Author ID: engelen.roy-a-b Recent zbMATH articles by "Engelen, Roy A. B."
Published as: Engelen, Roy A. B.; Engelen, R. A. B.
Documents Indexed: 4 Publications since 2001
Co-Authors: 6 Co-Authors with 4 Joint Publications
200 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

4 Publications have been cited 121 times in 90 Documents Cited by Year
Nonlocal implicit gradient-enhanced elasto-plasticity for the modelling of softening behaviour. Zbl 1090.74519
Engelen, Roy A. B.; Geers, Marc G. D.; Baaijens, Frank P. T.
An evaluation of higher-order plasticity theories for predicting size effects and localisation. Zbl 1121.74330
Engelen, R. A. B.; Fleck, N. A.; Peerlings, R. H. J.; Geers, M. G. D.
Strongly non-local gradient-enhanced finite strain elastoplasticity. Zbl 1038.74527
Geers, M. G. D.; Ubachs, R. L. J. M.; Engelen, R. A. B.
On the numerical modelling of ductile damage with an implicit gradient-enhanced formulation. Zbl 1169.74602
Geers, Marc G. D.; Engelen, Roy A. B.; Ubachs, René J. M.
An evaluation of higher-order plasticity theories for predicting size effects and localisation. Zbl 1121.74330
Engelen, R. A. B.; Fleck, N. A.; Peerlings, R. H. J.; Geers, M. G. D.
Nonlocal implicit gradient-enhanced elasto-plasticity for the modelling of softening behaviour. Zbl 1090.74519
Engelen, Roy A. B.; Geers, Marc G. D.; Baaijens, Frank P. T.
Strongly non-local gradient-enhanced finite strain elastoplasticity. Zbl 1038.74527
Geers, M. G. D.; Ubachs, R. L. J. M.; Engelen, R. A. B.
On the numerical modelling of ductile damage with an implicit gradient-enhanced formulation. Zbl 1169.74602
Geers, Marc G. D.; Engelen, Roy A. B.; Ubachs, René J. M.
all top 5

Cited by 162 Authors

7 Forest, Samuel
5 Geers, Marc G. D.
4 Aldakheel, Fadi
4 Jirásek, Milan
4 McBride, Andrew T.
4 Reddy, B. Dayanand
3 Challamel, Noël
3 Fleck, Norman A.
3 Lu, Xilin
3 Miehe, Christian
3 Polizzotto, Castrenze
3 Rolshoven, Simon
2 Abatour, Mohamed
2 Brekelmans, W. A. M.
2 Del Piero, Gianpietro
2 Ebobisse, François Bille
2 Henann, David L.
2 Idiart, Martín I.
2 Khandelwal, Kapil
2 Kuna, Meinhard
2 Kuroda, Mitsutoshi
2 Lesičar, Tomislav
2 Lim, Keng-Wit
2 Mühlich, Uwe Michael
2 Poh, Leong Hien
2 Sorić, Jurica
2 Steinmann, Paul
2 Tonković, Zdenko
2 Tvergaard, Viggo
2 Willis, John Raymond
2 Xu, Yanjie
2 Xue, Dawei
2 Zhang, Guodong
2 Zybell, Lutz
1 Aifantis, Elias C.
1 Aihara, Tatsuhito
1 Alberdi, Ryan
1 Ammar, Kais
1 Anahid, Masoud
1 Askarinejad, Sina
1 Aslan, Ozgur
1 Bardella, Lorenzo
1 Bardhan, Jaydeep P.
1 Besson, Jacques
1 Bessonov, Nikolay M.
1 Biswas, Raja
1 Borino, Guido
1 Bottero, Cristian J.
1 Bouchard, Pierre-Olivier
1 Brannon, Rebecca M.
1 Brune, Peter R.
1 Bryant, Eric C.
1 Burghardt, Jeff
1 Buscarnera, Giuseppe
1 Busso, Esteban P.
1 Cao, Yuheng
1 Casandjian, Charles
1 César de Sá, José M. A.
1 Cordero, N. M.
1 Cuesta, I. Ivan
1 Davaze, Valentin
1 de Borst, René
1 de Vaucorbeil, Alban
1 Deshpande, Vikram S.
1 Djoko, Jules K.
1 Ehlers, Wolfgang
1 El Khaoulani, R.
1 Faleskog, Jonas
1 Fatemi Dehaghani, Peyman
1 Fathi, Farshid
1 Feld-Payet, Sylvia
1 Friedlein, Johannes
1 Furuta, Kozo
1 Garikipati, Krishna
1 Ghosh, Somnath
1 Guilkey, James E.
1 Han, Jike
1 Hatefi Ardakani, Saeed
1 Huang, Maosong
1 Hütter, Geralf
1 Inozume, Seita
1 Jeunechamps, P.-P.
1 Kamrin, Ken
1 Karr, Dale G.
1 Kirchner, Nina P.
1 Knepley, Matthew G.
1 Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
1 Kolo, Isa
1 Komijani, M.
1 Kondoh, Tsuguo
1 Kouznetsova, Varvara G.
1 Kumar, Sachin
1 Lancioni, Giovanni
1 Langrand, Bertrand
1 Lanos, Christophe
1 Lazarov, Boyan Stefanov
1 Legarth, Brian Nyvang
1 Li, Shihong
1 Li, Yaning
1 Li, Yong
...and 62 more Authors

Citations by Year