
The exponentiated Hencky-logarithmic strain energy. III: Coupling with idealized multiplicative isotropic finite strain plasticity. (English) Zbl 1348.74053

Summary: We investigate an immediate application in finite strain multiplicative plasticity of the family of isotropic volumetric-isochoric decoupled strain energies \[ F\mapsto W_{\mathrm{eH}}(F):=\widehat W_{\mathrm{eH}}(U):=\begin{cases} \frac{\mu}{k}e^{k\|\mathrm{dev}_n\log U\|^2}+\frac{\kappa}{2\widehat k}^{e^{\widehat k[\mathrm{tr}(\log U)]^2}}\quad &\text{if }\det F>0,\\ +\infty\quad & \text{if }\det F\leq 0,\end{cases} \] based on the Hencky-logarithmic (true, natural) strain tensor \(\log U\) . Here, \(\mu>0\) is the infinitesimal shear modulus, \(\kappa=\frac{2\mu+3\lambda}{3}>0\) is the infinitesimal bulk modulus with \(\lambda\) the first Lamé constant, \(k,\widehat k\) are additional dimensionless material parameters, \(F=\nabla\varphi\) is the gradient of deformation, \(U=\sqrt{F^TF}\) is the right stretch tensor, and \(\mathrm{dev}_n\log U=\log U-\frac{1}{n}\) \(\mathrm{tr}(\log U)\cdot\mathbf 1\) is the deviatoric part of the strain tensor \(\log U\) . Based on the multiplicative decomposition \(F=F_eF_p\), we couple these energies with some isotropic elasto-plastic flow rules \(F_p\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm{dt}}[F_p^{-1}]\in-\partial\chi(\mathrm{dev}_3\Sigma_e)\) defined in the plastic distortion \(F_p\), where \(\partial\chi\) is the subdifferential of the indicator function \(\chi\) of the convex elastic domain \(\mathcal E_{\mathrm{e}}(\Sigma_e,\frac{1}{3}\sigma_{\mathbf y}^2)\) in the mixed-variant \(\Sigma_e\)-stress space, \(\Sigma_e=F_e^TD_{F_e}W_{\mathrm{iso}}(F_e)\), and \(W_{\mathrm{iso}}(F_e)\) represents the isochoric part of the energy. While \(W_{\mathrm{eH}}\) may loose ellipticity, we show that loss of ellipticity is effectively prevented by the coupling with plasticity, since the ellipticity domain of \(W_{\mathrm{eH}}\) on the one hand and the elastic domain in \(\Sigma_e\)-stress space on the other hand are closely related. Thus, the new formulation remains elliptic in elastic unloading at any given plastic predeformation. In addition, in this domain, the true stress-true strain relation remains monotone, as observed in experiments.
For part I, II see [P. Neff et al., J. Elasticity 121, No. 2, 143–234 (2015; Zbl 1325.74028); Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 66, No. 4, 1671–1693 (2015; Zbl 1320.74022)].


74B20 Nonlinear elasticity
35Q74 PDEs in connection with mechanics of deformable solids


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