
Quantum current and holographic categorical symmetry. (English) Zbl 07908920

Summary: We establish the formulation for quantum current. Given a symmetry group \(G\), let \(\mathcal{C} := \operatorname{Rep} G\) be its representation category. Physically, symmetry charges are objects of \(\mathcal{C}\) and symmetric operators are morphisms in \(\mathcal{C}\). The addition of charges is given by the tensor product of representations. For any symmetric operator \(O\) crossing two subsystems, the exact symmetry charge transported by \(O\) can be extracted. The quantum current is defined as symmetric operators that can transport symmetry charges over an arbitrary long distance. A quantum current exactly corresponds to an object in the Drinfeld center \(Z_1(\mathcal{C})\). The condition for quantum currents to be superconducting is also specified, which corresponds to condensation of anyons in one higher dimension. To express the local conservation, the internal hom must be used to compute the charge difference, and the framework of enriched category is inevitable. To illustrate these ideas, we develop a rigorous scheme of renormalization in one-dimensional lattice systems and analyse the fixed-point models. It is proved that in the fixed-point models, superconducting quantum currents form a Lagrangian algebra in \(Z_1(\mathcal{C})\) and the boundary-bulk correspondence is verified in the enriched setting. Overall, the quantum current provides a natural physical interpretation to the holographic categorical symmetry.


81Txx Quantum field theory; related classical field theories
18Dxx Categorical structures
82Dxx Applications of statistical mechanics to specific types of physical systems


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