Author ID: feng.xiangbo Recent zbMATH articles by "Feng, Xiangbo"
Published as: Feng, Xiangbo; Feng, Xiang-Bo
Documents Indexed: 15 Publications since 1990
Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 14 Joint Publications
82 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 270 times in 258 Documents Cited by Year
Stochastic stability properties of jump linear systems. Zbl 0747.93079
Feng, Xiangbo; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Ji, Yuandong; Chizeck, Howard Jay
Inequalities for the trace of matrix product. Zbl 0825.93107
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Almost sure and \(\delta\)-moment stability of jump linear systems. Zbl 0806.93054
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
New estimates for solutions of Lyapunov equations. Zbl 0866.93048
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Active probing for information in control systems with quantized state measurements: A minimum entropy approach. Zbl 0870.93038
Feng, Xiangbo; Loparo, Kenneth A.
Stability of discrete time jump linear systems. Zbl 0855.93088
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Sufficient conditions for the stability of interval matrices. Zbl 0786.93074
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Almost sure instability of the random harmonic oscillator. Zbl 0704.60055
Feng, Xiangbo; Loparo, Kenneth A.
Chaotic motion and its probabilistic description in a family of two- dimensional nonlinear systems with hysteresis. Zbl 0799.58040
Feng, X.; Loparo, K. A.
A sufficient condition for stability of a polytope of matrices. Zbl 0818.93054
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
New decomposition and convexification algorithm for nonconvex large-scale primal-dual optimization. Zbl 0696.90053
Feng, X.; Mukai, H.; Brown, R. H.
New estimates for solutions of Lyapunov equations. Zbl 0866.93048
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Active probing for information in control systems with quantized state measurements: A minimum entropy approach. Zbl 0870.93038
Feng, Xiangbo; Loparo, Kenneth A.
Stability of discrete time jump linear systems. Zbl 0855.93088
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Inequalities for the trace of matrix product. Zbl 0825.93107
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Almost sure and \(\delta\)-moment stability of jump linear systems. Zbl 0806.93054
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
A sufficient condition for stability of a polytope of matrices. Zbl 0818.93054
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Sufficient conditions for the stability of interval matrices. Zbl 0786.93074
Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo
Stochastic stability properties of jump linear systems. Zbl 0747.93079
Feng, Xiangbo; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Ji, Yuandong; Chizeck, Howard Jay
Chaotic motion and its probabilistic description in a family of two- dimensional nonlinear systems with hysteresis. Zbl 0799.58040
Feng, X.; Loparo, K. A.
Almost sure instability of the random harmonic oscillator. Zbl 0704.60055
Feng, Xiangbo; Loparo, Kenneth A.
New decomposition and convexification algorithm for nonconvex large-scale primal-dual optimization. Zbl 0696.90053
Feng, X.; Mukai, H.; Brown, R. H.
all top 5

Cited by 442 Authors

15 He, Shuping
13 Liu, Fei
9 Park, Juhyun (Jessie)
9 Shi, Peng
8 Lam, James
7 Ogura, Masaki
7 Zhang, Weihai
6 Boukas, El-Kébir
6 Colaneri, Patrizio
5 do Val, João B. R.
5 Drăgan, Vasile
5 Kwon, Ohmin
5 Mahmoud, Magdi Sadik Mostafa
5 Park, Myeongjin
5 Shen, Mouquan
5 Sun, Huijie
4 Bolzern, Paolo
4 Cha, E. J.
4 Geromel, Jose Claudio
4 Han, Zhengzhi
4 Lee, S. M.
4 Mao, Xuerong
4 Martin, Clyde Franklin
4 Morozan, Toader
4 Porfiri, Maurizio
4 Yuan, Chenggui
4 Zhang, Junfeng
3 Bessa, Mário
3 Chávez-Fuentes, Jorge R.
3 Cong, Shen
3 Costa, Oswaldo Luiz V.
3 Czornik, Adam
3 De Nicolao, Giuseppe
3 Duan, Guangren
3 Hu, Lisheng
3 Liu, Jianzhou
3 Shen, Hao
3 Świerniak, Andrzej P.
3 Tian, Zhaolu
3 Ugrinovskii, Valery A.
3 Wang, Jing
3 Wang, Linshan
3 Wang, Yangfan
3 Wu, Aiguo
3 Xu, Shengyuan
3 Zhang, Ying
3 Zhou, Bin
3 Zhu, Fubo
2 Aberkane, Samir
2 Al-Sunni, Fouad M.
2 Amaro, Dinis
2 Assawinchaichote, Wudhichai
2 Aubrun, Christophe
2 Bartolini, Giorgio
2 Cao, Yongyan
2 Chen, Bing
2 Chen, Tongwen
2 Chitraganti, Shaikshavali
2 Fang, Yuguang
2 Fei, Shumin
2 Feng, Xiangbo
2 Fragoso, Marcelo Dutra
2 Gao, Huijun
2 Gu, Chuanqing
2 Guan, Zhihong
2 Guo, Lei
2 Guo, Yafeng
2 Hou, Ting
2 Hou, Zhenting
2 Huang, Biao
2 Li, Hongyi
2 Lin, Zhongwei
2 Liu, Shutang
2 Loparo, Kenneth A.
2 Luan, Xiaoli
2 Mazanti, Guilherme
2 Mei, Wenjie
2 Mu, Xiaowu
2 Punta, Elisabetta
2 Qiu, Jianbin
2 Shen, Yi
2 Stoica, Adrian-Mihail
2 Su, Fangxu
2 Sun, Huafei
2 Sun, Huiying
2 Tan, Cheng
2 Terra, Marco Henrique
2 Vilarinho, Helder
2 Wei, Yanling
2 Wu, Yu-Yao
2 Xiong, Junlin
2 Yan, Long
2 Yang, Guanghong
2 Ye, Dan
2 Yi, Jianqiang
2 Yin, Gang George
2 Yin, Liping
2 Zhang, Juan
2 Zhang, Yongping
2 Zhao, Junjie
...and 342 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 74 Serials

43 Automatica
21 Journal of the Franklin Institute
15 Systems & Control Letters
12 International Journal of Control
12 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
9 Applied Mathematics and Computation
8 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
8 European Journal of Control
7 International Journal of Systems Science
7 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
6 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
6 Asian Journal of Control
5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
5 Linear Algebra and its Applications
5 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration
4 Information Sciences
3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
3 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
3 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
3 Stochastic Analysis and Applications
3 Signal Processing
3 IET Control Theory & Applications
2 Physics Letters. A
2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
2 Applied Mathematical Modelling
2 Complexity
2 Nonlinear Dynamics
2 Abstract and Applied Analysis
2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications
2 Chaos
2 The ANZIAM Journal
2 Journal of Control Theory and Applications
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Journal of Differential Equations
1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
1 Optimal Control Applications & Methods
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Statistics
1 Econometric Reviews
1 Applied Mathematics Letters
1 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
1 Neural Computation
1 Automation and Remote Control
1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Chinese Science Bulletin
1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
1 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
1 Bernoulli
1 Journal of Vibration and Control
1 Journal of Shanghai University
1 New Journal of Physics
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications
1 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 Entropy
1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
1 Quantum Information Processing
1 Science in China. Series F
1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1 Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Afrika Matematika
1 Mathematical Control and Related Fields
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis
1 Cogent Mathematics
1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Citations by Year