
Supersymmetric spectrum for vector multiplet on Euclidean \(\mathrm{AdS}_2\). (English) Zbl 07926687

Summary: Quantum study of supersymmetric theories on Euclidean two dimensional anti-de Sitter space (\(\mathrm{EAdS}_2\)) requires complexified spectrum. For a chiral multiplet, we showed that the spectrum of the Dirac operator acquires a universal shift of \(\mathrm{i}/2\) from the real spectrum to make the supersymmetry between boson and fermion manifest, where both the bosonic and fermionic eigenfunctions are normalizable using an appropriate definition of Euclidean inner product. We extend this analysis to the vector multiplet, where we show that the gaugino requires both \(+\mathrm{i}/2\) and \(-\mathrm{i}/2\) shift from the real spectrum, and there is additional isolated point at vanishing spectral parameter which is mapped by supersymmetry to the boundary zero modes of the vector field. Furthermore, this spectral analysis shows that not every bosonic fields in the vector multiplet can satisfy normalizable boundary condition. Nevertheless, aided by a reorganization of fields into a cohomological form, we find the supersymmetry mapping between bosons and fermions in terms of the expansion coefficients with respect to the newly constructed basis.


81Txx Quantum field theory; related classical field theories
83Cxx General relativity
83Exx Unified, higher-dimensional and super field theories


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