
An inertial Tseng algorithm for solving quasimonotone variational inequality and fixed point problem in Hilbert spaces. (English) Zbl 07924066

Summary: In this paper, we propose an inertial method for solving a common solution to fixed point and Variational Inequality Problem in Hilbert spaces. Under some standard and suitable assumptions on the control parameters, we prove that the sequence generated by the proposed algorithm converges strongly to an element in the solution set of Variational Inequality Problem associated with a quasimonotone operator which is also solution to a fixed point problem for a demimetric mapping. Finally, we give some numerical experiments for supporting our main results and also compare with some earlier announced methods in the literature.


47H06 Nonlinear accretive operators, dissipative operators, etc.
47H09 Contraction-type mappings, nonexpansive mappings, \(A\)-proper mappings, etc.
47J05 Equations involving nonlinear operators (general)
47J25 Iterative procedures involving nonlinear operators


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