
Dynamics of multibody systems. 2nd ed. (English) Zbl 1131.70001

New York, NY: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-73913-5/hbk). xiii, 223 p. (2008).
This is the second edition of a book published thirty years ago [see for the review Zbl 0363.70004]. The first edition had a success and has been used as a textbook in advanced courses of analytical mechanics.
The book has six chapters. The first chapter is devoted to mathematical notation used in the book. In the second chapter, the author studies the kinematics of continuous motion of rigid bodies. Forces and torques which are the cause of motions are not considered. The third chapter is devoted to basic principles of rigid body dynamics, such as angular momentum theorem and principle of virtual power. In the next chapter some problems are considered in which the equations of motion can be integrated in closed form. Chapters five and six of the second edition have been rewritten in a new form, using simpler mathematical formulations. In the fifth chapter, the author investigates arbitrary configurations of rigid bodies interconnected with springs and dampers (treated as massless). Such systems have an important role in engineering practice. The last chapter examines systems with discontinuous changes of velocities and angular velocities. Such phenomena occur when a multibody system collides with another multibody system, or when two bodies belonging to the same system collide with another.
This book can be used by mechanical engineers, scientists and graduate students.


70-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems
70E55 Dynamics of multibody systems


Zbl 0363.70004
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