
Arrangement of nearby minima and saddles in the mixed spherical energy landscapes. (English) Zbl 07908479

Summary: The mixed spherical models were recently found to violate long-held assumptions about mean-field glassy dynamics. In particular, the threshold energy, where most stationary points are marginal and that in the simpler pure models attracts long-time dynamics, seems to lose significance. Here, we compute the typical distribution of stationary points relative to each other in mixed models with a replica symmetric complexity. We examine the stability of nearby points, accounting for the presence of an isolated eigenvalue in their spectrum due to their proximity. Despite finding rich structure not present in the pure models, we find nothing that distinguishes the points that do attract the dynamics. Instead, we find new geometric significance of the old threshold energy, and invalidate pictures of the arrangement of most marginal inherent states into a continuous manifold.


82Dxx Applications of statistical mechanics to specific types of physical systems
82Bxx Equilibrium statistical mechanics
57-XX Manifolds and cell complexes


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