Author ID: guedj.jeremie Recent zbMATH articles by "Guedj, Jeremie"
Published as: Guedj, J.; Guedj, Jeremie; Guedj, Jérémie
External Links: ORCID
Documents Indexed: 8 Publications since 2007
Co-Authors: 16 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
167 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

8 Publications have been cited 85 times in 72 Documents Cited by Year
Maximum likelihood estimation in dynamical models of HIV. Zbl 1136.62074
Guedj, J.; Thiébaut, R.; Commenges, D.
Estimating a difference of Kullback-Leibler risks using a normalized difference of AIC. Zbl 1149.62087
Commenges, D.; Sayyareh, A.; Letenneur, L.; Guedj, J.; Bar-Hen, A.
Understanding hepatitis C viral dynamics with direct-acting antiviral agents due to the interplay between intracellular replication and cellular infection dynamics. Zbl 1410.92122
Guedj, Jeremie; Neumann, A. U.
Practical identifiability of HIV dynamics models. Zbl 1245.92055
Guedj, J.; Thiébaut, R.; Commenges, D.
Using the SAEM algorithm for mechanistic joint models characterizing the relationship between nonlinear PSA kinetics and survival in prostate cancer patients. Zbl 1366.62212
Desmée, Solène; Mentré, France; Veyrat-Follet, Christine; Sébastien, Bernard; Guedj, Jérémie
Modeling the dynamics of biomarkers during primary HIV infection taking into account the uncertainty of infection date. Zbl 1220.62133
Drylewicz, J.; Guedj, J.; Commenges, D.; Thiébaut, R.
Joint modeling of the clinical progression and of the biomarkers’ dynamics using a mechanistic model. Zbl 1216.62166
Guedj, Jeremie; Thiébaut, Rodolphe; Commenges, Daniel
Bayesian inference using Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo algorithm for nonlinear joint modeling in the context of cancer immunotherapy. Zbl 07924923
Kerioui, Marion; Mercier, Francois; Bertrand, Julie; Tardivon, Coralie; Bruno, René; Guedj, Jérémie; Desmée, Solène
Bayesian inference using Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo algorithm for nonlinear joint modeling in the context of cancer immunotherapy. Zbl 07924923
Kerioui, Marion; Mercier, Francois; Bertrand, Julie; Tardivon, Coralie; Bruno, René; Guedj, Jérémie; Desmée, Solène
Using the SAEM algorithm for mechanistic joint models characterizing the relationship between nonlinear PSA kinetics and survival in prostate cancer patients. Zbl 1366.62212
Desmée, Solène; Mentré, France; Veyrat-Follet, Christine; Sébastien, Bernard; Guedj, Jérémie
Joint modeling of the clinical progression and of the biomarkers’ dynamics using a mechanistic model. Zbl 1216.62166
Guedj, Jeremie; Thiébaut, Rodolphe; Commenges, Daniel
Understanding hepatitis C viral dynamics with direct-acting antiviral agents due to the interplay between intracellular replication and cellular infection dynamics. Zbl 1410.92122
Guedj, Jeremie; Neumann, A. U.
Modeling the dynamics of biomarkers during primary HIV infection taking into account the uncertainty of infection date. Zbl 1220.62133
Drylewicz, J.; Guedj, J.; Commenges, D.; Thiébaut, R.
Estimating a difference of Kullback-Leibler risks using a normalized difference of AIC. Zbl 1149.62087
Commenges, D.; Sayyareh, A.; Letenneur, L.; Guedj, J.; Bar-Hen, A.
Maximum likelihood estimation in dynamical models of HIV. Zbl 1136.62074
Guedj, J.; Thiébaut, R.; Commenges, D.
Practical identifiability of HIV dynamics models. Zbl 1245.92055
Guedj, J.; Thiébaut, R.; Commenges, D.
all top 5

Cited by 149 Authors

15 Commenges, Daniel
10 Sayyareh, Abdolreza
7 Thiébaut, Rodolphe
6 Guedj, Jeremie
4 Drylewicz, Julia
3 Asai, Yusuke
3 Iwami, Shingo
3 Jafelice, Rosana Motta
3 Liquet, Benoit
3 Mentré, France
3 Nangue, Alexis
2 Bar-Hen, Avner
2 Barash, Danny
2 Bassanezi, Rodney Carlos
2 Cao, Jiguo
2 Dahari, Harel
2 De Barros, Laécio Carvalho
2 Desmée, Solène
2 Gégout-Petit, Anne
2 Hayashi, Rena
2 Huang, Yangxin
2 Iwasa, Yoh
2 Kitagawa, Kosaku
2 Liu, Baisen
2 Lou, Jie
2 Luwanda, Artz G.
2 Mehreyan, Sedigheh Zamani
2 Mercier, Francois
2 Mwambi, Henry G.
2 Nakaoka, Shinji
2 Nie, Yunlong
2 Panahi, Hanieh
2 Perelson, Alan S.
2 Prague, Mélanie
2 Proust-Lima, Cécile
2 Reinharz, Vladimir
2 Rendall, Alan D.
2 Samson, Adeline
2 Wang, Liangliang
2 Watashi, Koichi
2 Wu, Hui
2 Zhao, Yafei
1 Abouelseoud, Yasmine
1 Acosta, Edward P.
1 Ahmed, Hasan
1 Ahmed, Rafi
1 Ainseba, Bedr’Eddine
1 Akondy, Rama
1 Alioum, Ahmadou
1 Alvares, Danilo
1 Antia, Rustom
1 Barbillon, Pierre
1 Barthélémy, Célia
1 Basir, Fahad Al
1 Basol, Merve
1 Basu, Sanjib
1 Bechara, B. F. Z.
1 Bertrand, Julie
1 Boulfoul, Bilal
1 Bruno, René
1 Burman, Prabir
1 Cai, Guoliang
1 Chatterjee, Amar Nath
1 Chen, Lili
1 Chen, Yuming
1 Cheng, Hua
1 Churkin, Alexander
1 De Gaetano, Andrea
1 De Ridder, Fjo
1 Ditlevsen, Susanne
1 Donfack, Thiery
1 Dubois, François
1 Elkaranshawy, Hesham A.
1 Ezzat, Hossam M.
1 Fermin, Ana Karina
1 Furrer, Hansjakob
1 Goksuluk, Dincer
1 Gomide, Fernando A. C.
1 Götz, Thomas
1 Gran, Jon Michael
1 Guo, Wensheng
1 Han, Gang
1 Hara, Akane
1 Herrmann, Eva
1 Hu, Jingyi
1 Ibrahim, Nermeen N.
1 Jia, Jonathan
1 Jolly, Danaelle
1 Kamdem Simo, Patrick Steve
1 Kammegne Tcheugam, Brice
1 Karaagaoglu, Ergun
1 Kerioui, Marion
1 Kouche, Mahiéddine
1 Krzyzanski, Wojciech
1 Kuniya, Toshikazu
1 Lavielle, Marc
1 le Meur, Hervé V. J.
1 Le Vu, S.
1 Ledergerber, Bruno
1 Letenneur, Luc
...and 49 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 38 Serials

7 Biometrics
5 Journal of Theoretical Biology
4 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
4 The Annals of Applied Statistics
3 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
3 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
3 Journal of Applied Statistics
2 Mathematical Biosciences
2 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
2 Biometrical Journal
2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
2 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
2 International Journal of Biomathematics
2 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
2 Statistics in Medicine
1 Journal of Mathematical Biology
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association
1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 Test
1 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
1 Lifetime Data Analysis
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
1 The International Journal of Biostatistics
1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 MathematicS In Action
1 Statistics Surveys
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation
1 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications

Citations by Year