
Higher Kac-Moody algebras and moduli spaces of \(G\)-bundles. (English) Zbl 1409.14027

There are at least two ways to construct affine Kac-Moody algebras, namely by their Cartan algebra giving a presentation by generators and relations, and as (an extension of) a central extension of the loop algebra, i.e. the Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{g}((t))=\mathfrak{g}\otimes_kk((t))\) for a finite dimensional Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{g}\) of a semisimple algebraic group \(G\) over a field of characteristic zero \(k\). This central extension is given by the Kac-Moody cocycle \[ c(x\otimes f,y\otimes g)=\kappa(x,y)\mathrm{Res}_0(f\partial g), \] where \(\kappa\) is the Killing form of \(\mathfrak{g}\). This theory is well-established and documented (see [V. G. Kac, Infinite dimensional Lie algebras. 3rd ed. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press (1990; Zbl 0716.17022)] and [R. V. Moody and A. Pianzola, Lie algebras with triangular decompositions. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons (1995; Zbl 0874.17026)]).
In the present article, the authors generalize this theory to higher dimensions, i.e. instead of functions on the circle (corresponding to \(k((t))\)), they want to consider functions on higher dimensional manifolds/varieties. The main new feature of their approach is the systematic use of derived algebraic geometry. The functions on \(D^{\circ}_n:=\widehat{\mathbb A}\setminus \{0\}\), i.e. a formal neighborhood of zero in the affine space \({\mathbb A}^n\), have the cohomology \[ H^p(D^{\circ}_n,{\mathcal O})=\begin{cases} k[[t_1,\ldots,t_n]] & \mathrm{if } p=0 \\ (t_1\ldots t_n)^{-1}k[t_1^{-1},\ldots,t_n^{-1}] & \text{if } p=n-1 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} . \] This shows that in cohomology, one obtains (in degree \(n-1\)) the missing polar part. The idea from the derived point of view is to replace \(k((t))\) by the complex \(R\Gamma(D^{\circ}_n,{\mathcal O})\). The loop algebra \(\mathfrak{g}((t))\) becomes then \(\mathfrak{g}^\bullet_n:=R\Gamma(D^{\circ}_n,\mathfrak{g}\otimes{\mathcal O})\), the \(n\)th derived current algebra. The Killing form will be replaced by an invariant polynomial \(P\in S^{n+1}(\mathfrak{g}^*)^{\mathfrak g}\). The first main theorem reads then.
Theorem 1. The functional \(\gamma_P:(\mathfrak{g}^\bullet_n)^{\otimes(n+1)}\to k\) given by \[ \gamma_P(x_0\otimes f_0,\ldots,x_n\otimes f_n)=P(x_0,\ldots,x_n)\mathrm{Res}(f_0 df_1\wedge\ldots\wedge df_n) \] is of total degree \(2\) and a cocycle defining a class in \({\mathbb H}_{\mathrm{Lie}}^2(\mathfrak{g}^\bullet_n)\). This class is non-zero for \(\mathfrak{g}\) simple.
Here \({\mathbb H}_{\mathrm{Lie}}^2(\mathfrak{g}^\bullet_n)\) is the total cohomology of the differential graded Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{g}^\bullet_n\), and \(\mathrm{Res}\) is a certain residue normalized on the Bochner-Martinelli form \(\Omega(z,z^*)\).
In the classical setting, it is well-known that the central extension of the loop algebra plays a role in the construction of the determinant line bundle on the moduli space of \(G\)-bundles on curves, as principal \(G\)-bundles on a smooth projective curve \(X\) may be glued from bundles on a formal disc and bundles on the complement by using a gluing function on the boundary of the disc with values in \(G\) (Beauville-Lazlo construction), see for example [C. Sorger, ICTP Lect. Notes 1, 1–57 (2000; Zbl 0989.14009)].
In the present article, the authors generalize the Beauville-Lazlo construction to the derived higher dimensional setting. Their second main theorem (Theorem 5.3.8 and Theorem 5.5.9) is the construction of an action of the differential graded Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{g}^\bullet_n\) on the derived moduli stack of \(G\)-bundles by changes of the local trivialization, the construction of a determinant line bundle on the moduli stack and an action of the extended dg Lie algebra on the determinant line bundle in parallel to the classical theory.


14D23 Stacks and moduli problems
14F05 Sheaves, derived categories of sheaves, etc. (MSC2010)
18G60 Other (co)homology theories (MSC2010)
32A27 Residues for several complex variables
32C35 Analytic sheaves and cohomology groups
53C05 Connections (general theory)
17B67 Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended affine Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras


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