
Dimensionally reducing generalized symmetries from (3+1)-dimensions. (English) Zbl 07917328

Summary: Recently there has been an increasing interest in the study of generalized symmetries in dimensions higher than two. This has lead to the discovery of various manifestations of generalized symmetries, notably higher-group and non-invertible symmetries, in four dimensions. In this paper we shall examine what happens to this structure when the 4d theory is compactified to lower dimensions, specifically to 3d and 2d, where we shall be mainly interested in generalized symmetry structures whose origin can be linked to mixed flavor-gauge anomalies. We discuss several aspects of the compactification, and in particular argue that under certain conditions the discussed generalized symmetry structure may trivialize in the infrared. Nevertheless, we show that even when this happens the presence of the 4d generalized symmetry structure may still leave an imprint on the low-energy theory in terms of additional ’t Hooft anomalies or by breaking part of the symmetry. We apply and illustrate this using known examples of compactifications from four dimensions, particularly, the reduction of 4d \(\mathcal{N} = 1\) \(\mathrm{U}(N_c)\) SQCD on a circle to 3d and on a sphere to 2d.


81Txx Quantum field theory; related classical field theories
83Exx Unified, higher-dimensional and super field theories
81-XX Quantum theory


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