
Geometric methods and formulations in computational multibody system dynamics. (English) Zbl 1394.70022

Summary: Multibody systems are dynamical systems characterized by intrinsic symmetries and invariants. Geometric mechanics deals with the mathematical modeling of such systems and has proven to be a valuable tool providing insights into the dynamics of mechanical systems, from a theoretical as well as from a computational point of view. Modeling multibody systems, comprising rigid and flexible members, as dynamical systems on manifolds, and Lie groups in particular, leads to frame-invariant and computationally advantageous formulations. In the last decade, such formulations and corresponding algorithms are becoming increasingly used in various areas of computational dynamics providing the conceptual and computational framework for multibody, coupled, and multiphysics systems, and their nonlinear control. The geometric setting, furthermore, gives rise to geometric numerical integration schemes that are designed to preserve the intrinsic structure and invariants of dynamical systems. These naturally avoid the long-standing problem of parameterization singularities and also deliver the necessary accuracy as well as a long-term stability of numerical solutions. The current intensive research in these areas documents the relevance and potential for geometric methods in general and in particular for multibody system dynamics. This paper provides an exhaustive summary of the development in the last decade, and a panoramic overview of the current state of knowledge in the field. 158 Refs.


70E55 Dynamics of multibody systems
70G45 Differential geometric methods (tensors, connections, symplectic, Poisson, contact, Riemannian, nonholonomic, etc.) for problems in mechanics


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