
Found 69 Documents (Results 1–69)

Introduction to the variable Lebesgue spaces. (English) Zbl 1337.46025

Tikhonov, Sergey (ed.), Variable Lebesgue spaces and hyperbolic systems. Based on the presentations at two courses given under the title ‘Advanced courses on approximation theory and Fourier analysis’, Barcelona, Spain, November 7–11, 2011. Basel: Birkhäuser/Springer (ISBN 978-3-0348-0839-2/pbk; 978-3-0348-0840-8/ebook). Advanced Courses in Mathematics – CRM Barcelona, 3-9 (2014).
Full Text: DOI

On some fundamental properties of the maximal operator. (English) Zbl 1096.42519

Edmunds, David E. (ed.) et al., Function spaces and applications. Mainly the proceedings of the international conference on function spaces and applications to partial differential equations, New Delhi, India, December 15–19, 1997. New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House (ISBN 81-7319-335-5/hbk). 69-81 (2000).
MSC:  42B25 46E30 47G10

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