
Conformal 3-point functions and the Lorentzian OPE in momentum space. (English) Zbl 1470.81053

Summary: In conformal field theory in Minkowski momentum space, the 3-point correlation functions of local operators are completely fixed by symmetry. Using Ward identities together with the existence of a Lorentzian operator product expansion (OPE), we show that the Wightman function of three scalar operators is a double hypergeometric series of the Appell \(F_4\) type. We extend this simple closed-form expression to the case of two scalar operators and one traceless symmetric tensor with arbitrary spin. Time-ordered and partially-time-ordered products are constructed in a similar fashion and their relation with the Wightman function is discussed.


81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics
81T05 Axiomatic quantum field theory; operator algebras
81R05 Finite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics and their representations
47A05 General (adjoints, conjugates, products, inverses, domains, ranges, etc.)
33C20 Generalized hypergeometric series, \({}_pF_q\)
81T11 Higher spin theories
81T15 Perturbative methods of renormalization applied to problems in quantum field theory
53Z05 Applications of differential geometry to physics




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