Author ID: kantor.george Recent zbMATH articles by "Kantor, George"
Published as: Kantor, George
Documents Indexed: 4 Publications since 2005, including 1 Book
Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 3 Joint Publications
147 Co-Co-Authors
all top 5

Cited by 192 Authors

5 Yap, Chee-Keng
4 Chiang, Yi-Jen
3 Halperin, Dan
3 Kavraki, Lydia E.
3 Matveev, Alexey S.
3 Olivares, Alberto E.
3 Savkin, Andrey V.
3 Staffetti, Ernesto
2 Daescu, Ovidiu
2 Dias, Ronaldo
2 Flaßkamp, Kathrin
2 Fox, Kyle
2 Garcia, Nancy L.
2 Gregory, John
2 Jin, Xiaozheng
2 Kloetzer, Marius
2 Mahulea, Cristian
2 Manocha, Dinesh
2 Ober-Blöbaum, Sina
2 Plaku, Erion
2 Salzman, Oren
2 Siméon, Thierry
2 Teo, Ka Yaw
2 Vardi, Moshe Ya’akov
2 Zambom, Adriano Zanin
2 Zhang, Liangjun
1 Abate, Matthew
1 Abdali, Mohamed Hassan
1 Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar
1 Al-Bluwi, Ibrahim
1 Allauzen, Alexandre
1 Armstrong, Niles
1 Babel, Luitpold
1 Bonami, Pierre
1 Boscain, Ugo
1 Branicky, Michael S.
1 Bucci, Michele Alessandro
1 Bugarin, Eusebio
1 Burdakov, Oleg P.
1 Campos Bonilla, Aníbal Alexandre
1 Campos, Mario Fernando Montenegro
1 Cannarsa, Daniele
1 Cassandras, Christos G.
1 Chang, Yizhe
1 Chatterjee, Krishnendu
1 Cherkasov, Vladislav
1 Chi, Jing
1 Chiu, Min-Chie
1 Coogan, Samuel
1 Cordier, Laurent
1 Cortés López, Juan Carlos
1 Davoodi, Mansoor
1 Denny, Jory
1 Derenick, Jason C.
1 Dimarogonas, Dimos V.
1 Diveev, Askhat
1 Doherty, Patrick
1 Dong, Xueping
1 dos Santos, Carlos Henrique Farias
1 Dvořák, Wolfgang
1 Engels, Birgit
1 Esteban, Guillermo
1 Fainekos, Georgios E.
1 Fleming, Cody H.
1 Franceschi, Valentina
1 Fu, Yuewen
1 Gabriely, Yoav
1 Gan, Seng Keat
1 Gao, Chunqing
1 García-Bouso, Ana
1 Girard, Antoine
1 Gunnarsson, Gudmundur G.
1 Habib, Zulfiqar
1 Hage-Packhäuser, Sebastian
1 Han, Jianda
1 Harabor, Daniel Damir
1 Hemmer, Michael
1 Holmberg, Kaj
1 Hoy, Michael Colin
1 Hsu, Ching-Hsiang
1 Hsu, David Y.
1 Hu, David L.
1 Hu, Xiao-qian
1 Hu, Yue
1 Ivorra, Benjamin
1 Jafarzadeh, Hassan
1 Jaillet, Léonard
1 Kamphans, Thomas
1 Karavaev, Yurĭ Leonidovich
1 Khaksar, Weria
1 Khasianov, Airat
1 Kobilarov, Marin
1 Koditschek, Daniel E.
1 Kou, Yingxin
1 Kress-Gazit, Hadas
1 Kurniawati, Hanna
1 Kvalheim, Matthew D.
1 Lavrenov, Roman
1 LeCrone, Jeremy S.
1 Levent, Akin
...and 92 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 47 Serials

4 Computational Geometry
3 Automatica
2 International Journal of Control
2 Systems & Control Letters
2 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
2 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
2 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
2 Computational Optimization and Applications
2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1 Artificial Intelligence
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Information Sciences
1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
1 Optimal Control Applications & Methods
1 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
1 Computer Aided Geometric Design
1 Graphs and Combinatorics
1 Algorithmica
1 Discrete & Computational Geometry
1 Computers & Operations Research
1 Journal of Scientific Computing
1 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications
1 Journal of Global Optimization
1 Journal of Nonlinear Science
1 Formal Methods in System Design
1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition)
1 Top
1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
1 Complexity
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
1 Journal of Field Robotics
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
1 IET Control Theory & Applications
1 Algorithms
1 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
1 Journal of Geometric Mechanics
1 ACM Transactions on Algorithms
1 Computer Science Review
1 Journal of Computational Dynamics
1 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration
1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics

Citations by Year