
Found 145 Documents (Results 1–100)

Selected topics in nonlinear analysis. (English) Zbl 1506.47001

Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis 19. Toruń: Nicolaus Copernicus University, Juliusz Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies (ISBN 978-83-231-4656-8/print; 978-83-231-4657-5/ebook). 491 p. (2021).

Convexity and almost convexity in groups. (English) Zbl 1281.26009

Brzdȩk, Janusz (ed.) et al., Recent developments in functional equations and inequalities. Selected topics. Based on the 14th international conference on functional equations and inequalities (ICFEI) dedicated to the memory of Marek Kuczma, Bȩdlewo, Poland, September 11–17, 2011. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics (ISBN 978-83-86806-18-8/pbk). Banach Center Publications 99, 55-76 (2013).
Full Text: DOI

Convexity in Helly graphs: selection and almost fixed point properties for multifunctions. (English) Zbl 1276.05098

Seda, Anthony K. (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the third Irish conference on the mathematical foundations of computer science and information technology (MFCSIT 2004), Dublin, Ireland, July 22–23, 2004. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 161, 151-163 (2006).
MSC:  05C75 52C07

A digital version of the Kakutani fixed point theorem for convex-valued multifunctions. (English) Zbl 1264.68200

Seda, Anthony (ed.) et al., MFCSIT2000. Proceedings of the first Irish conference on the mathematical foundations of computer science and information technology, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland, July 20–21, 2000. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 40, 393-407 (2001).
MSC:  68U05 05C10 54H25
Full Text: DOI

The convergence of series of operators defined on spaces of functions with non-bounded domain. (Spanish) Zbl 1009.41022

Madaune-Tort, Monique (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the 5th Zaragoza-Pau conference on applied mathematics and statistics, Jaca, Spain, September 15-16, 1997. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza. Publ. Semin. Mat. García de Galdeano, Serie II. 20, 553-559 (1999).
MSC:  41A35 41A36

Local moduli of convexity and their application to finding almost common fixed points of measurable families of operators. (English) Zbl 0874.46006

Censor, Yair (ed.) et al., Recent developments in optimization theory and nonlinear analysis. AMS/IMU special session on optimization and nonlinear analysis, May 24–26, 1995, Jerusalem, Israel. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Contemp. Math. 204, 61-91 (1997).
MSC:  46B07 47H07 49M30 47H10 52A41

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