
Virasoro blocks at large exchange dimension. (English) Zbl 1508.81876

Summary: In this paper, we analyze Virasoro conformal blocks in the limit when the operator exchange dimension is taking to be large in comparison with the other parameters dependence of the block. We do this by using Zamolodchikov’s recursion relations. We found a dramatically simplified solution at leading order in an inverse power expansion in large exchange conformal dimension in terms of a quasi-modular form in an Eisenstein series representation. We compare this solution with existing results obtained previously by using AGT correspondence.


81R10 Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, \(W\)-algebras and other current algebras and their representations
17B68 Virasoro and related algebras
03D65 Higher-type and set recursion theory
41A58 Series expansions (e.g., Taylor, Lidstone series, but not Fourier series)


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