
Multi resource allocation with partial preferences. (English) Zbl 07638296

Summary: We provide efficient, fair, and non-manipulable mechanisms for the multi-type resource allocation problems (MTRAs) and multiple assignment problems where agents have partial preferences over bundles consisting of multiple divisible items. We uncover a natural reduction from multiple assignment problems to MTRAs, which preserves the properties of MTRA mechanisms. We extend the well-known random priority (RP) and probabilistic serial (PS) mechanisms to MTRAs with partial preferences as multi-type PS (MPS) and multi-type RP (MRP) and propose a new mechanism, multi-type general dictatorship (MGD), which combines the ideas of MPS and MRP. We show that for the unrestricted domain of partial order preferences, unfortunately, no mechanism satisfies both sd-efficiency and sd-envy-freeness, even as they each satisfy different weaker notions of the desirable properties of efficiency, fairness, and non-manipulability we consider. Notwithstanding this impossibility result, our main message is positive: When agents’ preferences are represented by acyclic CP-nets, MRP satisfies ex-post-efficiency, sd-strategyproofness, and upper invariance, while MPS satisfies sd-efficiency, sd-envy-freeness, ordinal fairness, and upper invariance, recovering the properties of RP and PS; the MGD satisfies sd-efficiency, equal treatment of equals, and decomposability under the unrestricted domain of partial preferences. We introduce a natural domain of bundle net preferences, which generalizes previously studied domain restrictions of partial preferences for multiple assignment problems and is incomparable to the domain of acyclic CP-nets. We show that MRP and MPS satisfy all properties of the RP and PS under bundle net preferences as well.


68Txx Artificial intelligence




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