
Product structure and regularity theorem for totally nonnegative flag varieties. (English) Zbl 07870143

Summary: The totally nonnegative flag variety was introduced by Lusztig. It has enriched combinatorial, geometric, and Lie-theoretic structures. In this paper, we introduce a (new) \(J\)-total positivity on the full flag variety of an arbitrary Kac-Moody group, generalizing the (ordinary) total positivity. We show that the \(J\)-totally nonnegative flag variety has a cellular decomposition into totally positive \(J\)-Richardson varieties. Moreover, each totally positive \(J\)-Richardson variety admits a favorable decomposition, called a product structure. Combined with the generalized Poincare conjecture, we prove that the closure of each totally positive \(J\)-Richardson variety is a regular CW complex homeomorphic to a closed ball. Moreover, the \(J\)-total positivity on the full flag provides a model for the (ordinary) totally nonnegative partial flag variety. As a consequence, we prove that the closure of each (ordinary) totally positive Richardson variety is a regular CW complex homeomorphic to a closed ball, confirming conjectures of Galashin, Karp and Lam in (Adv. Math. 351:614-620, 2019). We also show that the link of the totally nonnegative part of \(U^-\) for any Kac-Moody group forms a regular CW complex. This generalizes the result of Hersh (Invent. Math. 197(1):57-114, 2014) for reductive groups.


14M15 Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds
20G44 Kac-Moody groups
15B48 Positive matrices and their generalizations; cones of matrices


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