
Found 61 Documents (Results 1–61)

New controllability criteria for fractional systems with varying delays. (English) Zbl 1425.93043

Babiarz, Artur (ed.) et al., Theory and applications of non-integer order systems. Papers of the 8th conference on non-integer order calculus and its applications, Zakopane, Poland, September 20–21, 2016. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Electr. Eng. 407, 333-344 (2017).
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Approximate controllability of nonlocal fractional integro-differential equations with finite delay. (English) Zbl 1366.93055

Cushing, Jim M. (ed.) et al., Applied analysis in biological and physical sciences. ICMBAA, Aligarh, India, June 4–6, 2015. New Delhi: Springer (ISBN 978-81-322-3638-2/hbk; 978-81-322-3640-5/ebook). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 186, 293-307 (2016).
MSC:  93B05 34K30 34A08
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