
Constraint satisfaction problems with global modular constraints: algorithms and hardness via polynomial representations. (English) Zbl 07538272

Summary: We study the complexity of Boolean constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) when the assignment must have Hamming weight in some congruence class modulo \(M\), for various choices of the modulus \(M\). Due to the known classification of tractable Boolean CSPs, this mainly reduces to the study of three cases: 2-SAT, HORN-SAT, and LIN-2 (linear equations mod 2). We classify the moduli \(M\) for which these respective problems are polynomial time solvable, and when they are not (assuming the exponential time hypothesis). Our study reveals that this modular constraint lends a surprising richness to these classic, well-studied problems, with interesting broader connections to complexity theory and coding theory. The HORN-SAT case is connected to the covering complexity of polynomials representing the NAND function mod \(M\). The LIN-2 case is tied to the sparsity of polynomials representing the OR function mod \(M\), which in turn has connections to modular weight distribution properties of linear codes and locally decodable codes. In both cases, the analysis of our algorithm as well as the hardness reduction rely on these polynomial representations, highlighting an interesting algebraic common ground between hard cases for our algorithms and the gadgets which show hardness. These new complexity measures of polynomial representations merit further study. The inspiration for our study comes from a recent work by Nägele, Sudakov, and Zenklusen on submodular minimization with a global congruence constraint. Our algorithm for HORN-SAT has strong similarities to their algorithm, and in particular identical kinds of set systems arise in both cases. Our connection to polynomial representations leads to a simpler analysis of such set systems and also sheds light on (but does not resolve) the complexity of submodular minimization with a congruency requirement modulo a composite \(M\).


68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
68Q17 Computational difficulty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, difficulty of approximation, etc.)
68R07 Computational aspects of satisfiability
68W40 Analysis of algorithms
94B05 Linear codes (general theory)
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