
Found 366 Authors (Results 1–100)

Abeyaratne, Rohan C.

62 Publications (1980–2024) indexed
1,154 Citations
Co-Authors: Knowles, James K.; Horgan, Cornelius Oliver; Chung, Dong-Teak; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Abeyaratne, Rohan; Abeyaratne, R.; Abeyaratne, Rohan C.

Abi-Akl, Rami

1 Publication (2019) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Abeyaratne, Rohan C.; Cohen, Tal
Main Fields: Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
Published as: Abi-Akl, Rami

Acharya, Amit

74 Publications (1995–2024) indexed
667 Citations
Co-Authors: Knops, Robin J.; Zhang, Chiqun; Zhang, Xiaohan; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Acharya, Amit; Acharya, A.

Akisanya, Alfred R.

10 Publications (1994–2003) indexed
31 Citations
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.; Chandler, Howard W.; Henderson, Robert J.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Akisanya, A. R.; Akisanya, Alfred R.

Alber, E. S.

1 Publication (1995) indexed
Co-Authors: Bassani, John L.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Alber, E. S.

Alonso, I. Quintana

1 Publication (2009) indexed
3 Citations
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Alonso, I. Quintana

Amar, Hanan

1 Publication (2019) indexed
3 Citations
Co-Authors: Givoli, Dan
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Amar, Hanan

Amazigo, John C.

18 Publications (1968–1998) indexed
86 Citations
Co-Authors: Budiansky, Bernard; Lockhart, Deborah Frank; Carrier, George Francis; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Amazigo, J. C.; Amazigo, John C.

Amitt, Eyal

3 Publications (2014–2022) indexed
22 Citations
Co-Authors: Givoli, Dan; Turkel, Eli L.; Rabinovich, Daniel
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Amitt, Eyal

Anderson, V. J.

2 Publications (2005–2007) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: Boek, Edo S.; Crawshaw, J. P.; Padding, Johan T.; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Anderson, V. J.

Antinucci, Emilio

1 Publication (2007) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: dos Santos e Lucato, Sergio L.; Evans, Anthony G.; He, Ming; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Antinucci, Emilio

Arbocz, Johann

19 Publications (1969–2010) indexed
78 Citations
Co-Authors: Elishakoff, Isaac; Hol, J. M. A. M.; Babcock, C. D. jun.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Arbocz, J.; Arbocz, Johann

Aronson, M. T.

1 Publication (2008) indexed
Co-Authors: Deshpande, Vikram S.; Fleck, Norman A.; McShane, G. J.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Aronson, M. T.

Ashby, Michael F.

5 Publications (1988–2002) indexed
233 Citations
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.; Deshpande, Vikram S.; Chen, C.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Ashby, M. F.; Ashby, Michael F.

Askarinejad, Sina

2 Publications (2021) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.; Cuesta, I. Ivan; Martínez Pañeda, Emilio; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Askarinejad, Sina; Askarinejad, S.

Astley, R. Jeremy

36 Publications (1978–2009) indexed
439 Citations
Co-Authors: Eversman, Walter; Gamallo, Pablo; Coyette, Jean-Pierre; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Astley, R. J.; Astley, R. Jeremy

Atkinson, Colin

163 Publications (1965–2019) indexed
781 Citations
Co-Authors: Craster, Richard V.; Champion, C. R.; Aparicio, Nairo D.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX); ...
Published as: Atkinson, C.; Atkinson, Colin

Atkinson, D. I. H.

14 Publications (1966–2007) indexed
Co-Authors: Johnson, Porter Wear; Auberson, Guy; Geschiere, J.; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Atkinson, D. I. H.

Babcock, C. D. jun.

5 Publications (1969–1988) indexed
10 Citations
Co-Authors: Arbocz, Johann; El-Raheb, Michael; Elishakoff, Isaac; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Babcock, C. D. jun.

Baffet, Daniel H.

11 Publications (2011–2022) indexed
154 Citations
Co-Authors: Grote, Marcus J.; Givoli, Dan; Hesthaven, Jan S.; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Ordinary differential equations (34-XX)
Published as: Baffet, Daniel; Baffet, Daniel H.

Balint, Daniel S.

9 Publications (2001–2015) indexed
44 Citations
Co-Authors: Lin, Jianguo; Deshpande, Vikram S.; Dini, Daniele; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Balint, D. S.; Balint, Daniel S.

Barbone, Paul E.

36 Publications (1994–2020) indexed
320 Citations
Co-Authors: Oberai, Assad A.; Harari, Isaac; Albocher, Uri; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Barbone, Paul E.; Barbone, P. E.; Barbone, Paul

Barlow, Martin T.

121 Publications (1978–2022) indexed
3,076 Citations
Co-Authors: Bass, Richard F.; Perkins, Edwin A.; Kumagai, Takashi; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Potential theory (31-XX); Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX); ...
Published as: Barlow, Martin T.; Barlow, M. T.; Barlow, Martin

Bart-Smith, Hilary

11 Publications (2000–2019) indexed
33 Citations
Co-Authors: Evans, Anthony G.; Moored, Keith W.; Ayancik, Fatma; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
Published as: Bart-Smith, Hilary; Bart-Smith, H.

Barthelat, Francois

4 Publications (2006–2011) indexed
9 Citations
Co-Authors: Espinosa, Horacio D.; Hutchinson, John Woodside; Lee, Sungsoo; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Barthelat, Francois; Barthelat, F.

Bass, Richard F.

145 Publications (1979–2024) indexed
3,167 Citations
Co-Authors: Burdzy, Krzysztof; Barlow, Martin T.; Chen, Zhen-Qing; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Bass, Richard F.; Bass, R. F.; Bass, Richard

Bécache, Eliane

41 Publications (1990–2023) indexed
636 Citations
Co-Authors: Joly, Patrick; Tsogka, Chrysoula; Kachanovska, Maryna; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Bécache, Eliane; Bécache, E.; Bécache, Éliane; Becache, E.; Becache, Eliane

Becquet, Roland

4 Publications (2001–2002) indexed
10 Citations
Co-Authors: Elishakoff, Isaac; Baruch, Menahem
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Becquet, Roland; Becquet, R.

Begley, Matthew R.

18 Publications (1995–2016) indexed
107 Citations
Co-Authors: Komaragiri, Uday K.; Evans, Anthony G.; Ambrico, Joseph M.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Begley, Matthew R.; Begley, M. R.; Begley, Matthew

Behar, Ehud

1 Publication (2016) indexed
Co-Authors: Givoli, Dan; Tuval, Israel
Main Fields: Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX)
Published as: Behar, Ehud

Ben-Porat, Gil

1 Publication (1995) indexed
15 Citations
Co-Authors: Givoli, Dan
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Ben-Porat, Gil

Ben-Zvi, Rami

5 Publications (1992–2019) indexed
6 Citations
Co-Authors: Berkowitz, Brian; Libai, Avinoam; Perl, Monika; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); ...
Published as: Ben-Zvi, Rami; Ben-Zvi, R.

Benveniste, Yakov

68 Publications (1972–2014) indexed
655 Citations
Co-Authors: Aboudi, Jacob; Dvorak, George J.; Chen, Tungyang; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Benveniste, Y.; Benveniste, Yakov; Benveniste, Yako; Benveniste, Y

Berre, Nanna

2 Publications (2022–2024) indexed
Co-Authors: Castro, Gabriela; Gjerde, Ingeborg G.; Kjeldsberg, Henrik A.; …
Main Fields: Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Berre, Nanna

Bert, Charles W.

81 Publications (1962–2009) indexed
709 Citations
Co-Authors: Striz, Alfred G.; Birman, Victor; Malik, Moinuddin; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Bert, C. W.; Bert, Charles W.; Bert, Ch. W.

Bharali, Ritukesh

5 Publications (2017–2024) indexed
27 Citations
Co-Authors: Jänicke, Ralf; Larsson, Fredrik; Anitescu, Cosmin; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Bharali, Ritukesh

Bielak, Jacobo

38 Publications (1974–2024) indexed
341 Citations
Co-Authors: MacCamy, Richard C.; Kallivokas, Loukas F.; Givoli, Dan; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); ...
Published as: Bielak, Jacobo; Bielak, J.

Boek, Edo S.

8 Publications (2004–2019) indexed
56 Citations
Co-Authors: Anderson, V. J.; Briels, W. J.; Crawshaw, J. P.; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Boek, Edo S.; Boek, E. S.; Boek, Edo

Borg, Ulrik

6 Publications (2006–2008) indexed
65 Citations
Co-Authors: Niordson, Christian F.; Kysar, Jeffrey W.; Deshpande, Vikram S.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Borg, Ulrik; Borg, U.

Bossis, Georges

14 Publications (1987–2019) indexed
127 Citations
Co-Authors: Kuzhir, Pavel; Volkova, Ol’ga N.; Brady, John F.; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Bossis, G.; Bossis, Georges

Bower, Allan F.

23 Publications (1990–2017) indexed
174 Citations
Co-Authors: Ortiz, Michael; Fleck, Norman A.; Gao, Yanfei; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Bower, A. F.; Bower, Allan F.

Bradley, M. R.

11 Publications (1976–2014) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Simmonds, James G.; Nicholson, J. W.; Carrington, Connie K.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Bradley, M. R.

Breid, D.

1 Publication (2011) indexed
17 Citations
Co-Authors: Crosby, A. J.; Hutchinson, John Woodside
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Breid, D.

Brimberg, Jack

112 Publications (1991–2024) indexed
979 Citations
Co-Authors: Mladenović, Nenad; Urošević, Dragan; Drezner, Zvi; …
Main Fields: Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
Published as: Brimberg, Jack; Brimberg, J.

Bryson, Arthur Earl jun.

41 Publications (1952–2003) indexed
276 Citations
Co-Authors: Denham, Walter F.; Mills, Raymond A.; Speyer, Jason Lee; …
Main Fields: Systems theory; control (93-XX); Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX); Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX)
Published as: Bryson, A. E.; Bryson, Arthur E. jun.; Bryson, A. E. jun.; Bryson, Arthur E.; Bryson, Arthur Earl jun.

Byrd, Larry W.

6 Publications (2001–2008) indexed
2 Citations
Co-Authors: Birman, Victor; Chona, Ravinder; Haney, Mark A.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Byrd, Larry W.; Byrd, L. W.

Canning, James M.

2 Publications (2005–2023) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: Baldwin, Douglas E.; Heap, Aaron; Hutchinson, John Woodside; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Canning, James M.

Cao, Yanping

17 Publications (2002–2014) indexed
260 Citations
Co-Authors: Feng, Xiqiao; Lu, Jian; Titi, Edriss Saleh; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); ...
Published as: Cao, Yanping; Cao, Yan Ping; Cao, Yan-Ping

Carrier, George Francis

74 Publications (1944–2005) indexed
864 Citations
Co-Authors: Pearson, Carl E.; Budiansky, Bernard; Fendell, Francis E.; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Functions of a complex variable (30-XX); ...
Published as: Carrier, G. F.; Carrier, George F.

Castro, Gabriela

1 Publication (2022) indexed
Co-Authors: Berre, Nanna; Gjerde, Ingeborg G.; Kjeldsberg, Henrik A.; …
Main Fields: Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
Published as: Castro, Gabriela

Catellani, Giulia

2 Publications (2003–2004) indexed
Co-Authors: Amabili, Marco; Baruch, Menahem; Elishakoff, Isaac; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Catellani, Giulia

Chandrashekhara, K.

34 Publications (1966–2012) indexed
95 Citations
Co-Authors: Iyengar, K. T. Sundara Raja; Muthanna, S. K.; Bhimaraddi, Alavandi; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Chandrashekhara, K.

Chen, C.

9 Publications (1999–2005) indexed
88 Citations
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.; Lu, Tian Jian; Ashby, Michael F.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Chen, C.

Chen, Xi

45 Publications (1998–2024) indexed
186 Citations
Co-Authors: Cao, Guoxin; Zhou, Qulan; Hui, Shien; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Chen, Xi; Chen, X.

Cheng, Lizi

22 Publications (1979–2024) indexed
Co-Authors: Chew, Huck Beng; Guo, Tianfu; Kuznetsov, Andrey V.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Cheng, Lizi

Chona, Ravinder

3 Publications (1979–2008) indexed
2 Citations
Co-Authors: Birman, Victor; Byrd, Larry W.; Haney, Mark A.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Chona, Ravinder; Chona, R.

Christoffersen, Jes

11 Publications (1971–2002) indexed
121 Citations
Co-Authors: Hutchinson, John Woodside; Mehrabadi, Morteza M.; Nemat-Nasser, Sia; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Christoffersen, J.; Christoffersen, Jes

Chu, Derrick P.

3 Publications (2005–2009) indexed
1 Citation
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.; Huber, John E.; Pane, Ivindra; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Chu, D. P.; Chu, Derrick P.

Cocks, Alan C. F.

27 Publications (1984–2022) indexed
57 Citations
Co-Authors: Ponter, Alan R. S.; Barrera, Olga; Fleck, Norman A.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Cocks, A. C. F.; Cocks, Alan C. F.

Cohen, Dan

13 Publications (1966–2017) indexed
156 Citations
Co-Authors: Crampton, Jason; Gutin, Gregory Z.; Levin, Simon Asher; …
Main Fields: Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Cohen, Dan

Comley, Kerstyn

1 Publication (2010) indexed
3 Citations
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.
Main Fields: Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
Published as: Comley, Kerstyn

Cote, Francois

2 Publications (2006–2007) indexed
15 Citations
Co-Authors: Deshpande, Vikram S.; Bart-Smith, Hilary; Biagi, Russell; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Cote, Francois; Côté, F.

Crafter, E. C.

1 Publication (1993) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Heise, R. M.; Horgan, Cornelius Oliver; Simmonds, James G.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Crafter, E. C.

Crawshaw, J. P.

3 Publications (1999–2007) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Anderson, V. J.; Boek, Edo S.; Padding, Johan T.; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Crawshaw, J. P.

Crosby, A. J.

2 Publications (2011–2013) indexed
17 Citations
Co-Authors: Breid, D.; Hutchinson, John Woodside; Morrison, Philip J.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Crosby, A. J.

Cuesta, I. Ivan

1 Publication (2021) indexed
3 Citations
Co-Authors: Askarinejad, Sina; Fleck, Norman A.; Martínez Pañeda, Emilio
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Cuesta, I. Ivan

Cui, Yingqing Lawrence

4 Publications (1993–1995) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Budiansky, Bernard
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Cui, Yingqing Lawrence

Danas, Kostas

14 Publications (2006–2024) indexed
116 Citations
Co-Authors: Ponte Castañeda, Pedro; Idiart, Martín I.; Triantafyllidis, Nicolas; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Danas, K.; Danas, Kostas

Danielson, D. A.

14 Publications (1969–2004) indexed
104 Citations
Co-Authors: Simmonds, James G.; Hodges, Dewey H.; Atilgan, Ali R.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX)
Published as: Danielson, D. A.

Davidson, John F.

11 Publications (1952–2010) indexed
35 Citations
Co-Authors: Button, Eleanor C.; Guedes de Carvalho, J. R. F.; Houle, Jean-Louis; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Davidson, J. F.; Davidson, John F.

de Castro, Manuela L.

7 Publications (2000–2009) indexed
50 Citations
Co-Authors: Justo, Dagoberto A. R.; Silva, Jacques A. L.; Bolfarine, Heleno; …
Main Fields: Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
Published as: de Castro, Manuela L.; de Castro, M. L.

Dea, John R.

6 Publications (2008–2014) indexed
43 Citations
Co-Authors: Neta, Beny; Giraldo, Francis X.; Givoli, Dan; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Dea, John R.

Dekel, Shai

35 Publications (2002–2023) indexed
151 Citations
Co-Authors: Petrushev, Pencho P.; Leviatan, Dany; Bendory, Tamir; …
Main Fields: Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX); Approximations and expansions (41-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); ...
Published as: Dekel, Shai; Dekel, S.

Demchenko, Tatyana

1 Publication (2000) indexed
3 Citations
Co-Authors: Givoli, Dan
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Demchenko, Tatyana

Deng, Xiangyang

9 Publications (1996–2020) indexed
Co-Authors: Hutchinson, John Woodside; Bokut, Leonid A.; Chen, Chuangjie; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Deng, Xiangyang; Deng, X.

Deshpande, Vikram S.

51 Publications (2000–2024) indexed
416 Citations
Co-Authors: Fleck, Norman A.; Evans, Anthony G.; McMeeking, Robert M.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Deshpande, V. S.; Deshpande, Vikram S.; Deshpande, Vikram; Deshpande, V.

Desroches, Jean

3 Publications (1994–2001) indexed
63 Citations
Co-Authors: Detournay, Emmanuel; Thiercelin, M.; Atkinson, Colin; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Desroches, J.; Desroches, Jean

Detournay, Emmanuel

52 Publications (1986–2022) indexed
646 Citations
Co-Authors: Cheng, Alexander H.-D.; Garagash, Dmitry I.; Denoël, Vincent; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Detournay, Emmanuel; Detournay, E.

DiPrima, Richard C.

53 Publications (1954–2022) indexed
685 Citations
Co-Authors: Boyce, William Edward; Stuart, J. Trevor; Eagles, P. M.; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Ordinary differential equations (34-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: DiPrima, R. C.; DiPrima, Richard C.; Di Prima, R. C.; Diprima, R. C.; Di Prima, Richard C.

dos Santos e Lucato, Sergio L.

4 Publications (2002–2007) indexed
14 Citations
Co-Authors: Evans, Anthony G.; Antinucci, Emilio; Bahr, Hans-Achim; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: dos Santos e Lucato, S. L.; dos Santos e Lucato, Sergio L.; Dos Santos E Lucato, S. L.

Doukhovni, Ilia

2 Publications (1996) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Givoli, Dan
Main Fields: Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
Published as: Doukhovni, Ilia; Doukhovni, I.

Dutko, Martin

7 Publications (1993–2023) indexed
209 Citations
Co-Authors: Owen, David Roger Jones; Perić, Djordje; Mishuris, Gennady S.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Dutko, M.; Dutko, Martin

Duva, J. M.

6 Publications (1981–1996) indexed
11 Citations
Co-Authors: Simmonds, James G.; Dickens, Philip M.; Nicol, David M.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Duva, J. M.; Duva, J.

Elishakoff, Isaac

263 Publications (1973–2024) indexed
1,576 Citations
Co-Authors: Challamel, Noël; Starnes, James H. jun.; Ren, Yongjian; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); ...
Published as: Elishakoff, Isaac; Elishakoff, I.; Elishakoff, I. B.; Elishakoff, Issac; Elishakov, I. B.; Elishakov, I.

Engelbrecht, Jüri

146 Publications (1972–2023) indexed
558 Citations
Co-Authors: Maugin, Gérard A.; Berezovski, Arkadi; Salupere, Andrus; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
Published as: Engelbrecht, Jüri; Engelbrecht, J.; Ehngel’brekht, Yu. K.; Ehngel’brekht, Yu.; Engelbrecht, Juri; Engel’breht, Ju. K.; Engelbrecht, J. K.; Ehngelbrecht, Yu. K.; Engel’brekht, Yu. K.; Ehngel’brecht, Yu.; Engelbrecht, Jueri; Engel’brecht, Ju.; Engel’brekht, Yu.

Engelen, Roy A. B.

4 Publications (2001–2006) indexed
121 Citations
Co-Authors: Geers, Marc G. D.; Baaijens, Frank P. T.; Fleck, Norman A.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Engelen, Roy A. B.; Engelen, R. A. B.

Espinosa, Horacio D.

18 Publications (1998–2010) indexed
135 Citations
Co-Authors: Pugno, Nicola Maria; Ke, Changhong; Zavattieri, Pablo D.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Espinosa, H. D.; Espinosa, Horacio D.

Evans, Anthony G.

46 Publications (1986–2010) indexed
259 Citations
Co-Authors: Hutchinson, John Woodside; McMeeking, Robert M.; Deshpande, Vikram S.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Evans, A. G.; Evans, Anthony G.

Fadili, Ali

1 Publication (2002) indexed
6 Citations
Co-Authors: Pearson, J. R. Anthony; Tardy, Philippe M. J.
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Fadili, Ali

Fager, L. O.

1 Publication (1986) indexed
2 Citations
Co-Authors: Bassani, John L.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Fager, L. O.

Faulhaber, S.

2 Publications (1986–2006) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: Evans, Anthony G.; Hutchinson, John Woodside; Moon, Myoung-Woon
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Faulhaber, S.

Fitch, J. R.

1 Publication (1970) indexed
12 Citations
Co-Authors: Budiansky, Bernard
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Fitch, J. R.

Flaherty, Joseph E.

109 Publications (1972–2011) indexed
1,713 Citations
Co-Authors: Shephard, Mark S.; Adjerid, Slimane; O’Malley, Robert E. jun.; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
Published as: Flaherty, Joseph E.; Flaherty, J. E.; Flaherty, Joseph; Flaherty, J.

Flores, Shane E.

2 Publications (2007–2018) indexed
13 Citations
Co-Authors: Evans, Anthony G.; Govindan, T. E.; Hayhurst, David R.; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Flores, Shane E.

Fosdick, Roger L.

129 Publications (1963–2024) indexed
1,178 Citations
Co-Authors: Fried, Eliot; Dunn, J. Ernest; Yu, Jang-Horng; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); History and biography (01-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); ...
Published as: Fosdick, Roger; Fosdick, R. L.; Fosdick, Roger L.; Fosdick, R.

Frakes, J. P.

1 Publication (1985) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: Simmonds, James G.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Frakes, J. P.

Fraser, Wynstone Barrie

46 Publications (1962–2008) indexed
101 Citations
Co-Authors: Stump, David M.; Champneys, Alan R.; Clark, James David; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX); Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX)
Published as: Fraser, W. B.; Fraser, W. Barrie; Fraser, Wynstone Barrie

Frostig, Yeoshua

16 Publications (1982–2009) indexed
60 Citations
Co-Authors: Sheinman, Izhak; Thomsen, Ole Thybo; Baruch, Menahem; …
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Frostig, Y.; Frostig, Yeoshua

Fulton, J. P.

5 Publications (1949–1986) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Sneddon, Ian Naismith; Eason, George; Simmonds, James G.
Main Fields: Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
Published as: Fulton, J. P.

Gal, Shmuel

51 Publications (1971–2013) indexed
758 Citations
Co-Authors: Alpern, Steve; Baston, Vic J.; Bachelis, Boris; …
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX); Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX)
Published as: Gal, Shmuel; Gal, S.

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