daniel P.
1 Singpurwalla, Nozer D.
1 Smith, N. D.
1 Spencer, J. P.
1 Thomas, R. H. K.
1 Tsuchiya, Masahiro
1 Tufts, Donald W.
1 Turner, James L.
1 Woodruff, Brian W.
1 Yu, Heather
1 Zadeh, Lotfi Asker

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

16 Publications have been cited 149 times in 138 Documents Cited by Year
On the flow-shop sequencing problem with no wait in process. Zbl 0238.90080
Reddi, S. S.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Performance evaluation of asynchronous concurrent systems using Petri nets. Zbl 0444.68044
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Ho, Gary S.
Quality control and reliability. Zbl 0673.62089
Optimal scheduling strategies in a multiprocessor system. Zbl 0232.68014
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Chandy, K. M.; Gonzales, Mario J. jun.
Rollback and recovery strategies for computer programs. Zbl 0235.68008
Chandy, K. M.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Analysis of graphs by connectivity considerations. Zbl 0141.21503
Ramamoorthy, C. V.
A scheduling problem. Zbl 0261.90024
Reddi, S. S.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Some properties of iterative square-rooting methods using high-speed multiplication. Zbl 0235.68021
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Goodman, James R.; Kim, K. H.
Pipeline architecture. Zbl 0348.68038
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Li, H. F.
Optimization strategies for microprograms. Zbl 0221.68011
Kleir, R. L.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
System modeling and testing procedures for microdiagnostics. Zbl 0245.94015
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Chang, L. C.
Optimization of memory hierarchies in multiprogrammed systems. Zbl 0258.68016
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Chandy, K. M.
Connectivity considerations of graphs representing discrete sequential circuits. Zbl 0148.39805
Ramamoorthy, C. V.
System segmentation for the parallel diagnosis of computers. Zbl 0222.68009
Ramamoorthy, Chitoor V.; Chang, Lih-Chung
Semantic computing. Zbl 1192.68282
Parallel task execution in a decentralized system. Zbl 0249.68020
Gonzalez, Mario J. jun.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Semantic computing. Zbl 1192.68282
Quality control and reliability. Zbl 0673.62089
Performance evaluation of asynchronous concurrent systems using Petri nets. Zbl 0444.68044
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Ho, Gary S.
Pipeline architecture. Zbl 0348.68038
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Li, H. F.
A scheduling problem. Zbl 0261.90024
Reddi, S. S.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
On the flow-shop sequencing problem with no wait in process. Zbl 0238.90080
Reddi, S. S.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Optimal scheduling strategies in a multiprocessor system. Zbl 0232.68014
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Chandy, K. M.; Gonzales, Mario J. jun.
Rollback and recovery strategies for computer programs. Zbl 0235.68008
Chandy, K. M.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Some properties of iterative square-rooting methods using high-speed multiplication. Zbl 0235.68021
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Goodman, James R.; Kim, K. H.
System modeling and testing procedures for microdiagnostics. Zbl 0245.94015
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Chang, L. C.
Parallel task execution in a decentralized system. Zbl 0249.68020
Gonzalez, Mario J. jun.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Optimization strategies for microprograms. Zbl 0221.68011
Kleir, R. L.; Ramamoorthy, C. V.
System segmentation for the parallel diagnosis of computers. Zbl 0222.68009
Ramamoorthy, Chitoor V.; Chang, Lih-Chung
Optimization of memory hierarchies in multiprogrammed systems. Zbl 0258.68016
Ramamoorthy, C. V.; Chandy, K. M.
Analysis of graphs by connectivity considerations. Zbl 0141.21503
Ramamoorthy, C. V.
Connectivity considerations of graphs representing discrete sequential circuits. Zbl 0148.39805
Ramamoorthy, C. V.
all top 5

Cited by 267 Authors

4 Yamada, Takeo
3 Allahverdi, Ali
3 Gupta, Jatinder N. D.
3 Kataoka, Seiji
3 Magott, Jan
3 Proth, Jean-Marie
3 Schuster, Christoph J.
3 Sriskandarajah, Chelliah
2 Aldowaisan, Tariq A.
2 Das, Sunil Ranjan
2 de Werra, Dominique
2 Deĭneko, Vladimir G.
2 Framinan, Jose M.
2 Hsia, Pei
2 Kalczynski, Pawel Jan
2 Kamburowski, Jerzy
2 Kawai, Hajime
2 Lew, Art
2 Li, Xiaoping
2 Liaw, Ching-Fang
2 Miyata, Hugo Hissashi
2 Nagano, Marcelo Seido
2 Ohkawa, M.
2 Sandoh, Hiroaki
2 Schulte, Michael J.
2 Sheng, C. L.
2 Srimani, Pradip K.
2 Steiner, George
2 Tao, Kuoting M.
2 Tripathi, Satish K.
2 Wang, Qian
1 Agrawal, Vinod Kumar
1 Alla, Hassane
1 Alt, Helmut
1 Aubanel, Eric
1 Bagchi, Tapan P.
1 Bagga, P. C.
1 Bandyopadhyay, Subir
1 Bar-On, Achiya
1 Bastide, Rémi
1 Benattar, F.
1 Billaut, Jean-Charles
1 Boimond, Jean-Louis
1 Bowden, F. D. J.
1 Bowie, William S.
1 Bringmann, Karl
1 Bufistov, Dmitry
1 Carlier, Jacques G.
1 Carmona, Josep
1 Cerone, Antonio
1 Chakrabarti, Satyabrata
1 Chaudhry, Imran Ali
1 Chauhan, Satyaveer Singh
1 Chen, Bo
1 Chen, Chia-Mei
1 Chen, Mingchih
1 Chen, Zen
1 Cheng, Chun-Yuan
1 Cheng, Sheng-Tzong
1 Chinneck, John W.
1 Chou, Hong-Chich
1 Chowdhury, Rezaul Alam
1 Chung, Chung-Ping
1 Chung, Moon Jung
1 Companys, Ramon
1 Cortadella, Jordi
1 Das, Sajal Kumar
1 Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane
1 David, Rene
1 de Matteis, A.
1 De, Nanda
1 Declerck, Philippe
1 Della Croce, Federico
1 Dinur, Itai
1 Djemame, K.
1 Djennoune, Said
1 Doerr, Benjamin
1 Dong, Jianming
1 Dridi, Najoua
1 Dubois, Didier
1 Dullaert, Wout E. H.
1 Dunkelman, Orr
1 Dupas, Rémy
1 Fahmy, Hossam Mahmoud Ahmad
1 Fang, Kan
1 Ferrier, Jean-Louis
1 Fink, Andreas
1 Finkel, David
1 Fukumoto, Satoshi
1 Gelenbe, Sami Erol
1 Golovkin, B. A.
1 Goncalves, Gilles
1 Gordon, Valery S.
1 Goubran, Rafik A.
1 Grabowski, Józef
1 Gunawardena, Jeremy
1 Gupta, Surendra M.
1 Haouari, Mohamed
1 Harhalakis, George
1 Heffernan, Mark
...and 167 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 55 Serials

17 European Journal of Operational Research
10 Computers & Operations Research
7 International Journal of Systems Science
7 International Journal of Production Research
6 Information Processing Letters
6 Journal of Scheduling
4 Discrete Applied Mathematics
4 Information Sciences
4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
4 Annals of Operations Research
4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
3 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences
3 Theoretical Computer Science
3 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
2 International Journal of General Systems
2 Automatica
2 Calcolo
2 Computing
2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics
2 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
2 Journal of Heuristics
2 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences (WUJNS)
2 Engineering Optimization
1 Acta Informatica
1 Artificial Intelligence
1 Discrete Mathematics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery
1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Numerische Mathematik
1 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
1 Operations Research Letters
1 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
1 Real-Time Systems
1 Concurrency: Practice and Experience
1 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie
1 Reliable Computing
1 INFORMS Journal on Computing
1 Parallel Algorithms and Applications
1 Soft Computing
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
1 Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology
1 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research
1 Sādhanā
1 Journal of Discrete Algorithms
1 Science in China. Series F
1 International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
1 Computer Science Review

Citations by Year