
Wild pseudohyperbolic attractor in a four-dimensional Lorenz system. (English) Zbl 1472.34106

The authors consider the 4D extension of the Lorenz system \begin{align*} & \dot{x}=\sigma \left( y-x \right), \\ & \dot{y}=x\left( r-z \right)-y, \\ & \dot{z}=xy-bz+\mu w, \\ & \dot{w}=-bw-\mu z, \\ \end{align*} where \(\sigma ,r,b,\mu \) are system parameters. With the help of numerical experiments, the authors show that the system under consideration has a so-called wild pseudohyperbolic spiral attractor [D. V. Turaev and L. P. Shil’nikov, Sb. Math. 189, No. 2, 137–160 (1998; Zbl 0927.37017); translation from Mat. Sb. 189, No. 2, 291–314 (1998)], that is, pseudohyperbolic, spiral (contains a saddle-focus equilibrium), and wild (contains a hyperbolic set with homoclinic tangencies).


34D45 Attractors of solutions to ordinary differential equations
34A34 Nonlinear ordinary differential equations and systems
34C28 Complex behavior and chaotic systems of ordinary differential equations
37D45 Strange attractors, chaotic dynamics of systems with hyperbolic behavior


Zbl 0927.37017




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