
Found 21 Documents (Results 1–21)

On the coincidence points of mappings of the torus into a surface. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1108.55002

Geometric topology and set theory. Collected papers. Dedicated to the 100th birthday of Professor Lyudmila Vsevolodovna Keldysh. Transl. from the Russian. Moscow: Maik Nauka/Interperiodica. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 247, 9-27 (2004); translation from Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 247, 15-34 (2004).
MSC:  55M20 57M60 57S25

A mathematical gift I. The interplay between topology, functions, geometry, and algebra. Transl. from the Japanese by Eiko Tyler. (English) Zbl 1034.57001

Mathematical World 19. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-3282-0/pbk). ix, 136 p. (2003).
Full Text: DOI

On effective decidability of the homeomorphism problem for non-compact surfaces. (English) Zbl 0955.57001

Gilman, Robert H. (ed.), Groups, languages and geometry. 1998 AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference on geometric group theory and computer science, South Hadley, MA, USA, July 5-9, 1998. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Contemp. Math. 250, 89-112 (1999).

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